
I Hijacked The Timeline

# savoir Every time Feng Qi rewrote reality, the future would change. Having personally witnessed the demise of human civilization 1500 years in the future, Feng Qi, who accidentally obtained the ability to travel to the future, decided to keep restarting the timeline. Through the intelligence he gained from his attempts, he fought to give human civilization a fighting chance.

Slashing Blade · Sci-fi
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665 Chs

Purple Soul - Return (6)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the blink of an eye, his height reached five meters, similar to the rock statue.

Dark green flames similar to the goat-headed demons' ignited on the surface of its body.

At this moment, he was like a demon that had crawled out of hell, looking ferocious and terrifying.

With the surging power in his body, Feng Qi felt that his body was full of strength. He felt that if he did not vent, he would explode from this power.

He immediately approached the rock statue and punched out with his right fist.

A surging blood essence power seeped out of his body and wrapped around his right fist. The illusory statue behind him suddenly opened its eyes.

When Feng Qi's fist came into contact with the rock statue, the surging blood and Qi in his body seemed to have found an outlet and surged out.

The power of this punch knocked the rock statue into the air. Cracks appeared on the surface of its body and quickly spread.