
I just Wanna be Hero not Heroine

"Oh god, come in front of me. I want to kill you in pieces. I just want a very beautiful lover. I don't want to be a beautiful girl." Min Lwin always wanted to be a superhero like movies. But this is is just a dream. One day, a strange crystal changed his life. He become a albino beauty with powerful superpowers but... his little brother is gone!!

Thaw_Lwin_Ko_Ko · Sci-fi
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54 Chs

Chapter 2 Timmy the dude

Chapter 2: The Dude Timmy

Min Lwin's first friend when he was in high school was Timmy. His friend's power was that people noticed whatever he do. Timmy's life goal is to be a magician like David Coffey who used to be famous.

Timmy uses a set of cards with glue to show a magical trick to other people. If you don't know, you will think that he can play cards very well. But it's just a simple trick. Today every YouTube users can be tracked how he do that.

For now, He is trying to impress a new girl who just come to their school. He is trying to guess the cards in the girl's hand. Actually, behind the back of the cards, there are already secret codes. Even so, he didn't remember the codes behind the cards. Finally, he asks to help Min Lwin to guess the cards together and let him sit next to him. 

After passing ten years, Min Lwin becomes a young adult with a thin body. He wore circle glasses. His appearance is like a man who won't eat anything for a month. He also wearing a simple T-shirt. Now he is eating a sandwich that makes by his mom and he don't even gave a glance to Timmy.

"Well, guessing the cards is a bit of a chore, man. You usually need to spend at least eight hours a day for training alone."

In actually, he don't do anything belong with that training and he alway sleep in class like a lazy elephant. But their fellow new classmate Sofia don't say anything and she quietly drank orange juice in her hand.

Timmy made several mistakes while playing cards. Sometimes, he even lose control on cards and they jumping around the table. So the screct codes that behind the cards is already on public and even blind can know it is just scam! Timmy in helpless stiuation hold Min Lwin's shirt sleeve next to him and asked.

"Do you know the cards she hold?"

Min Lwin look at the cards in the girl's hand and start showing a hint. For the first card, he show his five fingers and form in diamond shades. For second card, he point to the heart once and tap with two fingers. Then he smiled and pretended to cut his cheeks with knife like what joker do in dark knight movie.

But Timmy's eyes are widely open and seem he don't understand. Sophia pretended not to notice and smiled at Min Lwin.

Min Lwin knows the cards what the girl is holding. It's almost ten years later, but the young man Min Lwin is still awake any kinds of powers. Most of peopld awake their mutant power at the age of seven, but some are usually late.

But, the boy don't think like this anymore. He is almost at the end of teen age and starting thinking his body is too weak to awake a power and do exercise but it's useless.

Even though he has unique photographic memory, it's just he has a good memory than others and not a superpower.

"Spike 5, 2 Hearts and whatever" Timmy said.

The girl laughed and showed him her cards. It's actually what Min Lwin show as a hint, there are Diamond Five, 2 heart and a Joker in her hand. What Timmy said is Only two hearts is correct. So, Now Timmy face was darken.

The girl smiled and looked at Min Lwin before she leave. The girl had sunburnt skin, she is a beautiful girl with golden hair and blue eyes.

She also have a bit bigger pair of peachs (Oppai) and her cat walking style can seduce every guys on the planet. But none of the boys in their school including Timmy, couldn't seduce her till this day.

Although Timmy failed to show his skill, other students and girls still praising Timmy for being guess to correct one of the three cards.  His ability to seduce is truly over natural. Min Lwin Even thought like that "Will they still praising this guy if he eating dog's shit?"

Actually, Min Lwin didn't like Timmy.

But, this guy is a little rich man and have a lot of money. and he life like a monkey that living carelessly. 

Meanwhile, the powerless Min Lwin wants to be a hero. This guy

used his useless power to seduce girls. Also He is a rising star in modelling and make photos shooting at the holidays. Even in a superhero movie (really, it's just low budget one.) he get a place as a supporting actor. Since, Timmy has a great source of income, he can spent his money in many ways as he like.

