
I just want to be a good teacher

maximize77 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Discipline Committee

When the others sat down, before Su Xia could decide where to sit, Mutsuki hugged his arm: "Come on, teacher, sit next to Mutsuki."

Facing the needle-pricking gaze of Qin Xiang next to her, Su Xia sat down bravely.

"Well, here is the menu, please take your time and consider it."

Su Xia cried out for help in her heart: "General! Your employees are staring at me with a smile!" But unfortunately, the miracle did not appear. Su Xia could only force herself to focus on the menu, pretending that there was nothing at all. I noticed this terrifying momentum.

Su Xia pointed to the menu and said: "This ramen is too ramen."

Under the strange looks of others, Su Xia coughed lightly: "Ahem, I mean everyone is hungry, please order quickly."

No one said anything else. After everyone ordered their meals, Qinxiang also put away the menus and informed the general.

Not long after, Qinxiang sent five bowls of ramen back and forth and said, "Thank you for your wait. This is your ramen. Please enjoy it while it's hot."

As everyone said in unison: "I'm starting!" Everyone in the convenience house devoured food as if they hadn't eaten in several days.

Su Xia laughed when she saw the actions of several people: "Everyone, eat slowly. If it's not enough, order more."

"It's so touching. I can't remember the last time I had a normal meal."

Hearing what Alu said, Mutsuki nodded: "I don't know what happened to the people in the Discipline Committee, but they all chased them to other schools."

"Discipline Committee?" Su Xia heard the familiar name and thought that this was not the organization Qianxia belonged to, so she asked, "Why are you being targeted by the Discipline Committee?"

"So we are also very strange." Mutsuki asked Kayoko: "We haven't done anything recently, right?"

Kayoko recalled for a while and replied: "After blowing up that black cram school and our own office, we really didn't do much."

"That's right! We are just living a poor life under Aro-chan, and they just attack us on their own." Mutsuki said while looking at Aro, and after seeing the latter's slightly embarrassed expression Satisfied, he continued eating.

"It's okay, Master Alu! I will follow you no matter what!" Chunxiang immediately said loyal words, but this only made Alu even more embarrassed.

"I've been working very hard to find a way." Alu said, "It's just that the bank has no vision and didn't realize our potential."

Qinxiang, who was receiving guests in the distance, trembled subconsciously when she heard the word "bank" and looked around before she felt at ease again.

Seeing Alu in a dilemma, Su Xia helped her out and said, "Speaking of which, what do you think of the noodles? Although I have only been here once as a teacher, I like it here very much."

"It's indeed delicious." Alu replied: "Although I have eaten various kinds of ramen in many places, this level of quality is really rare."

Mutsuki also said, "I never thought there would be such delicious ramen in such a remote place."

Hearing their praise, Qinxiang was also proud: "Of course the ramen in our store is the best, and many customers come here from afar."

After everyone finished eating, Su Xia asked: "You are being hunted by the Discipline Committee now, and you can't afford to eat, so where do you usually stay at night?"

"Teacher, do you know?" Alu said with a serious expression: "As long as you are sleepy enough, you won't care about the hardness of the ground."

"...How about you guys come to Xialai and stay one night, and I can go and have a chat with the Discipline Committee?"

Hearing Su Xia's suggestion, Alu did not accept it: "It's already a big help if the teacher can treat us to a meal. We can't cause any more trouble to the teacher."

Since A Lu has her own insistence, Su Xia doesn't force it: "Okay, if you need my help, send me a message anytime. After all, I am your business consultant."

Everyone in the convenience house waved goodbye to Su Xia: "Then goodbye teacher, we will definitely repay this kindness!"

Su Xia looked at them with a serious attitude and said, "If you can take care of yourselves, it will be the greatest help to me. I don't want to see you sleeping in the open anymore." She also walked towards Xia Lai.

But within two minutes of setting off, there were bursts of explosions behind him. Su Xia was immediately shocked when she heard it. Could it be that the Caesars Group had attacked Qinxiang again?

He immediately transformed and rushed towards Chaiguan Ramen, but he saw Qinxiang looking out from the door of the store, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qinxiang, what happened?"

Qinxiang pointed to the direction where everyone in the convenience house left, and said to Su Xia: "I don't know, but the explosion came from the direction where the students who came with you, teacher, just left."

"Okay, let me go take a look. You can protect the general here." After Su Xia finished speaking, she rushed towards the direction of the explosion, but she did not notice the red dot.

Su Xia thought to herself: "So the target is not Qinxiang and me, but Alu and the others?"

"Probably it's the disciplinary committee they're talking about."

The person who was commanding the mortar position at this time was a girl with white hair and twin tails and light brown skin. Next to her was Qianxia, ​​who had a relationship with Su Xia.

"Iori, is it really okay to pursue them with such a big fanfare in other academy autonomous zones?"

"It doesn't matter, Yazi's order is to catch them as soon as possible, right? Then the chairman of the committee will blame her and put the blame on her."

Qianxia sighed and said: "Ha... if the Chairman finds out, none of us can run away, right?"

"Ahem, we'll talk about the rest later. The goal now is to catch them." Iori changed the subject and ordered to the nearby discipline committee members: "Second Squadron, come with me!"

At the convenience house, they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers and were ready to give it a go. At this time, Chunxiang pointed at Su Xia who was coming here in the distance and said in surprise: "Lord Alu, isn't that the same thing as before? The one from the masked swimsuit group!"

Alu squinted her eyes as hard as she could in the direction Chunxiang pointed, and then said in surprise: "Are they here to help us?"

Kayoko replied calmly: "But it seems that only the teacher is here."

"Teacher? Where is the teacher?" Alu asked with a confused look, then looked around, trying to find traces of Su Xia.

"Aro-chan is really slow." Mutsuki looked at Aro with amusement, and then said: "The teacher is the one wearing armor, and the waiter at the ramen shop just now is also one of them."

Seeing Aru's whole body as if frozen, Mutsuki finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud: "Hahaha, so since Alu-chan is short-sighted, why doesn't she wear glasses?"

"This has nothing to do with whether we wear glasses or not." Kayoko complained, and then said: "With the help of teachers, we might still be able to fight."