
Chapter Seven

"Huh??" We all said, confused.

"Excuse me? Battle?" I asked

"Yes" He said

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, we're kids, teenagers" I said, "Tee-na-gers" I stressed that particular word so he'd understand me very well.

"Yes I know that, but you have powers no ordinary kid will or have ever had in their entire life" Amun said.

"He's got a point sis" Eddie said and shrugged.

We all glared at him.

"Amun, I think you're getting it all wrong here, we said we're in to do hero stuff not battle, right guys?" Gab asked.

"Yeah" We said.

"I know that" He began

"I don't think you do" Anne muttered quietly.

"And you're gonna do hero stuff by helping me fight my battle, while I help you beat bad guys and teach you how to fight" Amun said.

Seriously, I don't understand this dude, one time, he's happy and lively and the next he's melancholic? Come on dude, give us a break!

"Seriously Amun, what battle are you talking about? Cause seriously we don't get what you're saying right now" I said.

"Yeah" The guys agreed.

Amun sighed.

"Well...okay, where should I start from?" He asked us.

"The beginning!" We chorused.

"Okay, you might wanna sit down for this" He suggested, as he made a white soft wool rug magically appear underneath our feet, we sat down, while Flow lay down instead.

"Okay, long ago, two thousand centuries_"

"Wait!" I shouted, interrupting him

"Yes Ella?" He answered,

I smiled, "Can you like_you have magic, right?" I asked


"Where's she goin' with this?" Anne whispered to Gab.

"I don't know, but I hope it's good" Gab said.

"Me too" Eddie said.

"Ella, I'm hungry. Can I have my popcorn now?" Flow asked

Flow loves to eat a lot and at the end of the day, she never gets fat. She literally eats more than I do but she never gets fat, I'm actually jealous of her metabolism.

"Sure Flow. Gab!" I called

"What?!" He asked, clearly angry at me for shouting his name.

"Please could you give Flow and everyone else their popcorns?"

"Sure Elle" He said through gritted teeth.

I smiled at Amun, "Okay back to my question, Amun you can do magic, right?"


"So can you make a cold soda drink, hot ham and meat burgers, doughnuts, French fries, fish pie and some chicken wings appear on picnic table, so we can have a snack to eat while you tell us your story please?" I asked, sweetly.

"Uh huh, chi-ck-en wi-ngs, got it, anything else?" He asked looking around at us holding a notepad and a pen and that's when I realized he was now dressed like a waiter.

"Wow" We all said in awe.

He used magic before we could even blink and we didn't even know it. Man! I love magic.

"Cupcakes and some spaghetti with meatballs please" Flow said.

"Cake" Gab said

"Some salad with lots of carrots and cream please? And some pepperoni pizza will be nice too" Anne said

"Milkshakes with different flavour please and some omelette would be nice" Eddie said.

"Okay, Om-el-ette" Amun wrote down and then he snapped his finger and all that we ordered appeared before us.



No way, this is amazing! I gotta take a pic of this" Anne said, taking some photos of the meal before us.

God, you should see this meals! Wow! I won't lie they all look so delicious.

"Wow, thanks Amun, come join us" I said and winked at him.

"Enjoy and you're welcome" Amun said, joining us at the picnic table and rug.

"Mmmm...this taste sooo good Amun" Flow said, taking a bite of the cake, then the spaghetti and meat balls.

"Really?" I asked, taking a bite of the pizza, I groaned in pleasure.

God...oh man, it was so gooood.

"Mmmm...you're right! This is amazing. I never knew food could taste this good...it's been long since I ate anything anyway" Amun said, eating the pizza and milkshake like a hungry lion.

"It tastes great, right?" I asked

He nodded.

"Okay, your story please" Anne said.

"Wow...well, my story began two thousand centuries ago_"

"Wait" Anne said, interrupting him, "how old are you?" She asked

"Believe me sweetheart, you don't wanna know" Amun said, smiling.

"Wow, you're that old?" Eddie said, clearly amazed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, can we get back to Amun's story and delicious meals?" I asked angrily.

"Oh right" Amun said, trying not to laugh at my angry face.

Believe me, I know you don't think it's funny either, but my parents and friends are always telling me how funny I look whenever I'm angry.

"So as I was saying" Amun began, "two thousand centuries ago, my people and my father and I, the fifth sorcerer of Egypt, were always preparing for me to become the next successor to the family's magical blood line, but then my father left the ceremony that day because the king had summoned him and he never came back. Two months, six months, a year then three years my father didn't come back home. I was lonely in the palace quaters for sorcerers cause my mother was dead and i was the only child my father had. So, I decided to go see my father on the fifth year of the king's reign"

Two thousand centuries ago...

'Father,I have missed you, it's been five years now since you left my succession ceremony and I have gone to fight for the people of Egypt against the Babylonians.we have won every battle cause the gods are on our side'I said to my father, who was still silent; finally he spoke up.

'My son, but the king I have heard what you said and it is true that we have won every battle but that isn't what is keeping me here, the King is seriously ill and I have tried every remedy and antidote that I know of, every spell of healing but yet he remains unrecovered. I don't think I can heal him but I know someone who might be able to' He said,

'And who would that be?'

'The priestess of Taherah'


'now I would tell myself that it's a bad idea'

'It is a bad idea!'

'but it's also the only chance we have got to save the King, okay? The king illness is to remain a secret because our enemies cannot know we have become weak. So Amun, we shall go see her tomorrow" My father declared.

'Yes father' I said, bowing down to him as I left his chamber and the next day, we rode his chariot and went to see the priestess of Taherah and as we got there_

"now believe me," I said, talking to Ella and her siblings and friends, "I loved my father and all, but that woman's shrine was really scary that I wanted to leave the place immediately, but as the future sorcerer of our kingdom, I decided to go in with him_now back to my story"

'Who dares to barge into my shrine in this manner' The priestess asked

'It is I, great sorcerer of Egypt, Zurishaddai, and I come with my son in peace' My father answered her.

'Come in' She said, smiling wickedly, 'great sorcerer, to what do I owe this unexpected visit? Does it perhaps have anything to do with your king?' She asked and laughed sarcastically, mocking us.

So I grew angry and told my father, 'Father, we have wasted our time in coming here, let's leave' I said, getting up but my father put his hand on my lap stopping me.

'Wait, let's see if she can help us' He murmured then he asked her, 'great priestess, please, is there a way you can help us heal the King?'

She smirked evilly, 'There is a way, but you will have to do something for me in return' She said.

I and my father tensed.

'What do u want?' My father asked.

She smiled and entwined her fingers together under her jaw as she eyed her, mischief dancing in her eyes.

'A position as the royal priestess of Egypt' She said.

I gasped.

'What?!' My father and I shouted in shock.