Timmy is a real lazy youth.  He also used his power to cheat during the exam. With his power, every girls in examroom will shows their answer paper. Even their 50 years old history teacher Madame Gonpa cannot resist his succubus like power.

Sadly, Global League of heroes and government don't make a law to prevent that students use their mutant power for eaxm-cheating. That make Min Lwin's chest hurts too.

Min Lwin also has a unique talent. He can invent many things with his great IQ. But without money, He cannot do nothing. So, Min Lwin make Friend with Timmy for his finance.

Once in their High School innovation demonstration, Min Lwin invents a automatic alert system for heroes as supporting tech. But those shamless Timmy enlist as a co-inventor of his automatic alert system, which he invented without reservation. 

His finest technology work make so well and a major hero supporting technology company bought it. That case even appeared in a magazine but they face up the inventor is rising star model Timmy and Min Lwin didn't even get a picture on the article. They shown his namss as a Co-inventor at the last sentence of the article. Even the worse his name is wrong. They write his names as Ming Ling a chinese name.


"F*ck, What the hell!" Min Lwin even want to burn down that media company office.

"Those stupid reporter should die!"

' These are the words in Min Lwin's heart. Finllay he sighed, "atleast, they nearly correct my first name." Actually, Suvana's people names don't include surnames, it only has first name (not family names) and others. Their naming system is like burmese.

In other words, he make friend Timmy for money and not really he wish. But as other reason, if Timmy don't support him, Will je a investor? 

Every creative need a lot of money, even in arts. Yes, Min Lwin's family has only one income and it's his father pension.

To join the best high school, Min Lwin mother saved money for many years without thinking even the cost of living. So called Great American education is too expenses for their family.

Min Lwin's mother doesn't want her son to go into student debt. So she find a job in a store and supported him. Min Lwin cannot invent anything by himself. So he take advantage of Timmy wealthy.

Timmy supported him financially

and act as an outstanding student at school.

Min Lwin got up from the canteen tables with many thoughts. Timmy still playing the cards with other students and some even betting. 

There was only five minutes left to restart lecture times. So Min Lwin get out form canteen and came to the closet. A black student was being bully by two tall white men overthere. But, Min Lwin cannot participate due to a lack of power. But, their strong classmate Mellie pulled the two white men up and down by the intestines until he touched the ceiling.

Mellie was a tall girl and have curly brown hair . Also her face has long design and handsome.  She was a good athlete and she has strength mutanted power. She can also use force to jump through the air for a while. She even resembled to Min Lwin's uncle Kiloman. Even some heroes agencies are trying to get her to work. Ordinary high schools don't usually have very strong mutants. Normally, there is only usless mutants in battles like Tammy, the F ranker. Some Students has power to bend a spoon and some can converted  water the wine.

But Mellie was a D- ranker. If she try a little harder, she could be a D+ or D ranker. So, she has ability to join hero school. However like Min Lwin, she was too late to awake ability and when her ability awaken, it's already start a semester. So she missed the right to join hero Academia. If Min Lwin heard was correct, she will change school and join a hero academia in next semester.

Min Lwin looks at the girl and he automatically smiled. But Mellie

didn't notice him. After solve the problem with those two bullies, she

told the black boy to be careful and left. The boy left in surprised. For him, Mellie was so ironic. Even his face turned red. Ofcouse, the boy is finally atteacted by older sister Mellie.

Actually, Min Lwin also interested in Mellie. Their age is easy to get emotional. But, he don't dare to confess. The Last brave man who confess on Mallie was the leader of their school Karate Club. But he was beaten like a scam bug and not yet been discharged from the hospital.  Mallie once said that she only cares about heroes who are stronger than her.

