
Killing Seals

Translator: 549690339

"You were bitten by a snake when you were seven, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's a flower bell snake. It scared me to death."

"When you were ten years old, you fell from the mountain and suffered quite a serious injury."

"Heavens! You can even calculate this?" Lin Shiyun's eyes sparkled, but she soon felt another pair of eyes staring at her from behind.

"Cough!" Lin Shiyun cleared her throat and sat up straight again,""I've met fortune-tellers before, but their predictions were always ambiguous and not as detailed as yours."

Putting away the copper coins, Jiang Beiran smiled and said,""Since you believe me, how about I help you read your destiny?"

"Good, good, good. Master, quickly help me calculate."Lin Shiyun nodded.

"From the moment you are born, you have a set of life spiritual numbers, which is the four pillars and eight characters mentioned in the hexagram."

Jiang Beiran took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down four words on it.