
I Have the Best Bloodline

My father was a black dragon, and my mother was a powerful fox demon from the Su clan. The bloodline of the black dragon gave me a strong physique and the ability to control water, while the bloodline of the fox blessed me with handsome looks and unparalleled charm. I possessed the most incredible bloodline! One day, however, members of my mother's clan bombed the gates of our mansion, preparing to take me back to the Su clan. I had always thought this way. "Yan, run! If they get hold of you, they'll kill you!" my mother desperately held off the mansion's gates, shouting with all her might. Su Yan froze.

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40 Chs

What The Hell Brothel You Are Running!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Auntie, Auntie, I want it!"

"Then go and touch them first."

Aunt raised her hand and waved. Thousands of water phantoms formed a human ladder on the wall of the backyard. They jumped out and landed on the street. 

Their bodies dissipated and turned into well water that soaked the street floor. 

In the end, only a child-shaped water phantom was left in the backyard for teaching purposes.

Su Yan stepped forward and pinched the seemingly soft body of water. 

In the end, he was surprised to find that the touch on his hand did not feel like water.

Instead, it felt like sticky glue.

There was resistance when he pinched it hard, but he could penetrate it when he touched it lightly.

"This is Non-Newtonian fluids?"

Su Yan's hand pierced through the water illusion's body. The water illusion stuck to his hand when he tried to pull it out. 

It was as if the water illusion was stuck inside, but he could pull it out smoothly when he moved it gently.

This characteristic reminded Su Yan of something popular on video platforms for a while in his previous life.

Non-Newtonian fluids were a type of fluid substance that could be softened but not hardened. 

The harder you applied force to it, the harder the non-Newtonian fluid would be. 

The less force you applied, the more the non-Newtonian fluid would be like a ball of ordinary water.

"How is it? Isn't it wonderful?"

Aunt pressed her hand on the water illusion, "The water element skill doesn't only make a flood. Water can nourish all living things, which is the beginning of life. It can also transform into various forms to punish living beings."

"As long as cultivators understand the preciousness of water, they will be able to understand the power of water."

"The name of this skill is transformation, and it's a precious skill that a Water Element Skill cultivator comprehended from the various forms."

The water illusion was not a common skill. When a water element cultivator was low, doctors used the water to nourish everything. They did not have too much power.

However, regarding healing injuries, low-level water element cultivators could be beaten to cry by wood element cultivators.

The true situation of a water element cultivator was like what Su Yan's father had said. It required a high level of magic power to become powerful. 

Without a Foundation Establishment level cultivation, one could not use any powerful destructive skills to practice water elements.

However, Chong Qiong specially chose the precious Forest Creatures Transformation for Su Yan to cultivate to insult Father Su.

This was a water element skill. One could start to condense the illusion of water from the Foundation Establishment level. 

At the Aurous Core level, one could transform into the various forms of the forest. 

At the Newborn Baby level, one could even transform the various forms of the forest into different forms of water.

This was a high-level spell skill that could be used from the Foundation Establishment level to the Soul Separation level.

It was also a skill that Chong Qiong had cultivated in the past. 

However, due to her talent, the water illusion that Chong Qiong used was poisonous. Every move could destroy its spirit and body.

She had to teach him practical skills since she could acknowledge Su Yan as her nephew.

They could not bear the shame. No matter what, they were a noble mutated beast species among the beast race. 

If she taught ordinary cultivation skills to her nephews to cultivate, other divine beasts or mutated beasts would laugh at them for their entire lives.

"Are you curious as to why a lump of well water can be sticky like paste? Let me teach you how to make a puddle of water sticky."


"It's very normal for the beast race. Other than cultivating and sleeping, our main goal is to reproduce. How could a female trick a male into coming back to do hard work without a beautiful appearance or flirting skills? You'll get used to it."

Su Yan was speechless.

As long as her auntie was good at running a business rather than telling dirty jokes, the girls would not commit suicide.



For the next few days, Su Yan's life returned to normal. 

