
I have the infinite check-in system!!

Johnie_Lattea_1424 · Anime & Comics
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It was a normal day Johnie went too work as a relief driver for Pizza Hut…. It's the biggest city Lake city … Johnie gad too drive for Pizza Hut …

Johnie-here you go sir… 2 pepporoni pizzas with extra cheese … I already seen where you paid…

Hugh-ok thanks bro I'm starving … here's $50 as a tip keep the change bro…

Trisha-baby why give him $50 he's just a delivery driver…

Hugh-because he is the only driver that can get my pizza here on time when it's warm….. and it's very hot… so quit running your damn mouth and eat.. okay?

Trisha-yes baby

Hugh-plus if a materialistic girl…. Then there is the door… don't let it hit you on the way out….

Trisha-I'm not a materialistic woman baby

High-then why did you judge him for making money hmm ?

Trisha-I was just thinking he must be hungry all day too deliver pizza's all day is all baby…

High-do not assume until you know the situation….. who knows he might be a hidden wealthy guy just being nice…

Trisha-not possible baby

High-you never know…plus we don't know the guy… so drop it….

Johnie was on his way back too Pizza Hut when he heard a voice in his head[Ding Host Found] [Binding with Host…10%….25%...50%…..75%…..100%…Bind was Successful]

[hello host I am the Infinite Check-in system ]

[Johnie-uhh…. Is there a limit too how many times a day I can check in?]

[no host there is not limit…but it's wise too check in nearby in a restraint…. Do you want too open your newbie gift pack? Yes or no]


Ding….congratulations the host has received Star gaze pavilion villa 1

Ding…congratulations the host has received $600 million dollars

Ding….congratulations the host has received a limited edition Pagani Zonda

Ding....congratulations the host has received the skill God of racing …. Do you wish to proceed? Yes or No?

Yes ..... Johnie's mind gets flooded with God like racing abilities

Johnie check his account after he heard Ting…your account balance is $600 million dollars…

Johnie(Wow unbelievable)

[your pagani Zonda is parked in Pizza Hut's drive way… your keys are in your right pocket..]

Johnie(sweet I just made it too the Pizza Hut Franchise..I think I'll park there car… and get a job with Uber…. Since that was my last delivery of the day)

Johnie walked into Pizza Hut….

Johnie-hey Whitney I clocking out…. And I need 1 pepperoni pizza large pan substitute the pork sausage with Italian and I need 1 taco Pizza large 1 Extra cheese Piza and I need 6 batches of boneless honey BBQ wings

Whitney-alright your total is $128.47

Johnie swipes his card and it goes through …

Whitney(huh? Did he get money some how?)

Johnie-I know that look Whitney … you where just thinking about how I got the money …. Too be precise… I am officially the last descendant of my family …

Whitney- I am so sorry too hear that Johnie I had no idea…

About 45 minutes later Johnie and Whitney was packing the food too his vehicle….

Whitney-did you walk here Johnie ?

Johnie-yea…. But no worries I bought a car yesterday and had someone drop it off too me…

Whitney-which one is it?

Johnie-the only super car here lol ( he gets the keys a clicks open and the pagani Zonda doors open)

Johnie-you can set the food in the back…. There's enough room for it.... Do you need a ride Whitney?

Whitney[dad are you gonna pick me up?]

Whitney[dad-sorry honey I already took my medicine I can't drive now…..]

Johnie-you welcome too join me for dinner if you want?

Whitney-sure Johnie…..

Johnie-ok hop in….

Johnie-tomorrow since I'm off I'm gonna go house shopping lol so I don't have to rent my house..

Whitney-how big is the house your renting….

Johnie-it's a decent size house…

Whitney-oh ok

Johnie-don't worry my house is spotless!!!

Johnie-oh I gotta stop by the store and buy whiskey and moonshine and Smirnoff green apple and pop

Johnie-do you want anything?

Whitney-I will walk in with you… we need snacks as well lol

Johnie- you plan too stay a few days? Or weeks?

Whitney-only if you ask me too lol

Johnie-what if I wanted you too be my roommate ?


Johnie-yes really

Johnie and Whitney get done buying liquor and beer and pop and snacks and head back too his house….And eat… then they wait a little while and the go too bed and the next day…

Johnie and Whitney get dressed and head into the kitchen

Johnie- I want Chinese food for breakfast… do you?

Whitney-that sounds better than pizza right now

Johnie and Emily travel too the Chinese restaurant and they buy Several plates of shrimp wing tongs and tereyaki chicked and 10 pounds of cooked crab meat….

Whitney-this food shout be good …

Johnie-ok…..and too answer about yesterday….you can move in and stay as long as you want…

Whitney- would I need to pay rent?
