
I Just Inherited My Grandfather's Female Disciples

After Liu Ming's grandfather mysteriously vanished, he inherits the Sacred Cloud School, once a prominent sect on the Yuande Continent. Now in decline, it falls upon Liu Ming to restore its former glory. Alongside the sect, his grandfather entrusted him with several female disciples: [Su Yan] the ice-cold beauty who mentors Liu Ming on becoming a worthy patriarch. [Xiu Meixiang] a pure-hearted junior sister that idolizes him. [Yu Lan] a tall and sexy beauty who is known for her laid-back and carefree personality. [Chen Ruyi] A slender beauty with brown hair who welcomes the young patriarch with open arms! To revive the school, Liu Ming must guide these disciples and seek out more. This way, he shall reach the pinnacle of the Profound Sky Domain, and uncover the truth behind his grandfather's disappearance and the secrets hidden in the Sky Palace and beyond!

CastlePanda · Eastern
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58 Chs

News from the Council

Nearly a week had gone by since the showdown with Ling Clan's young master, and since then, it's been nothing but peace.

Liu Ming spent his time teaching his female disciples a few things and focusing on his cultivation behind closed doors.

Despite the calm around him, Liu Ming couldn't help but feel uneasy.

He humiliated Ling Tian to show how strong Sacred Cloud School was, believing lots of disciples would want to join them. But surprisingly, not one person showed any interest in joining their sect.

It was still very empty.

When he brought it up with Sect Master Maomao, the cat just told him to be patient, saying these things take time.

That should have eased Liu Ming's worries, but he knew how quickly news spread in the cultivation world. Back in Clear Water Village, even news about a young master's minor breakthrough would spread in seconds.

Normally, word of Sacred Cloud School's comeback should have reached everyone in a day or two, but somehow it felt like it hadn't.

"Sigh~ this is disappointing..."

Liu Ming sulked as he stirred the wooden bowl of soup that Xiu Meixiang had prepared for him.

Behind him, Xiu Meixiang gently massaged his shoulders, a bright smile on her face. The chance to care for her Senior Brother so intimately left her smiling the entire time.

"Brother Ming, please don't be sad. I'm sure we'll get some new disciples soon!"

She was doing her best to cheer him up.

The emptier the sect felt, the more worried she became about Liu Ming's mental health. That's why she made her special Get-Well Soup for him.

Liu Ming scooped up some soup with his wooden spoon and slurped it halfheartedly. The soup was delicious, as expected of Xiu Meixiang's culinary skill, but his depression made everything taste bland.

They were in the Medicine Hall on Flame Cauldron Peak.

Seated across from Liu Ming was Yu Lan.

Despite her usual smug expression, she looked unhappy seeing her patriarch so downcast.

"Will you smile if I offer you something more womanly, Young Master?"

Yu Lan leaned closer on the table, her vixen eyes staring into his clear blue ones.

Liu Ming sighed and replied, "I don't really feel like it."

Yu Lan's eyebrows shot up in surprise.


She was used to him reacting in a cute way to her teasing.

Now, seeing him so unresponsive made her sad too.

The two beauties around him both seemed unhappy seeing him this way. The same couldn't be said for Sect Master Maomao, who had a wide grin on his face. He was more interested in the soup Liu Ming was drinking than in Liu Ming's mood.

Crawling forward, Maomao said, "Ahem! Young Patriarch, if you don't want to enjoy this soup, why not pass it on to this competent cat?" He placed a paw on his chest for emphasis.

Xiu Meixiang frowned at the cat. "Sect Master! I made this soup especially for Senior Brother. I won't let you enjoy something I worked so hard on!"

The cat's face scrunched up as he stood on his two feet and angrily waved his fist at her. "You arrogant little girl, do you know how many years I have over you? Show some respect!"

Not in the mood for noise, Liu Ming slid the wooden bowl to Maomao.

"Meixiang, it's fine."

Both the young lady and the cat were surprised by how readily he relinquished the bowl.

"A-, are you sure?" Maomao asked.

Liu Ming looked at the cat. "You said you wanted some, right?"

"Uh, never mind…"

If Liu Ming wasn't going to fight for the tasty soup, then Maomao didn't want to drink it.

For the cat, the fun part was snatching the soup from Liu Ming to annoy him and then enjoying the chase around the Medicine Hall as Liu Ming tried to catch him.

Liu Ming stood up and started walking away.

"I'm going into seclusion for a few weeks. Only disturb me if we get a new disciple."

His voice sounded very dull.

The two beauties, as well as the cat looked at him with pity.

"Hrmm..." Maomao stroked his furry chin, clearly deep in thought. "Actually, Young Patriarch, I might have an answer to your prob──"

Before he could finish, Su Yan barged into the Medicine Hall, startling everyone.

