
I Just Want To Go Back

Alex Stanley is a 23-year-old American shut-in who had a college degree, a job, a house, and debt free: a life that any recent college graduate would dream of. However, without a choice, he was transmigrated into a world of monsters, swords, and magic. Of course, he had his very own cheat, the system! Epic, right? WRONG! Alex Stanley, now A Chul, now had to survive in a world where he's under average, world shortage of entertainment, with an apartment he can barely live in, and over 50 billion won debt, and- to help the "hero" kill the demon king? "I don't want to be here! Let me go back!" [Ding! The host can only return to Earth when the Demon King dies or the host dies.] A Chul tried many ways to commit suicide to go back. [Ding! Due to the host's willingness and desire for death, he received the gift of Immortality!] "I didn't want to be here in the first place!" Editor: TofuMeats A/N: Cringy sh*tpost- I mean, novel updates every Friday 5 PM CST

ForgotName · Fantasy
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25 Chs

3 - The System is Being Unreasonable [3]

If I hang myself back in the apartment, won't there be a possibility that someone will stop me? What if I lock the door- The doors here don't have locks.

[Ding! The Host has a higher chance of success in the Elgin Forest.]

What is the Elgin Forest? And where is it?

[Ding! The Elgin Forest is an ecosystem consisting of rank F and E magic beasts and prohibits many from entering. The Elgin Forest is positioned 81.2° to the east and 7.2 kilometers from the Host's current location.]

Then how am I supposed to get in?

[Ding! The Host can access the Elgin Forest with Leaf.]

What Leaf?

[Ding! The Leaf is a bracelet in a form of identification from the TREE, and it rests on the wrist of the Host's dominant hand.]

Dominant hand? Isn't my dominant hand my left hand? Why is it on my right wrist? And what's a 'TREE?'

[Ding! The dominant hand of the Host's body is the right hand. The TREE Academy is one of the Five Endowments, the top five academies for the Gifted. The Host will be attending TREE Academy as a Gifted with the ability "Appraisal."]

You're telling me: I have to go to school again.

[Ding! The students in the Gifted academies will study for three years, learning about magic beasts' habitats and their weaknesses. The students will also learn various skills such as hand-to-hand combat and collaboration.]

Collaboration? Isn't that working with people? Gross!

[Ding! The system would like to notify the Host that teamwork is a requirement for graduation.]

Ha! Teamwork is not a requirement if I die!

[Ding! The rate of death for the Host in the world of Numen is 100% according to the Host's status.]

It's faster if I die now.

[Ding! The Host can arrive at Elgin Forest by riding the bus.]

That's quick, but not cheap.

[Ding! The system would like to notify the Host that transportation is free.]

Free? Why haven't you said that sooner? You're finally helpful for once!

[Ding! The system is glad that it can help the Host.]

° ° ° ° °

"Hey! Young man! Where are you going this late in the evening? Going to your girlfriend's house?" A man sitting in the bus driver's seat smiled at me.

Back in the old world, I never went outside, let alone having meetings with strangers. What am I supposed to say back?

[Ding! The Host can start by greeting the driver, then tell him the Host's destination.]

"Hi," realizing my voice was like a whisper, I spoke louder. "I'm heading to Elgin Forest."

"The Elgin Forest? Isn't that dangerous for a young man like you?" There was a concerned tone in the driver's voice.

Dangerous? How can I convince him to take me there without telling him I'm seeking death?

[Ding! The Host can mention his identity as a Gifted from the TREE academy.]

Good thinking! "Ah- I'm a Gifted from TREE. You don't need to worry about my safety."

"A student in one of the Five Endowments? If you become famous one day, feel free to come again."

Is he saying I shouldn't ride the bus again until I'm famous? How does that benefit him?

[Ding! Their earnings depend on the number of customers they serve: transportation drivers are salaried by the government through taxes.]

Tsk, a cheapskate!

[Ding! The system would like to notify that the Host is a hypocrite.]