He slept in the morning until it was almost noon. After he woke up, he did cleaning work. 

In the afternoon, he went to the streets with his aunt to buy some makeup for the girls.

In the evening, the brothel opened for business. The brothel business had gradually improved recently, but this had nothing to do with Aunt's hard work. 

The customers in the brothel were all girls.

Nowadays, more and more female customers come to the brothel. 

They were all here to touch the rumored, especially spiritual little white fox.

The number of customers seeking marriage and children soared.

The nine-tailed fox was fragrant and attractive. 

After the girls rubbed against it, she could attract the opposite sex.

When a woman walked on the street with the fragrance, she would encounter young men who came to hit her.

When the madam returned home, Su Yan heard the woman say the bedboard had cracked. 

Her husband was as energetic as a dragon and as fierce as a tiger as if he were a twenty-year-old teenager. The noise made the servant girls sleepless.

In short, the more the rumors spread, the more dirty it became. 

As a result, Su Yan was the best salesman every day, selling boxes of rice wine and stuffing silver notes into his pants.

The girls were envious, wondering how a brothel had become a venue for girls' social activities.

However, the brothel business was indeed booming. The girls who were usually in charge of playing music could receive silver from the madams every night, so they had hope that they would not be as depressed as before.

Now, they play Mahjong with the female customers.

Su Yan almost forgot that he was a part-time waiter in the brothel.

"Congratulations, Xiao Yan. You have earned another 5,430 taels of silver for us today. As long as you can continue to win, we will be able to defeat the neighbour brothel sooner or later!"

After closing the brothel, Aunt calculated the revenue flow for the day and jumped onto the stage. 

She held up the account book for the day and loudly announced Su Yan's performance. She also gave Su Yan a bonus for today's performance.

The girls sat below the stage and received the corresponding rewards and dividends. 

They applauded the aunt crazily and congratulated her on her business getting better and better.

"I'll just turn the brothel into mahjong parlor."

Su Yan rolled his eyes at his auntie. He was secretly criticizing his aunt's so-called making money plan.

Most of the money was earned by those ladies stuffing them into his clothes and taking advantage of Immortal Fox's good fortune. 

The ladies would choose to leave after worshipping the fox, but the business genius, his Aunt, directly set up a mahjong table and arranged for some girls to sit there and play mahjong or cards to entice the ladies.

A good brothel had now been forcefully transformed into a combination of Immortal Fox Temple and mahjong parlor.

What a business genius. For a moment, Su Yan could not even tell who was the owner.

Su Yan was irritated by his aunt. This was completely different from the cultivation world he had imagined. 

Even if no sword immortals were flying all over the sky, there were at least some immortal cultivators sitting in the house listening to music and exchanging experiences. 

There should be some cultivators drinking there and gossiping about the world!

Ultimately, they spent all day discussing rouge and cosmetic powder or which tailor in the city made sexier clothes.

"This can't go on. I can't count on auntie. I must think of a way to make a living by myself."

Su Yan exited the bathtub and changed into a training suit, preparing for class in the backyard. He also complained about his aunt's poor accounting skills.

The money they earned from the brothel was silver, but the cultivators spent spirit stones on shopping!

The silver taels could only be exchanged for Spirit Stones for daily cultivation, but buying some magic tools or pills would be difficult. Su Yan still wanted to save some money for his marriage in the future.

As Su Yan thought about it, he used his water-controlling ability to control the water in the bathtub to fly into the river outside the window. 

Then, he turned around and walked out of the bedroom, preparing to go to the backyard to cultivate the transformation skill.

However, Su Yan did not notice that outside the window, in the dark river, a dark blue arm wrapped in mucus reached out with a cup. It was just right in the place where he poured the wastewater after his bath.

The water was poured into the river, but a portion fell into the cup. The dark blue hand with a web lifted the lid with its thumb as if it was giving Su Yan a thumbs up.

The dark blue webbed arm slowly dived to the bottom of the river.