Concerned, Liu Ming quickly approached her. "Yan Mei, what's wrong?" he asked, noticing the panic on her face. Even when the Ling Clan's young master had arrived, she hadn't looked this stressed. "Is someone here to see me?"

Su Yan took a moment to catch her breath.

"Th-, there's..."

She pointed outside.

"Th-, there's an envoy from the Council waiting at the sect's gates!"

"Council?" Liu Ming tilted his head, puzzled. "What's this Council are you talking about?"

Silence filled the Medicine Hall as everyone looked at him in disbelief.

Their own patriarch didn't know about the Council.

Liu Ming's frustration grew.

"Can you guys just tell me who they are already? I've only been studying the cultivation world for a little over a month. You can't expect me to know everything!"

Sect Master Maomao nodded in agreement, understanding Liu Ming's predicament. He knew it was his fault for not teaching Liu Ming about the political branch of the cultivation world, the most crucial aspect.

Sect politics was a dangerous game.


Maomao jumped from the table to Liu Ming's head with a grin.

The cat found a comfortable spot on the young man's head and settled down. He puffed out his chest, looking quite proud of himself.

"Let's go see this envoy. I'll explain things to you on the way."

Liu Ming smiled, "Good!"

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━

While flying across the sect on a sacred sword, Maomao took the opportunity to give Liu Ming a quick explanation about the Council.

"Alright, listen here kid..."

The Council of Heavenly Mandates.

They were the supreme governing body overseeing the complex affairs of various sects throughout the Profound Sky Domain.

Made up of highly respected and powerful individuals called Immortal Officials, the Council maintained stability, order, and prosperity in the cultivation realms through its intricate and often strict policies.

The current head of the Council was Celestial Emperor Xuanyuan.

Beneath him were nine elder Immortal Officials who played a significant role in policy-making. Each Immortal Elder represented one of the nine celestial pillars, covering different aspects of the cultivation world like Alchemy, Martial Arts, Formation, and the others.

After gathering all the information from Maomao, Liu Ming nodded thoughtfully while gracefully flying on his sword.

"So, apart from the Sky Emperor, they're the top power in our Profound Sky Domain."

Keeping his gaze downward to spot the sect's gates, Liu Ming listened as Maomao added more details.

"Su Yan is worried because the Council only takes nine actions per celestial cycle. If they've sent an envoy to our Sacred Cloud School, it's highly unlikely to be good news."

"I see..."

Liu Ming remained calm.

Before long, they reached the sect's gates, confirming Su Yan's report: an envoy awaited them.

It was a stout man with a round belly and the satisfied expression of someone well-fed. He wore lavish robes, fitting for a dignitary from a higher realm.

What surprised Liu Ming wasn't how the man looked, but the lack of any intimidating aura around him.

He had imagined an envoy from such a powerful governing body would have the presence of a mythical sea-devouring beast.

Instead, the man seemed more like an adorable, well-fed bunny.

Perhaps the Council hadn't come to stir up trouble, hence sending someone less imposing.

That was Liu Ming's hope.

"Greetings, envoy from the Council."

Liu Ming greeted respectfully, hovering lightly on his glowing sacred sword.

"I am Liu Ming, grandson of Liu Changsheng, the Heavenly Sword Patriarch. You were seeking the patriarch, correct? Here I am."

His voice was confidently refined, not trying to sound superior but naturally carrying authority.

The chubby man floated a golden scroll over to Liu Ming.

As he accepted it, Liu Ming started to ask, "So, what is thi─"

Before he could finish, the fat man vanished into thin air.

The young patriarch clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Ugh, these Council people have no manners at all."

More focused on the scroll, Maomao gently patted Liu Ming's head.

"Okay, okay, forget about those snobs from the Council. Just open the letter already!"

Liu Ming let out a small sigh to ease his frustration, then unfolded the scroll and began to read it.

『To the Leader of the Sacred Cloud School,

It is with heavy hearts that we, the Council of Heavenly Mandates, must inform you of your sect's relegation to lower-class status. The loss of your disciples has greatly diminished your sect's power and influence. As per the rules established in the Treaty of the Nine Heavens, a sect must maintain a minimum of thirty disciples to retain its status.

You are hereby granted a grace period of one year to rebuild your sect. Failure to do so will result in further penalties, including the confiscation of your sect's assets and territories.

May the heavens guide you in your time of need.


Immortal Official Mo Shan』

"Wh-, what?"

Liu Ming's eyes went wide as he read the final words of the decree. His hands trembled, and the letter slipped from his grasp to the ground.

Maomao sensed what was about to happen and covered his ears.


The young patriarch let out an angry scream at the top of his lungs.

Birds nearby scattered in fear.

The Sacred Cloud School was on the verge of falling to a lower-class sect.