
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Yin family changes

Simpson was overwhelmed.

He has been distressed before, those actors, no matter how hard they try, they just can't achieve the effect he wants.

He was also confused about where the specific failure was.

Until now, after listening to Lu Yun's suggestion, Simpson suddenly realized.



It's mystery!

From the beginning to the end, King Tianzhu faced the world with a dragon head mask, never revealing his true appearance. wa✶p.f✲eng✵shug✭e.i✮nfo

This in itself has a strong sense of mystery.

For mysterious things, such as black holes, human beings always have a kind of curiosity, wanting to poke something into it to see what is hidden inside.

The dragon head mask of King Tianzhu is like that black hole.

No one is not curious about what kind of face is hidden under this mask.

To put it another way, when something with infinite possibilities suddenly becomes concrete one day, there will often be a psychological gap.

Such is the case with King Tianzhu.

While people in the world are curious about his appearance, deep in their minds, there is actually an image of King Tianzhu. This image is the most perfect image in personal fantasy.

Therefore, it is not appropriate for anyone to play the role of King Tianzhu.

Only as Lu Yun said just now, without showing your face and only using a back view, is actually the most suitable shot.

Simpson is a senior director, but he was stumped by such a simple question. After Lu Yun mentioned it just now, he suddenly understood.

Just do it!

Simpson did what he said.

Anyway, Chen Su was equipped with all kinds of shooting tools here, and soon Simpson took a set of shots according to Lu Yun's suggestion.

He used an extremely fast zoom lens.

From far to near.

I saw the picture in the camera, from the very beginning of the majestic mountain, to advance rapidly, suddenly the momentum was suddenly withdrawn, and finally it was firmly fixed on a tall and straight figure.

The screen ends here.

It not only captures the majestic momentum, but also retains the mystery of Tianzhuwang.

When seeing this group of shots, Simpson was stunned.


It's so similar!

It can be said to be divinely similar!

It seems that the back view under the camera is Tianzhu Wang himself, no matter the size or temperament, they are so similar.


Simpson instantly burst into tears.

This is the perfect shot he has always wanted to pursue, and the contributor to this set of perfect shots is naturally Lu Yun.

Simpson excitedly took Lu Yun's hand and said, "Lu, thank you very much. I will help you with your affairs as quickly as possible. Wait for my good news."

As a well-known Hollywood director, Simpson's network is definitely not simple, and most stars are willing to sell him a face.

Lu Yun handed over the follow-up work to Ye Qingcheng.

And himself.

It is to continue to wait.

The event of Yuntian Shenjun's fall continued to ferment.

Since this period of time, there have been frequent attacks on members of the martial arts alliance in Longguo, which shows that those dark forces lurking in Longguo can't help but want to move around.

Among them are those genetically modified people who have returned from abroad.

Lu Yun doesn't need to take care of these.

He is only responsible for catching big fish. As for the work of tracking down the dark forces, he can just leave it to the Wumeng.

If the Wumeng couldn't handle even this trivial matter, then it can only be said that Lord Yuntian is very disappointed.

Another period of time passed.

Lu Yun actually waited for an unexpected piece of news: the Beijing Wumeng had changed, Yin Pei was imprisoned for some reason, and Yin Qiushui was also targeted by the Wumeng Law Enforcement Department.

The Yin family in the capital fell like a mountain overnight.

When Lu Yun heard the news from Luo Li's mouth, his expression turned cold.

Putting aside the grievances between him and Yin Pei, Yin Qiushui is his aunt, and she took extra care of herself when she was in the capital.

So no matter what, Lu Yun couldn't ignore this matter.

Immediately dial a special encrypted number.


The Law Enforcement Department of the Beijing Martial Arts League.

Yin Qiushui is under investigation.

She has already been restricted from traveling, and her position as the dean of the Martial Arts Academy in Beijing has also been temporarily suspended, which is enough to show how much trouble the Yin family has caused this time.

While the law enforcement officers were interrogating Yin Qiushui.

Suddenly, a burly man walked into the office of the head of the martial arts league in Beijing.

The leader Xiao Ce's expression changed immediately.

Stand up respectfully.

Because the burly man in front of him is none other than Tiangu, one of the Thirty-Six Gangs of Tianzhu, the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom.

When Xiao Ce saw him, he also had to respect him.

"Yin family, what's going on?"

Tiangu didn't say much, and went straight to the point.

At first Xiao Ce didn't know the purpose of Tiangu's visit, but when he heard him ask this question, he realized that he came for the Yin family, he hesitated and asked, "Why is the general suddenly interested in the Yin family?"

"You just have to answer my questions."

Tian Gu frowned slightly, causing Xiao Ce's expression to change, and hurriedly told the truth about the Yin family.

turn out to be.

The Yin family was investigated because Yin Pei secretly trained a group of dead men, all of whom were respected by one party.

According to the regulations of the Martial Arts League, all members, from the leader to the ordinary law enforcement officers, all forces need to be registered in the register to facilitate management and control, and the cultivation of private forces is absolutely not allowed.

This is taboo!


Regulations are dead.

Where there is light, there is bound to be darkness.

Yin Pei is definitely not the only one who has cultivated personal power in the Wumeng. Everyone, including Xiao Ce himself, has his own personal power.

This is equivalent to an unspoken rule.

It exists, but it cannot be said.

Yin Pei's fault was that his personal power was exposed.

It all started when Yin Pei sent someone to kill Lu Yun.

The venerable party that appeared in the Long family back then was actually a dead man cultivated by Yin Pei privately.

And the water in the martial arts league in Beijing is very deep, intrigues are common, and it depends on who catches the opponent first.

When Yin Pei lost his mind and sent out soldiers to kill Lu Yun, he was already being targeted by his opponent.

As for who that opponent is.

Who knows, maybe one, maybe two, maybe a group.

No one can tell.

As long as Yin Pei's handle is grasped and the evidence is put on the stage, his position of chief guardian will definitely be vacant, and a large number of people below are waiting for this opportunity to take up the position.

It's that cruel.