
Don't Become Handsome Again!_1

Translator: 549690339

'The Dragon Stream Jade carved like this actually has the effect of suppressing spirits... It's far stronger than the Dragon Stream Jade made using the nephrite method. It's really a rare and ingenious technique. Where did he learn it from…'

Gao Lanwen studied the Longxi Jade in her hand carefully, marveling at its exquisiteness in her heart.

Although Gao Lanwen wanted to ask for advice on the gorgeous skills that she had never seen before... No, he had asked Jiang Beiran about it, but the pride in her heart had rejected such a thought.

Shi Hongfang, who was sitting next to Gao Lanwen, felt that his chance to show off had come!

Standing up and walking to Jiang Beiran's side, Shi Hongfang said in a low voice that was loud enough to reach Gao Lanwen's ears,""Bei Ran, the old ancestor was right about you. Not only did you set up a formation that even the old man praised, but you also displayed a skill that even Director Gao has never seen before."