
I Never Had Thought Of It (2)

Translator: 549690339

Hearing Jiang Beiran's convincing words, Lin Shiyun hesitated for a moment before saying,""Alright, no matter what, you've already saved me twice. This time, I'll repay you."

"Oh? If he wanted to include it in the repayment, then he would split it by 90%."

"Hey!" Lin Shiyun couldn't help but shout,

"What's wrong? I think my price is very fair."

"I... I..."

Lin Shiyun, who felt that she didn't have the right to negotiate with Jiang Beiran, finally sighed and said,""Alright, then I won't consider it a repayment. I'll split it 30 - 70."

"Deal. Do you have more spirit stones?"

"Wait a moment…"

Lin Shiyun ran to a corner and only returned to Jiang Beiran's side after a while. She stretched out her hand and said,""Let's make this clear first. We must each take one of these two spirit stones. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain it when I go back."

'Twenty…Heaven grade spirit stone?