
I Have Yet to Become a Doll Today

When the world became a landscape for a game, humans immediately became dolls who no longer moved nor breathed, frozen like items on display in a shelf. In the beginning, Bai Youwei thought this was an alien prank. Nobody knew why the humans suddenly became dolls. That was until they were all gathered together and sucked into a bright fog before being greeted by a mechanical voice, "Ding! Welcome to the Game of Dolls! The rules are as follows: 1. Refusing to play the game will result in dollification! 2. Failure to beat the game will result in dollification! 3. Beating the game to win a doll!" Bai Youwei walks into the embrace of Shen Mo trembling. "I'm scared, I'm just a weak little girl..." Shen Mo takes her hand, places it on his abs and says, "Now you don't have to be scared anymore!" The game systems starts ringing in the background, "Alert! Alert! Please respect the game and focus! No dating inside the game!" This is a story of how an intelligent and calm young lady works with a boy with nothing but a hot bod to beat the impossible Game of Dolls!

Flowery · Fantasy
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390 Chs

Chapter 70: Into the Fog

Translator: 549690339

"Isn't it a bit of a hassle to make porridge for so many mouths?"

Bai Youwei was eating as she spoke:

"Cooking porridge is time-consuming, and it does not fully satisfy the appetite. Besides, it can easily get burnt if you're not careful. Why should we bother with porridge if the patient's digestive system is weak?...It has only been a few days since the incident in the city; there should be plenty of food. Why bother to make porridge of all things? Look, there is even dried shrimp and mushrooms in it."

Bai Youwei scooped up a spoonful of porridge and waved it in front of Shen Mo.

Then she stuffed it back into her mouth and spoke vaguely: "Courtesy demands reciprocity. We can't just take advantage of them. Go get some food and take it upstairs."

Shen Mo's mouth curved into a smile: "Just to send food? Aren't you hoping I'll go up to gather some intelligence?"

Bai Youwei remained calm, her action of eating the porridge not even the slightest bit interrupted, "Don't you want to?"