Can you be quiet for a minute?

[Ding! The system will now be silent for one minute.]

"Bye, young man! Have a nice night. Don't do anything too dangerous!"

I want to tell that old man "but I will", but I'm willing to keep it to myself.

After getting off the bus, a boom barrier blocked my path.

I could go under it, but there's a camera pointing at my face, I don't want to pay bills adding to my nearly 53 billion debt.

"Please scan your ID." A robotic voice echoed from a box.

As I approach the metal box, I saw a small rectangular glass screen. It looked like a barcode scanner's window. I lift my wrist towards the rectangle, the box beeped and the boom barrier lifts to let me in.

Walking deeper into the woods, I started to get annoyed by the silence.

Hey, system. It had been ten minutes, I know you're not silent anymore. Why is the Elgin Forest a good place to die?

[Ding! The Elgin Forest consists of the predator, Gray Wolf, which will help the Host in removing his body. Since the Host wishes to die and the possibility of a human possessing the Skill "Revitalization" is higher than 0%, Revitalization won't work if the Host is missing various body parts.]

Hey, system. What is the chance that I'm going to be eaten alive?

[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive by Gray Wolves is 78%.]

Won't that be painful?

[Ding! The chance of the Host being in pain while getting eaten alive is 100%.]

If I'm quick enough, what's the chance of wolves eating me alive?

[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive by Gray Wolves increased to 79%.]


[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive by Gray Wolves increased to 80%!]

[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive by Gray Wolves increased to 81%!]

Without looking back, I started running. I understood what the system was trying to tell me. Although I want to return to Earth, I don't want to experience pain.

[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive-]

[Ding! The chance of the Host-]



I stopped running right before the edge of a cliff.

[Ding! The chance of the Host getting eaten alive by Gray Wolves increased to 95%!]

Silence. I don't know if I should feel relieved that the chance of getting eaten stopped before reaching 100% or worried that I might die a painful death before returning.


I instinctively turned my body towards the danger. A giant gray-furred beast appeared out of the woods with mocking eyes. Another beast popped out, followed by another, and another, until there were six wolf-looking monsters, towering the height of two meters.

"Weak food!" "Eat!" "Run slow!" "Small food!"

I wanted to laugh at myself for being such a hypocrite, running away after wishing for death, but getting laughed at by a bunch of animals for being "weak" and "slow."

A switch flipped in my head: there was a way out, a painless one.

I walked closer to the edge; The Gray Wolves came closer. With their jaws open and foul drool dripping on the grass, they were more appalling than any creatures I could ever imagine.

"You think you can eat me alive?"

The wolves looked at each other.

"Talking food?"

I raised my middle finger with my right hand and jumped back.

"See you in hell motherf*cker!"

I felt my feet leave the ground, and a split second later, I was accelerating downwards. The uneven weight of my backpack flung me around in the wind, and I lost all sense of up and down. As I approached terminal velocity, I couldn't help but grin. Jumping down a cliff to escape deadly enemies, how many times have I seen that plot device in anime and manga?

The backpack landed first, breaking my spine, and then my head slammed into the ground. A couple of cracks can be heard, probably from my legs. I don't feel any pain, and as I lay paralyzed on the grass, my short life in this new world flashed before my eyes. Screw magic, screw this new world, and most of all, screw you, the voice inside my head. Goodbye, I'm going home. As my vision was fading, I could faintly see two shining ellipses lighting up the night sky: this world has two moons.


— — — — — Braincell Corner 2 — — — — —

A(uthor): I don't understand Tofu's obsession. He told me to say "ara ara" in his direction. Might as well put on a braid on the side to raise the death flag

E(ditor): Now all that's left is for me to get the hentåi haircut

A: I think you need a girlfriend first

E: Nah, if hentåi has taught me anything is that the guy with the gf will get the girl stolen from him, and the guy with the funny haircut will get all the b*tches

A: Read normal sh*t for once

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