
Law Protector Yu Was Absolutely Right

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Beiran, have you finally thought things through when you came looking for me this time? Trust me, with your intelligence and wisdom, you'll definitely... Eh? Beiran?"

Just as Yu Manwen was saying some encouraging words with a gratified expression, she realized that Jiang Beiran's thoughts were no longer with her. It was as if he had sunk into some sort of thinking.

"Jiang Beiran, did you hear what I said to you?"

Hearing Yu Manwen's slightly raised voice, Jiang Beiran finally came back to his senses. He quickly cupped his hands and said, "I apologized. I was a little distracted because I smelled a strange fragrance just now."

Seeing that Jiang Beiran was sincere in admitting his mistake, Yu Manwen did not blame him. She asked, "There are countless plants and flowers in this Mirror Garden. Can you distinguish a special smell from them?"

Jiang Beiran nodded and replied, "I usually grew some plants, so I can barely recognize them."