
I just want to be a slacker, is it too much to ask?

When some humans can’t handle their life being difficult they decide to end it themselves as they see that will free them from suffering, it's a one kind of ending. When humans are at the end of their lives they also rest in peace, it's also one kind of ending. Humans must have to go to their internal rest, that is an undeniable fact.  If there was a beginning then it had to have the ending.  But for Amphorn being alive or dead, he is always on a constant battlefield. What he fights against is an invisible enemy that can't be seen by the naked eye. He has to fight against a powerful opponent, human nature, good and evil and fight against himself before losing himself into madness. The battle is not for power, not for status or not for internal life. What he wants is the ending he lost.  The true ending is taken from him, he wants his freedom back and he will take it back no matter what. And then HE WILL REST. “Yeah. I’ll rest tomorrow, no I have to loot him tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have to destroy the palace. So yeah maybe the day after, maybe someday ~”  ‘Yeah, definitely someday, I’ll Rest’ I swear I WILL REST!        

WingsofChaos · Fantasy
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29 Chs

chapter 2

'Wow! I have never seen such a handsome guy before, Man I'm so jealous.

Is he an incarnation of some ancient immortal?

But seriously get a hold of yourself, it is not a time for losing myself over beauty. What should I do? I have a very bad feeling about this. Everything feels so weird, I need to leave here immediately right now or things will go downhill. Normally there are many eighty years old grandmas and grandpas with their dogs acting lovey dovey but today of all day I didn't see anyone here, what a bad luck ' 

Amphorn got a steady grip on the bicycle handle and steadied himself, kept his gaze down and started to move, as he moved closer he felt very nervous but he held onto it and moved past the man. 

'I can feel his gaze, geez what a nerve-cracking movement, I would rather have an exam for a whole week than this shit. My right upper hand feels on fire, damn it!'          

   Crack! Crack!

"What is this breaking sound?"

Amphorn turned his head and took a look and was stunned because the thing the man was holding, whatever is it, broke and fell on the ground and turned into light particles and disappeared.

Blink, blink 

'Is this for real? A solid thing, I Don't know how it broke, but it turned into lights and disappeared in front of my eyes.

As a science student who finished the final exams and is about to graduate, is this alright for me to witness such an unscientific thing? Oh, my god. My worldview is going to break apart, wait a minute! Maybe this is some kind of  very advanced device that has been developed by the country.'

For Amphorn no matter what, this situation is not very ideal and is best to stay away from a stranger who has a look and the atmosphere is out of the world. As someone who doesn't want to stand out and be an average person and achieve the goals he set for himself, even being near this kind of person is uncomfortable. Amphorn turned around and started to walk faster, at the movement he heard a voice that made him freeze.

" Doesn't your arm hurt?"

'How does he know his arm is hurting, and why is he talking to me, a total stranger Who met by chance? Wait! Is it even a chance encounter or has it already been planned?'

Amphorn didn't turn around and walked faster. His heart beat very fast and his arm started to hurt even more but he didn't care. He wants to stay away from this man as soon as possible or this situation will take a worse turn. As he walked, he could hear footsteps and he knew he was being followed.   

"Doesn't your arm hurt?"

'Again what with this person doesn't he understand personal bounties? '

"I can make it stop"

Amphorn stops and takes a deep breath to calm down, he knows he can't shake off this man without a proper conversation.

If you are in an annoying situation there are three things you can do; first -> run away without looking back or ignoring it, second -> destroy whatever made you uncomfortable so the problem will be solved once and for all, third -> if you are in a very disadvantageous situation where the two options are unavailable, fist analyse the problem calmly and find an opening so you can at the very least minimise the losses. As a science student who blows up a chemical in daily life, analysing the problem calmly and solving it is a fundamental skill to have.  

Amphorn took a deep breath, turned around and came face to face with a stranger who looked extremely good but very annoying at the first meeting and started to analyse the person in front of him. He was very tall and had a face handsome enough to make any girl fall, dressed in an expensive suit, very professional and had an indifferent look. Doesn't look like a violent type to beat people at the first meeting and also doesn't look like a person to walk in a park like this and initiate a conversation with a stranger out of the blue. 

'Although, I'm about to graduate and enter society for the first time. I have common sense; this kind of person who looks like a prince of some country doesn't need to initiate a conversation with some country boy like me without a clear purpose. According to my observation, this person's danger level and adjective for coming to me is unknown and he seems to know me and I'm pretty sure this is our first ever meeting. So in the end, this person wants something from me.'

'Ha! Not gonna happen. Whatever ball you are going to throw at me I'm going to throw back at you.'