Min Lwin has a idea "If one day, I become stronger than her, Can I confess to her?" For the current situation, he don't even have a ability. He don't want to die from beaten by the girl he crush.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. So Min Lwin turned around. That is Sophia, the girl who playing cards together with Timmy before. she greet Min Lwin immediately.

"Allow me, Mr Ming Ling. while we play cards, you already guess all the cards correctly, right?"

"You formed ths shade of diamond with your hand, ponting at the heart

and acting like a joker, right?"

"My friend Tin Mi doesn't look like to watch Batman movies. otherwise, He will correct for sure."

"I suppose really.  Is your ability is mental or intellectual?"

"I don't have any ability."

"Impossible."  Because of Min Lwin's answer, Sofia was a little surprised.  Min Lwin explained slowly.

"I had photographic memory but no intellectual power. I already

checked in Hospital."

Photographic memory is somewhat simlliar to psychics abilities of mutants. But Min Lwin's symptoms are common and not a mutant ability. Therefore, the doctor did not consider it as a ability.

"Sorry, I think I already meet someone with the same kind of my power."

It look like Sofia is a mutant with phychics powers.

"The Doctors were named 'The Mental Barrier Ability' after they found my ability can withstand any kind of phychics attacks."

"The name is beautiful."

"Mr.Ming, can we be friends?"

Sofia offered her hand.  Min Lwin handshake with sofia and fixed she calld his name in worng.

"My name is Min Lwin, I am not Chinese, So the first name Min is not the Surnames. So you cannot call me with only first name. Called me Min Lwin fully."

"Ah...are you a Burmese with no surname? I think you're a chinese."

"That… not quite. I'm from Suvana.  both Burmese and Suvana has same naming system, Since they are bloodline is same."

"Buzzz...." Suddenly the headmaster

The bell rang.  Sophia took his hand

and leave to her classroom.

"Bye, see you later."



When their school time is end. Timmy was sitting in a 1980s model racing car and waiting for Min Lwin.

"Bro, where are you going? I don't seen you in classroom and I thought you already die somewhere outside." Min Lwin said.

When their classes continue after breaks, he don't seen Timmy in classes and now he come out from nowhere with a red racing car.

  "And, your car has diesel engine right?" Petrol and diesel cars are now banned from driving in the city at 2042. There all-electric cars on the roads. Even on the highway lanes, fossil fuel licenses are being tested.  And high school students aren't old enough to drive.  This guy is breaking two laws at once.

"Hey Bro, I borrowed this car from my aunt's boyfriend for a while."

"You bastard, you don't have a driver's license.  And this city don't approve to drive a diesel car on downtown roads. What you up to?"

"I go for a walk here and there."

Timmy brought a metal soda can

and threw it at Min Lwin. As for him,

he took out a large beer can and opened the lid.

  "God, this guy really think to do drink and drive?  This guy is breaking three laws at once."

Min Lwin looked at his Soda can and look. Actually, that it just a fake Coke simillar to Cola and now his anger at the peaks.

This guy, timmy is a little too much.  Coca Cola or Pepsi may be a bit more sutiable than this fake one....  He raised his eyebrows and said.

"Son of a bi**h...."

"What?  You're not a mother boy ?you don't drink beer afterall. So

I bought soft drinks for you and

that's all that's left in the vending machine."

Timmy pointed to the vending machine next to the car.  Except for the jelly for kid, there is nothing left.


"What... do you want to eat jally?"

"Shut up!"

Timmy opened the car door for Min Lwin and said.

"My dear, get in the car. To night, we go everywhere and we will return at late night."

"Hey Bro, the last exam is coming and we have only three months left."

"Three months is ninety days, calm down bro,Just go up."


"What if, I get arrested?"  Min Lwin

asked hesitantly and Timmy flipped open his phone and show his bank account. There is at least ten zeros.  Min Lwin almost forget this guys is a millionaire.

"If you have money, everything can be happens."

Buu! ..... After that, black smoke rolled out of the red cari's old engine and covers the entire school entrance.  Many students at the entrance were left in the dense smoke.