
I Hunt & Purge Reincarnators

Synopsis: I heard you guys haven’t had a out of pocket fanfic in a while, don’t worry, I’m here to fix that. Kel, a young man living in year XXXX from earth-?? Is an everyday young man coasting through the unforgiving ocean that is life. He lives a modest life as he tries to make his plans for life true, however, like all men, he isn’t perfect and is kind of an asshole…. These are his stories in the omniverse after an unfortunate encounter with a random omnipotent being. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... A/N: If you're sensitive or easily offended, don't read this book. Patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Discord: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the anime series such as Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author.

God_Of_Brutality · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 23: When The World Needed Him Most Part 14

Shortly after Katara left, Kel settled into his makeshift bed, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. 'Ah, finally, some peace and quiet.' He reached for the Angelina Jolie magazines, ready to finish what he started earlier. 

Just as he was getting comfortable, Sylvia waddled through the entrance in her penguin form. Kel was caught off guard, nearly dropping the magazine. 'Can't a guy get some peace around here?'

"I didn't call you, Sylvia," Kel said, trying to sound nonchalant while discreetly hiding the magazine behind his back.

Sylvia blinked her beady eyes. "The Mistress sent me. She found your recent activities entertaining and wishes to reward you."

Kel raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "A reward, huh? What do I get?"

Sylvia puffed out her chest, looking proud. "The skills of a beginner waterbender!"

Internally, Kel's excitement deflated. 'A beginner waterbender? Really?' But on the surface, he plastered on a grateful smile. "Wow, that's amazing! Thank you!"

Sylvia nodded and tapped her fish staff on the ground and Kel was briefly engulfed in a bright light. When it faded, he looked himself over, feeling no different. "I don't feel any different," he muttered, turning to ask Sylvia for an explanation. But she was already gone. 'Cosmic ADHD much?'

Although curious about his new skill set, Kel decided against going out into the freezing cold at night to test it. 'Tomorrow is another day. This isn't a shonen.' With a yawn, he settled back into his bed and picking up where he left off.


The next morning, Kel was soundly sleeping, lost in a wonderful dream. As he mumbled in his sleep, "No, don't stop, let the boy watch..." the sound of Katara's voice calling his name outside his igloo interrupted his dream. "Sokka! Sokka!"

Kel groaned, pulling the blanket over his head. 'Maybe she'll go away if I stay quiet.'

But Katara grew more irritated, her voice becoming louder and more insistent. "Sokka! Get up already!"

With a sigh, Kel rubbed his eyes and sat up, realizing that ignoring her was futile. 'Great, just great.' He reluctantly got out of bed, grumbling under his breath as he shuffled to the entrance of his igloo. 

He opened the door slightly, peeking out to see Katara standing there with her arms crossed, looking both annoyed and impatient. 'Why can't she just let me sleep in peace?' he thought, suppressing a yawn.

"Morning, Katara," he said, trying to sound cheerful despite his irritation. "What's up?"

Katara narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't 'morning' me, Sokka. We need to talk." 

'Here we go.' Kel braced himself for whatever was coming next.

Kel, feigning confusion, asked, "About what?"

"You know what," Katara replied, her frustration evident in her tone.

Kel scratched his head, still playing dumb. "Did I forget something we were supposed to do today?"

Katara let out an exasperated sigh and shoved him back inside his igloo before following him in. 'Well, this is going great.'

She looked around, searching for the massage table but found only a plain workbench. Kel had removed the blankets, making it look like a simple workspace again. 

Kel, trying to keep up the act, asked, "Do you want me to make you something?"

Katara's patience snapped. "No, it's about the massage!"

Kel pretended to realize suddenly. "Oh, the massage! If you're here for another one, then I didn't really mean it when I said anytime."

Katara's eyes widened in anger. "I'm not here for that! In fact, I think it's wrong for us to do that. You're a guy, and I'm a girl and- and you're my brother."

Kel blinked at her, playing dense. "So? I rather practice my skills on someone I trust and who I know won't judge me. But if that's how you feel, fine, I'll ask some other woman."

Katara immediately felt a bit of guilt. "That's not what I meant," she sighed, her voice softening. She began to think that maybe she had overthought everything. "I felt great after the massage, even now but, but."

Kel shrugged. "If you feel that way, why make it a big deal?"

Katara hesitated before admitting, "I just... wanted to know why and how you learned to do that."

"I'll tell you eventually."

Katara didn't like the vague answer but accepted it with a sigh. "Fine, but for now, lay on your bed so I can massage your injuries and apply ointment."

Kel raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so now you want to practice your skills on me? Isn't that a bit hypocritical?"

Katara rolled her eyes. "Just get on the bed, Sokka."

Kel chuckled, walking over to his bed and lying down, making himself comfortable. "Alright, just try not to hurt me."

She grabbed the ointment and cloth, ready to return the favor. 'Let's see how he likes it.'

Kel didn't lie down but instead sat up, leaning against the wall with a relaxed posture. "Hurry up, Katara. I've got things to do," he impatiently said, waving his hand dismissively.

Katara's eyes flared with irritation. "Don't rush me, Sokka! I told you to lie down."

Kel shrugged. "There's no need for that. Just do what you did yesterday."

Inwardly, he knew she was planning something. 'As fun as that would be, it's too early and broad daylight.'

Katara huffed and tried to push him down, but Kel remained firm, not budging an inch. "Sokka, just lie down!"

"Katara, seriously, it's fine. I'm already feeling better," he said with a casual smile, knowing it would only annoy her more.

Katara's frustration boiled over. "Fine, if you don't lie down, I won't do it!" she declared, crossing her arms defiantly.

Kel shrugged again. "That's fine by me. Like I said, I'm feeling better already."

Katara's face turned red with anger as she slammed the ointment down on the floor. "*Hmph!*I guess you won't need the great massage I was going to give you then!" she snapped before storming out of the igloo, her footsteps practically echoing with each angry stomp.

As she left, Kel couldn't help but shake his head, a bemused smile on his lips. 'This village should really invest in anger counseling.' he thought, watching her retreating figure. He leaned back against the wall, feeling the tension in the room slowly dissipate as she left.

'Well, that was entertaining.' He stretched his arms, feeling the muscles loosen up. 'But I guess I'll have to make it up to her now. *sigh*. What would Pluto do?'