
I haven’t forgotten you

Disclaimer: The story is somewhat boring maybe because it’s my first story Jiang Nan’s soon to be fiancée , Liu Shu, dies of a brain tumor. Jiang Nan is devastated by this event. Liu Shu has written him a letter before her death stating if she dies she wants Jiang Nan to complete their “After our wedding...” bucket list. Follow Jiang Nan’s adventures and his memories of Liu Shu.

Summer_Youth · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

When I got home I sat down on the couch and took the book with me. I looked in the book the second thing we wrote in there was to adopt a senior dog. I looked over to my right. There laid a medium sized dog. "Xiao tian" I called out for it. The dog look up at me and wagged it's tail and slowly walk up to me. It got on the couch and laid it's head on my lap.


"Jiang Nan" Liu Shu called out, "I have something else we can put on the bucket list!"

"What is it?" Jiang Nan asked not looking up from his computer.

"Adopt an elderly dog."

Jiang Nan looked up from his computer,

"Why would you want a dog that's about to die?'' Jiang Nan asked confused.

"Well I want them to have a good life before they die. I don"t want the last place they see is a concrete floor with bars before they die."

Jiang Nan thought for a while

"Fine you can get a dog but it's your responsibility. Remember that."

Liu Shu face lit up

"Thanks Nan Nan!"

The next day Liu Shu drags Jiang Nan to the dog pound. As they were looking around Liu Shu spots a medium sized dog laying on it's bed staring back at her.

"Hmm let's see how long this dog is going to stare at me." Liu Shu thought.

As they continued to stare at each other the dog finally got up for it bed and sat right in front of Liu Shu. But then there was a loud gasp from behind Liu Shu. It was an employee. Liu Shu asked if anything was wrong but the woman seems so confused and happy.

" Miss you must buy Xiao Tian!" the woman said.

"Why? Is there something special about this dog?" Liu Shu asked perplexed.

"Miss you must understand Xiao Tian never leaves his bed. He only leaves his bed when he's hungry or thirsty!"


"Miss i think there's something special about you! You must adopt Xiao Tian."

Liu Shu looked over to where Jiang Nan was standing,

"Nan Nan do you think we should get this dog?"

Jiang Nan looked up from his phone and walked towards Liu Shu. He examined the dog for a while.

"Sure why not it doesn't seem like it's a very energetic dog."

The woman seemed happy

"Here let me give you guys a leash and some other supplies." The woman rushed off.

Jiang Nan looked at the dog again. The dog glance Jiang Nan then back to Liu Shu. Liu Shu put her hand through the bar and scratched Xiao Tian's ears. Xiao Tian seemed surprised by this action but enjoyed the feeling of it.

The woman came back with a leash, and some dog food.

"Here you go. Oh and one of you guys have to come with me to fill out the form."

Before Jiang Nan could say anything Liu shu spoke

"Jiang Nan come with me. I want you to come and help me fill out the form." while she was putting on Xiao Tian's leash on.

Jiang Nan didn't have time to respond when Liu shu put Xiao Tian's food in his arms and dragged him to the area to fill out the form.

When they got home Liu Shu asked Jiang Nan if he could watch the dog while she went out to buy stuff for Xiao Tian.

"Please Nan Nan can't you just watch Xiao Tian for just a couple of minutes. Please." Liu Shu begged.

Jiang Nan looked over and saw Liu Shu giving him puppy eyes.


"Fine" Jiang Nan gave in.

After Liu shu left there was an awkward silence. Jiang Nan decided to go back to work but he noticed Xiao Tian following him to the couch. When Jiang Nan sat down on the couch Xiao Tian stood beside Jiang Nan. He seemed to be eyeing the couch.

"Do you want to sit on the couch?" Jiang Nan asked.

But right after he asked the question Xiao Tian jumped on the couch and laid his head down on Jiang Nan's arm.

"Hey! No off."

But Xiao Tian didn't listen. Jiang Nan push Xiao Tian's head of his arm and continued to work but it seemed like Xiao Tian was determined to use Jiang Nan as a pillow. Xiao Tian put his head on Jiang Nan's lap. After a few minutes Jiang Nan decided it was useless to fight with a dog.

After working on his laptop for a couple of minutes Jiang Nan noticed that Xiao Tian had fallen asleep. Jiang Nan petted Xiao Tian's head. Then Jiang Nan heard the door open. What he saw was a gigantic pile of things.

"Are you going to help me or not." Liu Shu said in a muffled voice.

After helping Liu shu Jiang Nan noticed that Liu shu might've bought too much things.

"Why does the dog need clothes? It's always naked. Plus why did you buy so much treats?"

"First of off the dog has a name it's Xiao Tian. Second of off so he looks fashionable during all seasons. And third of off Xiao Tian is a good boy he needs all this." Liu shu said happily.

Jiang Nan looked at Liu shu



I looked down at my lap. I see giant brown eyes looking back at me. Xiao Tian must know I'm upset at something but doesn't know. He's also been somewhat depressed when Liu Shu died. I'm glad Xiao Tian is still with me. I think i would go insane if he wasn't here. I close my eyes and think about nothing. Suddenly I feel something wet on my hand. I look down and see Xiao Tian licking my hand. I take my hand away and pet him. He looks at me.

"It's okay Xiao Tian. Dad's okay."

I feel like I'm on the verge of tears but I wipe away it before I start crying like a baby. I feel Xiao Tian get up and lick my face.

"I'm fine." even I know that was a lie.

I’m sorry if I don’t update everyday. Some weekdays I won’t have time to update so you might have days where I don’t update. But don’t worry I’ll try giving you guys multiple updates.

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