
I Indeed don't Know How to Cultivate

Zhang Jian crossed into a world of immortals... So do you think that the next thing that will happen is that the protagonist will go through a life and death duel and eventually become a dominant party, or some other cliches growth plot? No. Although this is a world full of cultivators and demons, Zhang Jian always thought he lived in an ordinary world. In the eyes of others, he is a hidden master who doesn't like to fight, a compassionate person who doesn't want to see killing. Outside, his partners have already been in wars with the enemy, while our protagonist is still in sweet dreamland. As the saying goes, the storm's eye is the most peaceful location, and the protagonist is in this.

different_minds · Fantasy
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284 Chs

chapter 15 Wild Animals

"Miss, you should know that there are wild animals around."

Zhang Jian acknowledged her help so he selected the choicest fish in the basket and handed it to her. She on the other hand ruminated on his words;

"Wild animals? So he knows my weakness?"

Zhang Jian said chivalrously; "Please accept this fish as a token of my appreciation."

Cerberus growled jealously at the thought of Lin Xi taking a portion of their bounty and Zhang Jian rebuked him sharply. Horrified that Zhang Jian could rebuke someone at The Ascension Stage, she smiled timidly while avoiding Cerberus's glare and said;

"No, I dare not infringe on your share."

Cerberus barked defiantly and Zhang Jian lost his patience and smacked his head;


Dismayed, the succuba watched in silent fear as Cerberus sobbed.

"Pardon his folly, he'll get more of that at home later."

But Lin Xi didn't care, she excused herself saying; "I have to be on my way now."

And with that, she hurriedly left before he could reply her. As he watched her leave he thought of how awkward and strange she had been. The succuba trembled in fear as she made her way to the Devildom World. She complained to herself;

"Heavens! I can't even walk! Zhang Jian is the biggest obstacle in my way of having Purple Mountain! He must be taken care off!"

As she schemed, she didn't even think it was remotely possible that Zhang Jian wasn't connected with Purple Mountain. This thought was far from her as she immersed herself more and more in her plans. Bluebird had been watching her from a distance and kept his eyes on her right up till the moment she came in. He was very sensitive to her moods so he could tell from her countenance that all wasn't well. He wisely kept silent and kept his distance as well. The succuba then took out the devil stone and created a portal which the both of them escaped through. As they entered, they felt right at home because of the dark Qi of the Devildom World which was the polar opposite of the Human World. Bluebird trudged on silently behind her.

Pandemonium was the order of the day in the Devildom World so Lin Xi had to dwell in the Devil city. It was very likely that Bluebird would end up as someone's meal as he was just at the Void Stage and wouldn't be of help in the event of an ambush against those in the Demigod Stage. It was dog eat dog situation in this world and the weak often ended up as food for the strong.

Lin Xi was the only one of her kind and was also at the top of her game. So, she exuded strength and none dared her. But Bluebird wasn't built like that, though he was a relatively good cultivator, he sucked when it came to fighting so, he depended on Lin Xi for protection. The Devil City was a city of carnage so Lin Xi flew gloriously over it while displaying her full strength. The lesser demons bowed to her as it was folly to hide one's strength here, it could mean sudden death. Lin Xi wasn't one for unnecessary bloodshed, for her, the terror she inspired was enough. As she approached, the guards acknowledged her and let her fly over it but Bluebird had to walk. In the Devil City, the guards' numbers ran into thousands and no one dared them for they were walking symbols of the Demon King- a malevolent being at The Ascension Stage.

At Lin Xi's mansion in Devil City, numerous good-looking monsters came to pay their homage to her. The succuba indulged them but attended to them one at a time and allowed the others to wait outside her mansion. Bluebird kept to himself in other not to invite any trouble and thought bitterly to himself;

"Why does Lin Xi have to be so polite to them?"

Sensing his thoughts, she adjusted and assumed a melancholic demeanor. She told the story of her clash with Zhang Jian to the most powerful in Devil city, it was her plan to use them to gauge his strength and at the same time, erase her enemies. Clad in a very revealing dress, she chuckled to herself;

"This dress has a sturdier effect than the story itself."

Behind the false front of warmth, a power tussle ensued.