

Milly was a very enlightening girl ...we all enjoyed her jokes and her fascinating sense of gibreish humour

all her stuff were well built and organized she was neat relaxed and just sweet

It was Friday afternoon and we were all chilled and relaxing at our condo when she came home from ballet dancing .

Andre and I were just seated having some liquor and cookies

Milly popped on the next seat saddle and with her usual intro ...she stared at us and began her unexpected story

"Well...guys...today I said yes to some guy in school.."

I giggled and I played interest in her story

"So he's this tall Muslim hag and he's nice too...he attends piano classes and likes french too...name's Harun and he's so into me that tonight we're going to the movies ...Andre can I please go pretty please.."

Milly liked asking his big step bro for permission before she did anything or went anywhere and this made Andre feel Superior and mighty before her

"Okay you can go bitch but get back here by 10pm sharp I better not go around looking for your dumbass"

The girl was very much elated and she hugged Andre almost choking his throat off.

****moments later*****

"How do I look??!"

We turned our heads to see Milly

She was dang cutee

A red fairy dress patched her seductive body and marinated the brim of her edges. Her breasts scalped widely on her pearl chest .The curves below her waist screamt hallelujah all over our eyes.

She had these heels that made her height look more marvelous and graceful. The make up she wore was simple but just of the right amount .

I liked her. She looked awesomely beautiful.

"You look radiant babygirl" Andre scoffed and complimented her distinctive outfit

"Yeah Yeah you're fine Milly" I was still trapped on her body and my head started creating ridiculous scenes .

I wondered how I had never noticed this before or is it because she just dressed in sweatpants and shirts ??!

We gave her our " blessings" and she stormed off to her date

"They grow up so fast dude" Andre said mid laughing.

"Yeah sure"

We cleared the table and went in to watch some Netflix as the next day was Saturday so there was no school we'd stay up late

I selected this perfect date movie and we had our snacks at hand and watched .

There was this profound silence and I couldn't say a word cause I knew that Andre would maybe be uncomfortable with what I actually wanted to tell him..


"Where on Earth is that girl??!"Andre broke the tomb site silence.

We began calling her and texting her but she just wouldn't pick up.11 pm approached and still no sight of her

Andre became super worried and called her friends but none of them had seen her.

We took our jackets and went off.

We checked about six movie theaters but she wasn't there

Tobby had accompanied us though he was still high on weed and clumsy but he offered to help

I was getting worried too and asked my guys that we just split and whoever finds her calls the rest of us.

and we were off

I obviously knew that she was probably at Harun's house

I called her and tracked the activist location .

She was at Freight Street Lincoln road .Atleast that's where it was pinned at

I rode my bicycle to that place and it was creepy that the hood was dim lit.

The tracker kept leading me to this poor looking house and I mastered my Roman Reigns' courage and went over.

Knocking the house was a nutshell because the door seems to have been made from metal or something

I tried the lock and went in either way

"Anyone home??!" I asked I was beginning to feel scared ..wondered if the place was haunted

Andre called and told me that Milly was at home and I should get back immediately.

I still got the beep from my phone that Milly was around that place.

I guess I saw her tuff coat on one of the coaches but ignored it and ran off to my bicycle.


We all had our coffee mugs in our hands and were looking at our tensed out baby princess

"Guys I'm sorry I freaked y'all out..Harun had asked me that it'd be better if we went to his place and chill off

He took me some shack in Lincoln road and we just hanged out and we..we did it .." She began sobbing .

"I left everything there and he walked me home and left..just like that..I'm so sorry Andre"

Tobby patted her back trying to comfort her .

"wooah that's just too much for one night sis..I mean ..but it's okay provided you're okay"

Andre became tipsy and hugged her.

"Where's this scumburg ?!?"

I asked her ..(I wasn't mostly the emotional type)

"He said he's gone to his parents house and will come to check up on me tommorow"...

Mandy..Tobby's girlfriend... was just seated there and manned off the question we were all ignoring..

" Milly...y'all had sex..right??! Did you use protection??!"

"N....o...NO! we didn't and I'm scared"