
I Just Want Players to Save Money, They Insist on Giving Me!

Ke Jin transmigrated into an era where gaming was in utter chaos. Everyone here deeply believed in the notion of buying happiness with money, as game companies ran wild with various schemes to trick and force players to spend. As a game enthusiast from his past life, Ke Jin felt like he was in a world without sunlight. Luckily, he obtained the Free Game Production System! Players could get the ultimate reward of the "Complete Collection of All Game Design Schemes" without spending a single cent! Not spending money? How hard could that be? Heap on the benefits! Give away 50 consecutive draws during the summer heatwave! Give away 100 draws on the second day after the server opens! Due to the game reaching 50 daily active users, we are issuing a cool skin set originally priced at 999! The planner's niece just turned 17 years and three months plus 7 days old, so we're giving away 50,000 crystals! My sincerity is almost flooding the players. Surely nobody will spend now, right? Secretary: Mr. Ke, good news! Our newly launched game has just reached over a hundred million in daily transaction volume on its first day! Ke Jin: Huh? How is that good news... No, what about the other game? The one where we give full 100-99 discount vouchers upon starting, isn't its sales terrible? Looking puzzled, the secretary said while anticipating the boss's reaction: They've been shouting things like 'what a conscientious company' and 'if we don't spend, they'll go bankrupt,' so they just topped up. That game sold a whopping one hundred million copies globally. Congratulations on making a billion! "......" At 3:30 a.m., lying in bed, Ke Jin was wide awake, unable to sleep. He posted a status: Please, I beg you, stop spending. You guys are really making it hard for me... Player: Understood, Mr. Ke is hinting life is hard, brothers, let's step up! Charge it!

Chen Tang Resting on the Moon · Urban
Not enough ratings
325 Chs

Chapter 14: Triple Win, a Direct Mahjong Win!_3

Translator: 549690339


And he also filmed a video of the "I wanna" backstage programmer.

Huang Chun immediately felt relieved, and his tone became more respectful.

But there was still some confusion.

"Mr. Ke, the thing is, our platform usually doesn't have very high daily active users... We might not be able to satisfy your needs..."

"I actually prefer that the daily active users are not high," Ke Jin said subconsciously.


"Oh, what I mean is, it is precisely because you are still developing, which shows that you are a vibrant new team. You are more likely to inspire the creative passion of a new author like me. Let's work together and create a beautiful future!"

"Shh... Mr. Ke, that's impressive!" Huang Chun gasped in admiration, wishing he could give Ke Jin a thumbs up through the phone.

Look at his level of consciousness!

You can tell he's someone who will accomplish great things!

After a detailed conversation.

Huang Chun expressed that as long as Ke Jin's next game is released on Cloud Game,

he would represent the platform to give Mr. Ke a break, taking only thirty percent of the revenue.

The remaining seventy percent would be delivered to Ke Jin in full.

For a platform that needs to make ends meet, giving up seventy percent is almost the limit.

One could say it was full of sincerity.

Ke Jin did not hesitate and immediately signed an electronic contract with Huang Chun.

Of course, Ke Jin was not foolish.

He only signed the exclusive release rights of his next game to Cloud Game.

As for the game after that, who knows.

Ke Jin himself did not even know yet, so naturally, he could not let one platform lock him down.

After a bit more casual chat, Ke Jin hung up the phone.

As soon as he put down his phone, Ke Jin showed a relieved smile.

What he was interested in was not the so-called daily active users of Cloud Game,

but the deeper thing behind those numbers.


"Goose Duck Kill" is an online game that requires internet connection to play, and naturally, it cannot do without the setup of servers.

But what kind of platform is Cloud Game?

A platform with only about ten thousand daily active users.

Would they set up a server for a hundred thousand people to play smoothly, only to let it gather dust every day?

Obviously not.

This means that even if some streamers mysteriously promote the game again, leading to a surge in downloads,

their Cloud Game servers won't be able to handle that many people!

And expanding servers is not something that can be done in a short time.

He just needed to make sure that when he took the top spot, he wasn't filled with fifty thousand dollars.

"This time, it's really stable."

"Even if Jesus comes, they won't be able to fill it with fifty thousand dollars," Ke Jin said confidently, with a winning smile.


Meanwhile, at Cloud Game Company.

Huang Chun had just hung up the phone with Ke Jin and couldn't help but clench his fists and shout.


With the addition of the game designer from Iwanna, the rise of Cloud Game starts today!

Such a stroke of luck made him so excited that his face turned red, and he was even too emotional to process it.

He quickly composed a message and bragged about it in his circle of friends.

"Cloud Game welcomed a big shot today! It's the game designer who has become famous on Thunderbolt these past few days. You can guess who it is? And explain why it's Ke God /grin/grin"

And he even attached a picture of the contract.

Of course, although Huang Chun was overjoyed, he wasn't foolish enough to expose Ke Jin's personal identity.

He thoughtfully covered all the necessary privacy, only leaving Ke Jin's electronic signature to confirm the news.

In this way, he could show off within his social circle.


Afternoon, five o'clock.

Just before closing time.

No one at WWgame platform dared to leave.

The entire office was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Those with work buried their heads in their tasks, and even those without work had no choice but to pretend to be busy.

Finally, a man in a suit and leather shoes came out of the manager's office, glanced at his watch, and then clapped his hands.

"All right, everyone, put down what you're doing and come to the office for a meeting."

The topic of this meeting was already clear to everyone.

It was mainly about the sudden incident of Iwanna, the author, being poached by Cloud Game.

Originally, with the rapid rise of Iwanna on B station,

a large number of new users had been attracted, and the influx of new users continued unabated.

Although the recharge content of the game was poorly set up, the players who came for its fame did indeed register accounts on WWgame.

All these were valuable resources!

Just as Liu Tianding, the general manager of WWgame, was delightfully thinking about upgrading the designer's contract for the next game, urging him to keep up the good work,

a bolt from the blue struck.

He saw the content shared by a colleague from a competitor on his social media and the photo of the clearly signed contract.

His smile instantly vanished.

Thinking that one of his own had neglected this new author, he had scolded his staff harshly at noon.

It turned out, Ke Jin seemed to have had no communication with his company's employees at all.

He just didn't want to stay at WWgame anymore, that was all.

"Alright, let's discuss how we can solve this issue," Liu Tianding began pacing the conference room with his hands behind his back. "This young man is golden, as you all have seen. His first game 'Origin of Species,' while not too original, has gameplay, structure, and settings that are almost flawless. A newcomer achieving 5,000 downloads is already not a bad figure."

"And his second game 'Iwanna' even set off a trend on Thunderbolt. Up to now, the discussion about 'Iwanna' has exceeded 1.5 million."

"Such talent, and you guys let him slip away!" Liu Tianding, frustrated, clenched his teeth and glared at everyone.
