
The Temptation of the Bass

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Little Beiran, Little Beiran, what are we playing today?"

In the Mirror Garden, Shi Fenglan rushed into the garden and shouted at Jiang Beiran, who was watering the flowers.

Jiang Beiran looked at Shi Fenglan and asked, "Order Master, are you interested in fishing?"

"Fishing? No way. What's the point of sitting there and wait for the fish?" Shi Fenglan shook her head. "I want to play Pai Gow!"

After spending a week together, Jiang Beiran realized that Shi Fenglan was really an interesting "giant kid". She would end up miserably every time she drank, but she always insisted on drinking.

She held a rose pipe all day long, but the pipe was filled with plum powder. Although it tasted like tobacco, it was not addictive at all.

Her gambling skills were obviously terrible, but she still insisted on gambling every day.

She looked like a rebellious girl who wanted to forcefully integrate into the "adult" world.