
I kill for a reason

!REMAKE IN THE WORKS! Jack is a professional killer who isn't able to feel anything. However when his classmate Melody gives him a new job, he isn't sure if is able to fulfill her request. She wants him to murder not a human, but her father's company. Furthermore the private detective Jane Watson is on their trail and during all that Jack might be developing feelings for Melody, something that seemed impossible to even think about...

DearilBlack · Realistic
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30 Chs


- You wanted something from me sir?

Jane was still sitting in her chair, thinking about the speech the director just gave. Especially the part about needing a partner to feel complete.

- Yes. Miss Watson would like to see the room of one of the students. Jack to be precise. Isn't that right Miss Watson?

- Ah, yes it would help a lot.

Even thou her top priority target should be Melody Harm, she was just too curious about Jack.

- The room of your son, are you sure?

- Son? You never said he was your son.

- Well I was the one who took care of him after his parents died. He has no family left, so I was the one who ended up adopting the boy.

- Oh, I understand... Then please show me the way to the dorms, mister...

She was searching for a name tag on the janitor's uniform, but she didn't find one.

- Its Luis. I am actually related to the director. He is my great-uncle. The kids all know me, so I usually don't wear a name tag. That's what you were searching for, right Miss... Watson was it? It's a pleasure meeting such a brilliant mind. I have read about your cases online, simply amazing how you seem to notice the smallest things. It's almost scary to be honest. If someone would do something sketchy around you, you would probably notice it in an instance.

- Please, you are giving me too much credit. I am just doing my job, calling me brilliant is a bit too much.

- I certainly am not exaggerating. You are very beautiful, and an outstanding genius in your subject. Brilliant is the only word that comes to mind describing you.

He was faking a smile, something Jane would have no problem calling out, but being in the unstable mind-set the director left her in, she didn't realize how fake the person in front of her really was. She also didn't realize him looking at the director in panic, or the two of them talking with stares alone.

- Yes, you really are an outstanding person Miss Watson. It was nice talking to you. Perhaps we should repeat this someday. However with classes having just started I think it's the perfect opportunity to search Jacks room for whatever reason you need to. And don't worry, with me being his legal guardian, there should be no problem going through his stuff, I allow it.

- Thank you very much. I also hope we will get to talk again sometime soon.

- Well then Luis, show her Jacks room. You know which one, room 255.

Luis eyes seemed to brighten.

- Ohhh, yes of course I remember. I will show her room 255, no problem at all. Well then if you would follow me Miss Watson, it this way.

With that Luis and Jane left the room, leaving the director alone with his glass of whiskey.

- Well then it seems to be going as planned. Isn't that right Jack? You didn't really think that I wouldn't be aware of what you are doing? You should know me better than this, not only because I was watching you grow up, but also because I was the one who trained you. I have connections who are telling me what you are doing. Don't go underestimating me, just because you have the advantage of me not being able to read your mind. That would be fatal, you know that. But to be honest, I trust you to be better than this and surprise me yet again. Well it doesn't really matter anyway, does it?

He drank the last drop of whiskey, and was looking outside his huge window down the schoolyard, where Luis was leading Jane to the dorms. He was satisfied being able to break Jane Watson, however it was not as satisfying as he hoped it would turn out to be. It wasn't a real challenge. The only challenge being able to satisfy his desire would have been Jack. But he never managed to break him the right way. The boy was truly admirable in this regard.

- Well then Jack my friend, my son. I guess I will see you in hell the next time we meet.

He started to laugh, while observing Jane entering the dorm, to look for clues regarding Jacks personality and the disappearance of Melody Harm. Yes he knew about the real reason she came here. He knew it all. Maybe he knew too much for his own good.

- Knowledge may be power, but the more you know the more painful the world around you becomes. Perhaps I made a mistake, but at least it should be entertaining. So do not even think of disappointing me Jack.

- Well then, here we are. Jack Dream's dorm room.

Luis was going through his pockets, pulling out his key chain, searching the one with number 255 on it and finally opening the door.

The room was decorated like a normal dorm room of a teenager. The walls had posters on them from video games and musicians. The bed was standing on the left side, in front of a window so that the sun would wake you up each morning. In one corner was a guitar set-up and on the desk was a Computer set-up made for playing games. A big television screen, together with a video game console was placed in front of the bed, so one could watch or play games while lying in bed. There was also a closet where Jane assumed all of his clothes were stored.

- You have fun then, I will leave you to it.

With those words Luis left Jane alone in Jack's room.

- Let's get to work then.

After half an hour Jane had found nothing of relevance. The only things that were hidden away were some porn-magazines, which was odd considering all the technology the room had and a few self-made drawings, which he probably hid because he thought of them as embarrassing.

- Nothing...

Well that is good, considering I almost thought of him as a potential murderer... However there is nothing out of the ordinary. At first I thought it wouldn't fit for a boy his age to have nothing to hide, but after searching his room and actually finding some things I guess he really is just a normal boy...

At least that's what they want me to think. This isn't Jack Dream's room. He had no trace of him, no real digital footprint. This in of itself is fascinating enough, however this room is filled with technology. It is impossible for him to live in this room. He is a digital ghost yet uses all this tech stuff? I don't think so... But why would they try to trick me... unless they are hiding something about him... It is also possible that Jack is the one behind all this nonsense of him living here and not even the school is informed about it... Either way this was valuable information. Now I am certain that not only Jack is someone who with a secret, but someone who is hiding it, even going so far of having a room full of lies to put someone doing research about him in the wrong track. Well then, I accept this challenge and I will find out what you are hiding and what business you have with Melody Harm.

Jane started to laugh like a maniac. To her it was blissful, being presented with such an interesting challenge.

- Amazing! Magnificent! Simply wonderful! I was waiting for such a case since forever! Oh this will be fun! We haven't even started and you already put in this much effort to lure me into the wrong direction! Hahaha! I haven't had this much fun since I was a child! Well then let's just say: The game has started my dear Jack Dream! And I won't lose to you!