
I Him, It

Upon being kicked out of school. Nile Park befriends a powerful and soon to be possessive Fairy. Who kills who draw near.

A_Caspian · Urban
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4 Chs


Treading lighter than a feather on the forest stream. The robs swaying in the winds. As he approached Nile who quivered under the bed cover.

"Thank you." said the spectrum in red and spots. Nile peeked listening closely.

"F... For what?" Sniveled looking at the door. They shifted to the boy's bed a bit closer.

"For not stepping on us, on that not fear not the unseen. A friendly face may hold a fiendish invention," they stated taking in the room.

The boy's room had a light blue pallet and walls.

"You talk funny." Added Nile stepping off the bed. While dawning the bed covers, hand-stretched feeling his surroundings.

"Here's a charm for graduate." They stretched out their hand in it a piece of Ramsden. It took Nile a while to make contact. The piece felt like a flower coin with a hole at its center.

"No thank you." Said the Nile causing the specter to gasp in baffled. Thinking it's a lucky charm on the of being priceless.

"I'd rather have you as a friend," Nile stated before they could state the importance of the coin. They simply held the coin to the sunlight flooding in from the skylight. They then blew it back into dust.

"If you're sure." The boy shook his head enthusiastically.

"You may call us Iseul," They stepped in front of Nile then bowed as Nile did the same.

"Nile Park, I'm supposed to be at school. My eyes got hurt yesterday and so here I am." He said with a broad smile and hands spread.

"Fret not Park, we can tutor you until you get back to class." Upon Iseul stating that Nile's loses his smile in protest. Then pout at Iseul's supposed direction.

"You can see me, I can't see you. How do you intend to teach me?" Said Nile, as Iseul blew into their palm. As dust flew from the corners of the room into a book upon Iseul's hand.

"You listen, we read. Then we can question you." They said giddily scanning through the pages.

Nile topped his head in agreement.

The two would spend hours on out. Iseul through some literature at Nile. Whom in returned fumbling on some answers. While grasping to answer the obvious the difficult ones.

"How about we take a break now, what's there to eat?" Iseul stepped out into the hallway. Nile used the bedroom walls to guide him out. Straight into the quaint Park family lunge.

"Do you by chance have six du of wine and ten pheasants?" Prompted Iseul scouring about the kitchen cupboards.

"Uhn, what's that?" Nile wiped his nose bewildered. Iseul simply took out Mss. Parks leftover meal from the fridge.

"Aye, thank you for this meal-" stated Iseul.

"Wait, we need to heat it. Use the small black box with numbers. Set it to three minutes!" hollered the boy. The two sat in the dining room awaiting their meal. When the house phone rang out through the house. Causing Iseul's to jerk his shadow dance's into a thunder roar. Nile simply held his ears head down.