
The Five

"So, you better listen to me or fuck off!" said the veiled woman coldly.

"Tch… Fine." grumbled the hideous misty person before disappearing into thin air.

Seeing the misty person gone, the woman could only release a deep sigh.

'Tch.. Nothing has been going well ever since our mission in Sunset City. There is also that unknown mysterious force who always targets all the religious groups.' complained the woman inwardly.

While some religious groups and other forces targeted the border of Nergal, a small group approached the Windshire Fort. This group of people has the same trait of red skin.

"So, this is what the outside world looks like, huh?" asked one of the red-skinned people.

"It looks no different than the Ancient Vault area." said another person.

"It doesn't matter. In the end, we are just nothing but a slave." said another person.