
I jump in and out of Harry Potter world .

Adam is a kid who live in Earth 1999998 where Captain America had fought in world war II and Tony stark has declayered himself as Iron-man . He is son of James and Lily Bekham. In his world he was a normal 14 year old kid who is a gifted genius . He like to live life with his own rule facing any problem headon . He one day get transmigrated to Harry potter world ( he didn't knew at first that he is in a alternate time line then original Harry potter world ) as Harry potter himself . anything Harry learn come back with Bekham to his own real world . Because of some mysterious cause Adam don't need a wand to perform magic and magic come easy to him . by using his knowledge as Bekham and the power of Harry potter Bekham unintensionally become a superhero . Adam bekham age 14 title - Gifted Genius skills - Genius scientists ( Major in Biomechanics , Biophysics , Biochemistry, Genetic designing , Mathmatics and theoritical Physics , ). CURRENT TECHNIQUES (LUMOS CHARM ) Allow the user to create any wavelength of electro magnetic spectrum . (SPECTRUM VISION ) Due to a side effect of being able sence magical power and adams adaptation to the magical power he developed specrum vision enabling him to see whole spectrum . (LEVITATION CHARM ) Original levitation charm only allow user to levitate an object or move object with there wand but as Adam does it directly with his brain . He could now controll movement of matter at a atomic scale giving the illusion of telekinesis. (TRANSFIGURATION) Magic being the primal force of nature is capable of bending reality on a quantumic scale . This ability allow Adam to change the reality of an non resisting or non intelligent organism into anything he so desire making it appear as something else entirely . (METAMORPHOMAGUS /SHAPESHIFTER) ADAM as Harry is a natural Born Metamorphomagus along with his newly mutated body and his prior knowledge in human anatomy /physiology grant him ascess to every atom in his own body . He could potentially shapeshift into anything thing he desire as long as he preiorly know the structure of his desired object and it come within the mass and energy consumption ratio. (TELESCOPIC VISION ) Adam with his friends have developed a blue print for organic eye that could grant telescopic vision to a human ( technologically imposible in current time ). But with the help of his shapeshifting he could change his eyes to have telescopic abilities . He can see up to a mile range with perfect sight . Including any spectrum vision will grant him telescopic spectrum vision. (Tactile telekinesis ) Mastering his Telekinetic abilities , Adam has learned to harness its power to enhance his strength , speed and agility . He could punch with two ton of force . or pinpoint the force with his finger in a single point without damaging his finger .( with increase in his magical power and improved controll it could grow indefinitely ) .

Trillionaire100 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Trolls IV

The rain of bullets were Unexpected but it gave me a few more seconds to think .

"SHIELD ME " Killgrave shouted .

My Nose eye and ears are coverd entirely by the filters after my chat with Murdock. Not daring to go near the man unprepared .

The filters were made specially to exchange only oxyzen with 95% efficiency . Sparing me of the mental controll .

But now Both The mosters are at his disposal what could I do in this situation.

Abomination shielded Kilgrave with his body fromt he incoming bullets . The Bullets bounced off of the Abomination .

" BRING IT DOWN " Killgrave roared as all his bodyguard jumped after the hellycopter showering us with Bullets . Jessica straight up Flew to the copter dodgeing the bullets . I on the otherhand took the chance and emptied the my pockets they hold the water capsules I have prepared for killgrave . With a bit of telekinesis They floated straight from my hand to Killgraves open mouth shoving themselves down his throat .

" Akk , What the hell " Killgrave said looking at me .

" Call them down , " My voice was heavy and threatening .

" Ha,, ... How " Killgrave shuttered .

" the capsule you just swallow contain micro bombs enough and a dispersable Cinide , If you don't call them off I i will " I left the sentence incomplete demonstrating my point by tossing one such capsule transfigured into a micro bomb of my own design ( Designed for a certain jock named flash ) the capsule exploded ripping the wall apart as soon as it collided .

" You may be strong from out side but even you will not survive bombed from inside destroying your internal organs and brain into a mush paste " My threat sinked into him as i heating up his inside still controlling the capsule with my remote .

" Stop ,, stop , " The comand worked as all the monsters with peter and Jones landed near us but by then then copter is a stumped soda Cane .

" Tell them to fall asleep " I ordered .The look on his face was not amusing he must have hated being controlled huh .

" You all are sleepy ,Fall asleep " with that the mosters , Peter and Jessica fall down on the ground sound asleep .

" Please , Please let me Go.. " I clicked the button for a second the bomb inside him heat up so hot that it could be seen from out side of his body then it explode tearing him apart . Do I feel sad killing a person No I didn't If you are not strong enough to do what is right thinking you will not be able to stop then fuck off . I am not weak little shit I will kill if needed I will save if needed and destroy if needed to save my family . As my dad says If you do something then have strength to face its consequences .

" X , You killed him " Murdock said through the link .

" I m not a cop , Devil There is no way I will let that bastard go free now lets take them and leave" . the croud that have formed around us were shocked at the development someone took pictures someone clap and was followed by the whole row of peopel . I lifted Jones and Peter with my telekinesis jumping up the roof vanishing from the sight .