

Well we continued schooling and having our normal lives on track...Milly became expectant but we all decided to take care of her and keep her company assist her in whatever do's and dont's

She was comfortable because she had us to keep her alive and kicking

Harun was wise to lend a hand in taking good care of his girl.

I always wondered how it felt to be in that condition but I brushed it off when I saw this clip of a woman of about 22 giving birth and damn did it look unappealing.

Milly was strong and courageous .She was ashamed of how things hurried so fast without her consent

As for Harun..he was bold and came from this flourish family and we all knew that raising the kid wouldn't be a burden of any greyed side

My parents were not bummed by anything at all .They infact embraced Milly and promised to be there for her by all means .

Andre was had this punctured heart for he knew that it was his fault that Milly became a victim of alloyed teenage pregnancy if only he hadn't allowed her to go out that day .

Tobby and Mandy kept showing off the love they had for each by smooching and making out in every corner of the house

"I think we should have a party this Saturday..."Tobby muttered as we were having dinner

"That's a great idea babe..I'm sure it will be a one stand opportunity for all of us to mingle with all the other kids from school" Mandy always supported Tobby even if anything he brought up wa callous and clumsy

"Well...I think that won't hurt.."

As the owners of the apartment (Andre and I) we gave in

We went out that night and bought things that would satisfy us in the party.

Alcohol Vape pens Weed bags Snacks mad other elements that brought a magnetic touch in the party

....Saturday 12th ...

Everyone came over even the school president ...I guess our house was big enough to hold each and every member of Green State High

The Dance was intense and we all enjoyed all ourselves the heat blazed in the house ..I began having a good time

"Yoooh let's play a game...Truth or Dare"

That was the school president on the dinning table ..

We all sat and made this gigantic circle at the backyard court

It was more themed on the spin the bottle technique ..

Megan, the school president ,rolled the Hennessy bottle on the tiled floor..

We zoomed our eyes on the bottle to see where it'll land

The bottle began slowing down and it landed on some guy ..I knew his name as Michael but I have actually never spoken to him...

"Truth or Dare Mike??"

"Uuuhm...I pick dare..I'm not a baby"

Everyone laughed and cheered in the acoustic venue

"Good...Mike right?!! I dare you to make out with that careless disgrace "

Megan pointed at Milly who sat innocently next to Harun.

She was puzzled by the attack and looked up at Megan trying to tell her that she wouldn't do it

"Girl get up..Yooh Mike get your ass up too.."

The two looked confused

I was sitted at the resting bench by the swimming pool watching the awkward mood

Milly and Michael walked towards each other shaking and freezing their knuckels to ice

"Stop..no I can't do this..I retrieve to a truth ..." Mike backed out and looked at Megan with jolting eyes and begged her to give her a Truth instead

"well chicken boy...a truth ..uuuhm ..okay..is it true that you had sex with Mandy last week??!"

"Wooooooaaaaaaahhhhhh bbaaaaassssss" All the students freaked out by that and we're actually shocked by the quick turn of events

I stood up and saw this to be a fraud game by Megan ..she was upto something..

Meg laughed sarcastically and ordered Mike to speak up ..

"I'm not doing this" Mike ran away picking his jacket on the rack and left..

Tobby got up and looked at Mandy who was already crying profusely and seemed ashamed

"Babe...Mandy...is whatever this girl said true??!