After getting over shock and freakingout for a while Adam calmed down , the shock that he could use magic was pretty big one .
"Alright I could use Magic real magic and without a wand , awesome can't bealive its true " Adam stared at his empty hand now but he could still feal the familiar energy still boiling inside of him just waiting to be called again to be used .
"Its so freaking AWESOME" Adam yealled .
"Adam keep it down ." A warning reached his ears from downstares .
"Opps , Can't offend the supreeme power here " and with that Adam sneak out of his home for his secret base .
" Alright , I have somehow gained magical powers from Harry Potter universe , unlike those wizards I can use magic without the need of a wand . I am going to test my limits " Adam said looking at the camera .Making the wizard pose .
"Test No.1- i am going to start with the most basic spell of creating a ball of light , ok so first imagin the magical energy gathering in my palm then willing it to change its wavelenght to that of visible light ,and the key word fixed for that perticular effect to take place ,
"Lumos "
"WHOA , can't stop being amazed by the coolness of this can you see this i m actually doing magic " Adam shoughted with delight .
"Ok , after the succes of test no-1 we head towards the test no-2 , lets see if we can change the wavelength of the light energy and change , its colour .
(Lumos Blue )
spark of light danced on my fingertip flickering a ting of blue , then it extinguished like its confused of what it should do .
" Guess i have to do it more magical way ,the secret of magic lies in power ,intent and imagination as described in the novel as well as emotions " it turn out i don't really need to chant either the power in me could perform with my intent of and imagination i just need to know the mechanism by which it supposed to do that .
after almost hundred of trail and error now i could emit the whole electromagnetic spectrum just need to know which one i want to emit , i accidentally gave my self an X-ray vision as well as thermal vision . its simple my body adapt to the power i m currently using and that give me the ability to see the power hence while focusing on X-rays spectrum i could actually see through the spectrum preety neet .
before i could become more of a nerd the bane of all super powers stoped me " Edd , come down the breakfast is redy " mom call from down stares .
"Comming mom" i answered back wrapping my hand in bandages , (don't try to emit microwaves without shielding your hand first ,) I climed downstairs.
Lili Bekham my mom is a house wife and James Bekham a software engineer in Frost International . Now I think of it My parents name was a dead give away there is something deeper going on here.