
I just want to live a lazy life

Fed up with his life being the demon king, named Diavolo, Yuuha let himself be killed by the woman he loved and finally made it to the everyday world of his dreams. Now Yuuha can finally have the lazy life he's always wanted and enjoy his new daily life and happiness

Lord_Blacke · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

CHAPTER 28 : leisure club

After leaving a sentence: "You two should get along", he took out a piece of paper and asked Yuuha to sign it.

Hiratsuka Shizuka left the classroom.

This piece of paper was an application to join the club. Looking at the stance, Hiratsuka Shizuka planned to write it for him.

So now, only Yuuha and Yukinoshita Yukino are left here.

Yukinoshita Yukino is one of the few beauties at Sobu High School and is also a super academic.

Yuuha felt like he needed to find a way to get her class grades or make her willing to help him with tutoring.

Although Pansy has good grades in Japanese and English, she is weak in math, and what Yuuha, an excellent student, needs is someone who can do math.

"Stop standing there stupidly, just find a chair and sit down."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at him and said coldly.

She usually talks like this, and her whole body exudes a cold aura that repels people thousands of miles away.

She's no wonder others call her the Iceberg Queen.


Hearing her speak, Yuuha nodded indifferently, pulled out a chair from the tables and chairs pushed behind her, and sat down a meter away from her.

Then, he started looking at the girl next to her with great interest.

In fact, she was really cute, but if he had to admit it, he thought Ariel was even cuter.

There was no other reason, Ariel was already his.

But Yukinoshita Yukino didn't even lift her head, just looked at the library book in her hands.

After thinking for a while, Yuuha asked, "Yukinoshita-san, now it's time for club activities, so what are our club activities?"

Of course he knew that this was the "Service Club", but he still had to ask.

"Why don't you guess? Let me give you a hint. What I'm doing now is our club activities."

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a smile, put down the library book in her hands and looked at it with interest.

Yuuha looked at her strangely.

Why do girls like asking boys to guess things so much?

That's weird.

After thinking about it, he looked at her and replied casually:

"Literature Club?"


"Reading Club?"

"Wrong answer."

"Ah, this is the Leisure Club. It's actually more peaceful than I, the former head of the Welcome Department could imagine."

Yuuha said and stood up.

"Sorry, Yukinoshita-buchou, I have something else to do so I won't accompany you anymore. Bye."

"Hang on."

Just as he stood up and prepared to leave, the girl's words of persuasion came from behind.

"What is wrong?"

Yuuha looked at her in doubt.

He wasn't opposed to joining this club, but that didn't mean he could waste time here.

Although it was great to admire beautiful girls, he had to go to the restaurant where he worked today to greet him.


Yukinoshita Yukino sighed, apparently offended by his impatience.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down and stood up.

"He who has skills will grace those who do not have them. These people are called "volunteers". They extend a helping hand to those in need. And that is what this club does."

"Takame-kun, welcome to the service department."

After saying that, she looked straight at him and opened her hands slightly, as if she wanted to express welcome.

"I see. It's the Service Department. But... isn't that name a little... sexy?"

Yuuha looked at her with a strange expression.


Upon hearing this, Yukinoshita Yukino's face froze.

Then she couldn't help but look at him with irritation.

"What unclean things are you thinking about with your head full of filth? Bacteria, haven't I explained it clearly enough just now?"

"Bacteria? If I heard right, you called me bacteria."

"No, you heard wrong, Takame-kun~"

Seeing her look away with a slightly satisfied expression, Yuuha's face suddenly became full of black lines.

"Well, whatever you say. In fact, what I just thought of is the most common thought among high school students. If you don't believe it, you can do some research and ask other people what they think of the name Service Department.

"Unfortunately, can't ordinary people want to be dishonest?

"I think you're the only one who thinks that way."

Yukinoshita Yukino wasn't convinced at all, and you could see that she was blushing slightly.

Obviously, after hearing what Yuuha said, she also found the name a bit sexy.

"Well, whatever you say, Yukinoshita-buchou, I'm leaving first."

Yuuha shrugged nonchalantly, turned and left with her backpack.

Yukinoshita Yukino opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything else.

She just felt a little lost.

Because she felt that Yuuha left early on the first day she joined the club and would definitely not return in the future.

In the end, she was still alone…

Yuuha wasn't thinking that much.

He felt that Yukino was doing useless work and wasting time.

Firstly, their goal is to help others, but in Sobu High no one knows that there is a club that helps people.

There is no advertising and there are only two club members.

So, if you just wait there, a commission will come to you?

Just a waste of time.

And the most important thing is: as a human being, you must first take care of yourself and then take care of others.

He hasn't resolved his own affairs yet, but still wants to help others?

Don't make jokes.

He doesn't have time for that.

(End of chapter)


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