
I Have Sharingan Eyes In Anime Crossover World

When he wakes up, Natsukawa finds that he has traveled through time and become a high school student. The high school is an amalgamation of Sobu and Toyogasaki High Schools, as well as Shuchi'in and Totsuki Academy. At first I thought this was an everyday anime world, but until I met Yotsuya Miko from the next class, things started to go wrong. Monsters, Ghosts, Cursed Spirits, etc. There are more and more strange things that are not part of everyday life! Luckily Natsukawa has the Sharingan, and any negative energy can be used as additional material for the evolution of his eyes. All the strange things helped Natsukawa become the strongest, and he is also on a journey to become stronger while getting rid of the spirits. But apart from becoming stronger, there are definitely more and more amazingly beautiful girls around him..... Yotsuya Miko: "Please help me, Natsukawa-san." Mai Sakurajima: "Only you can see me." Kasumigaoka Utaha: "They are all beautiful girls. Is this how you want to revive the family?

FaaanzKun · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Other Side Of A Good Girl Needs To Be Mined Slowly.

29: The Other Side Of A Good Girl Needs To Be Mined Slowly.

After the spirit removal business is completely finished.

They also went down the mountain one after another.

Miko followed Natsukawa, while Oka Towako followed Natsukawa casually.

Miko raised her hands in the air: "It's finally over!"

Today is really a day of slow harvest.

The cursed spirit in the family was expelled, his father and younger brother were gone, and the nightmare of the mountain god that had troubled them for several days was also resolved..

Yotsuya Miko only felt that she could finally sleep well in peace.

"The danger is over, but it shows that your roots are not over yet."

After Natsukawa poured cold water on him, Miko pouted her mouth cutely like a squirrel: "Mo! You don't need to tell me this cruel fact now!"

"It's better to know the facts."

Natsukawa joked and said, "You don't know how to control your eyes now."

"If you consider the Spirit Sight eye as a cursed technique, when you master the cursed energy and integrate it, You can adjust Spirit Sight according to what you want to see."

"Even after you learn to control the power of the curse, you will also be able to exorcise ordinary curse spirits."

Yotsuya Miko, who originally felt full of pressure, felt motivated after hearing this.

If possible, she certainly didn't want to see those monsters.

As for exorcising cursed spirits, she felt that as a weak woman, she could not think of that far yet.

"Then will I go directly to Natsukawa's house to study?" Miko asked.

Natsukawa raised his eyebrows: "Of course, my family is quite big."

"But before that, let Oka Towako teach you."

Oka Towako listened to his arrangements and nodded obediently.

Miko was a little surprised by this, and subconsciously asked: "Didn't Natsukawa teach me?"

"It seems that Miko wants me to teach you." Natsukawa smiled.

After saying this, Miko felt a little shy, and quickly raised her fingers to explain: "Isn't this because Natsukawa is more powerful?"

"Ah! Miss Oka Towako, I don't mean that."

"You don't have to apologize, it's the truth after all."

Hearing the concealment like a treasure, Natsukawa smiled and said: "Your current state is to practice and master the cursed energy. At this level, it is most suitable for Oka Towako to teach you."

"After you learn to master it, I will teach you further techniques."

Natsukawa seemed to have made reasonable arrangements, but in fact it was just a temporary change of attention based on the current situation.

At the beginning, he did have the intention to teach Miko himself.

With Miko Yotsuya's ability to only have an extra eye and no other means of attack, the "New Yin-ryu" in the world of Jujutsu is very suitable for the situation..

But it wasn't long before Natsukawa realized that Shinin-ryu couldn't even teach others how to fish, even though he didn't know how to do it himself.

Moreover, the only known sorcerer experts were those from the Star Religious Group. Not to mention whether anyone there knew how to do it, there was no way he could trick them into that group of lunatics.


It just so happened that Oka Towako had also taught others. After thinking of this, Natsukawa simply pushed Miko to her side first and started learning from the most basic.

Wait until he finds an opportunity to master Shinin-ryu before making any plans.

I didn't know Natsukawa had so much thought behind an arrangement.

All Miko knew was that Natsukawa had given her a helping hand and helped her overcome many difficulties.

So she clasped her hands and said with sincere eyes: "Natsukawa-kun, thank you very, very much."

In response to this, Natsukawa replied with a smile: "You're welcome. Besides, I also look forward to your gifts in the future."

When he said this, Yotsuya Miko remembered something.

She remembered what she said yesterday, no matter what the reward was, as long as Natsukawa asked for it, she would be satisfied.

Yotsuya Miko, who was originally simple-minded, would never have thought of that aspect.

But during the day, because of what my father and brother said, coupled with my mother's attitude, and Natsukawa's words of sublimation that would bring improvement to the family.

All these factors combined, Yotsuya Miko's cheeks immediately turned as red as a ripe tomato.

I began to think nervously in my heart.

Speaking of which, Natsukawa helped him so much, even if the other party asked for sex, it wouldn't be too much.!

Etc., etc!

Yotsuya Miko, what are you thinking about? Natsukawa would not ask for such a reward!

Why not!

Natsukawa shoulders the important responsibility of reviving the family! And they also held hands... and even hugged each other!

Two villains seemed to appear in Yotsuya Miko's mind, and they began to argue with each other.

Natsukawa saw that Miko suddenly became shy and did not say anything to refute the reward, so he knew what the girl was thinking.

He didn't say anything more, enjoying the pleasure of being liked by the girl at this moment.

After all, his thoughts were indeed those of Yotsuya Miko herself.

If he wasn't greedy for her cuteness, her body, and her beauty, how would he have the time to go out of his way to help her with so many things.

He is no saint.


It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon when we set off in the morning and returned to the area near Yotsuya's house.

Just as he was about to look at the door of his house, Yotsuya Miko next to him suddenly said expectantly:"Will you come in and sit with me? I've troubled you today."

"That's not necessary. I have to take care of Oka Towako-san's matter later."

Knowing that Mrs. Yotsuya was at home and feeling that there was no benefit, Natsukawa pointed to Oka Towako behind her and refused.

"If you have any questions, please contact me online!"

Hearing this, Yotsuya Miko nodded with some disappointment.

Then he started to squirm a little: "I still have something to say to you. Can you lower your head a little?"

Seeing this, Natsukawa bent down.

As if he had already made up his mind on the road, Yotsuya Miko stepped forward and whispered:

"That reward is the truth. No matter what Natsukawa asks me to do, I will be satisfied."

After saying that, he ran back home in shame.

"Really, let's be bold and leave a souvenir."

Looking at Miko back, Natsukawa felt funny and a little pity at the same time.

But it's really hard to imagine that Yotsuya Miko would have such a side.

Sure enough, the other side of a good girl has to be discovered slowly.

"I didn't expect that becoming a conjurer would allow me to enjoy the so-called youth... You think so, Oka-san."

"...that's normal."

Oka Towako said silently.

But he didn't know that Natsukawa was already in trouble before Miko met her father.


|Hello everyone, I'm Arfan, sorry if there are mistakes in words or anything, because I don't speak Mandarin or English, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes.I use English translation so if it's wrong, blame Google Translate: V ahahaha , Sorry Sorry I'll try to fix it so sorry if there are still wrong words|

I'm sorry 1 day can only be 1 chapter, because it takes up to 3 hours to fix it, because I search on Google for every word so it takes a long time

If there are any wrong words, I'm sorry