
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

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Yang Xiaoman's illness

Nakamura's inspiring words made many members of the Ninja League excited, and they couldn't help thinking about the future, the glorious moment after the Ninja League joined the Godslayer Alliance.

Follow the big brother to eat meat.

Looking at this group of stupid people, Musashi Kimura secretly sighed, you are not getting close to the big brother, you are obviously carnival on the tip of the knife and dancing on the stove.

wait to die!

When the forces of martial arts practitioners from all over the world were undercurrents, Lu Yun seemed to have nothing to do with himself, hanging high and doing his old job leisurely.

Heal the sick and save the sick.

Yang Xiaoman, the daughter of Yang Zhenyan, the capital of Jiangnan Province, stretched too hard, and suddenly couldn't put her arm down, and kept a strange posture of holding her head high. w❈ap.fe✷✯ng✩shuge✩.info

This is not the most embarrassing thing, the most embarrassing thing is that many colleagues came to Yang Zhenyan's home today.

Everyone was chatting about the fall of Yuntian Shenjun, and the atmosphere was very dull. Suddenly seeing Yang Xiaoman's appearance, everyone couldn't help being amused by her.

Yang Xiaoman was very embarrassed, seeing that her father Yang Zhenyan was holding back his laughter, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "I'm already like this, yet you can still laugh, are you my real father?"

"Haha, how do you talk, girl, I'm not your father who is?"

Yang Zhenyan originally wanted to reprimand her, but seeing her daughter's appearance was too funny, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Now Yang Xiaoman was even more annoyed, and said: "I think Uncle Shen is better than you!"


Yang Zhenyan's smile froze.

Of course he knew who Uncle Shen his daughter was talking about.

Shen Jinhua.

The relationship between the two is very good. They also pursued a senior sister from the painting and calligraphy interest club together. In the end, Yang Zhenyan won, successfully took down the senior sister, and persisted until they entered the palace of marriage.

Yang Xiaoman is the daughter he gave birth to with his club senior, who is also his current wife.

Since Shen Jinhua and Yang Zhenyan have a good relationship, and the two families have relatively close contacts, they often tease out interesting things from the past when chatting.

Yang Xiaoman has heard a lot, and naturally knows the past between their parents.

Seeing his father smiling so happily just now, Yang Xiaoman deliberately said such a sentence, and sure enough, the smile on his father's face froze immediately.

The colleagues next to him also showed embarrassment.

Who is Uncle Shen?


In order to ease the embarrassment, Yang Zhenyan coughed twice, and said: "Your Uncle Shen and I are old friends, and you should be nice to you, but you only see the surface. When your Uncle Shen returned home, he treated his daughter badly." I know how fierce it is."

Yang Zhenyan's words not only explained the relationship, but also eased the embarrassment.

A colleague said with a smile: "No, I usually only murder my children, and it is impossible to murder my niece."

"Head to head!"

"Xiaoman, your father is usually in the work unit, and often tells us how outstanding you are, and I don't know how proud you are!"

"Head to head!"

Colleagues chattered, and quickly bypassed this ambiguous topic.

In order to prevent his daughter from continuing to get angry, Yang Zhenyan didn't go too far, and while making a phone call, he said: "Okay, okay, you are just a little problem, I'll let Brother Lu Yun come over!"

Yang Xiaoman really didn't say anything anymore.

She still has great trust in Lu Yun's medical skills.

When Zhao Mo, the deputy director of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, came to help her grandfather with acupuncture, he accidentally stuck a needle in her grandfather's leg, and was cured by Lu Yun in the end.

At that time, Zhao Mo still called Lu Yun his master, so Yang Xiaoman's impression of Lu Yun was very deep.

With Dr. Lu taking action, this little problem of mine is really not a problem.

The reason why Yang Zhenyan thought of Lu Yun immediately was because of his trust in Lu Yun's medical skills, and on the other hand, he is also a person who cherishes talents.

I hope to take advantage of this opportunity to introduce Lu Yun to more colleagues.

Jiangcheng miracle doctor.

Master Yunlu.

Any one of the two titles has a certain weight. If you look at Lu Yun's age, this weight is definitely enough to reach the point of shock.

Ordinary people may not even dare to think in that direction in their dreams.

When receiving Yang Zhenyan's call, Lu Yun happened to be fine, so he agreed to go to Yang's house.

At first, Yang Zhenyan wanted his secretary to drive to pick up Lu Yun, but Lu Yun refused. He was not so arrogant yet.

For those who hit it off, Lu Yun's attitude is very easy-going, and the consultation fee can also be waived.

For people who don't hit it off, even if they offer exorbitant consultation fees, Lu Yun will sneer at it.

Yang Zhenyan belongs to the type of congeniality.

He is a good officer.

So after answering Yang Zhenyan's call, Lu Yun rushed to Yang's house very quickly.

Sitting in the living room are Yang Zhenyan's colleagues, all of whom are not low-ranking. Yang Zhenyan introduced them mysteriously just now: "The brother Lu Yun who will come later is extraordinary, and I just introduce him to you."

It is definitely not easy for the provincial chief to call him a brother and praise him for being extraordinary.

These colleagues were instantly full of curiosity about that 'Brother Lu Yun'.

Not long after, a young man came to Yang's house, and Yang Zhenyan immediately stood up and greeted him enthusiastically, and said with a smile, "Brother Lu Yun, I'll trouble you again."

The young man was Lu Yun, who waved his hands with a smile and said, "You are welcome, Governor Yang, we are old acquaintances."

"Since you know that you are an old acquaintance, why are you still calling me so raw? You can just call me Brother Yang from now on."

Although Yang Zhenyan is the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province, he is approachable and doesn't put on airs at all. He and Lu Yun had a barbecue at a roadside barbecue stall before.

This is why Lu Yun has a good impression of Yang Zhenyan.

When the other colleagues in the living room saw the provincial capital standing up, they naturally followed suit. When they looked at Lu Yun, they were all slightly taken aback.

This is what the governor said, the extraordinary 'Brother Lu Yun'?