
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

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When the big tree falls, the monsters will appear

"Brother, what are you doing..."

Seeing Long Chuan treat Lu Yun so respectfully, Long Ji felt very depressed, but just when he opened his mouth, he heard Long Chuan Wei shout: "Shut up!"

Long Ji had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Lu Yun took a deep look at Long Chuan and said, "Why are you apologizing to me all of a sudden? Don't you blame me for killing your father?"

Long Chuan shook his head and said: "Mr. Lu just taught you the right thing. My father's life is hanging by a thread, and the time is short. Mr. Lu has tried his best to save him, but he still has no way to recover. Maybe this is fate, no wonder Mr. Lu. "

Hearing this, Long Ji and the others immediately felt even more depressed.

What time is it, why is the eldest brother still giving Lu Yun a step? Whether he did his best to save him, who knows?

Long Chuan paused, and continued: "Mr. Lu, may I take the liberty to ask, where is your master, Taoist Master Tianxuanzi?"

Long Chuan is also fully awake now.

Perhaps the chance mentioned by Daoist Tianxuanzi did not refer to Lu Yun being able to cure the old man at all, but other chances.

How could Lu Yun not understand Long Chuan's thoughts, but he poured a basin of cold water for him ruthlessly and said, "My master Yunyou is away, and he won't come to the capital within the next two years."

Of course this was fabricated by Lu Yun... Uh, it can't be said that it was completely fabricated, at least so far, the old and unscrupulous man has indeed not shown up.

Long Chuan's face changed when he heard the words.

Two years later, the Long family will no longer know what it will look like.

Long Chuan was not reconciled, and continued to ask: "The Daoist, did he explain anything about our Long family?"

Lu Yun pretended to think for a while, and said: "No, even your father's illness was told to me by Long Yixue. I didn't know what chance my master mentioned before, maybe I just said it casually!"

Just say it...

The muscles on Long Chuan's face visibly twitched a few times.

The Long family had been waiting for this opportunity, but now Lu Yun said that the so-called opportunity might just be Tianxuanzi's casual mention.

What a cruel blow to the Long family.

Is the road of relying on Tianxuanzi really blocked?

Long Chuan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Long Ji said: "Brother, I said long ago that this person is unreliable, yet you still trust him naively..."

"Shut up!"

Long Chuan drank again, and then said: "Let's think about countermeasures first!"

The room fell silent.

After a while.

Long Ji said: "Brother, I actually have an idea."

In an instant, everyone turned their attention to him.

Long Ji hesitated for a moment, and said, "Actually, we can find a backer like the Tan family. For example, the White Dragon King. As far as I know, the White Dragon King has terminated the cooperation with the Tan family, so I think..."

There is no need to say more about the next words, everyone understands.

Longji hoped that the Long family would find the White Dragon King as their backer.

The faces of the members of the Long family were gloomy, obviously not satisfied with Long Ji's proposal.

Long Chuan said in a low voice: "Second brother, have you forgotten, how did father become like this? The White Dragon King is the enemy of our Long family!"

Although the root cause of Longquan's illness was the strange poison, the most direct inducing factor was the fight with the White Dragon King.

It was after the serious injury in that fight that Long Quan was unable to suppress the toxins in his body, which made his condition worse and worse.

It is not unreasonable to say that the White Dragon King is the enemy of the Long family.

This is also the reason why everyone in the Long family could not accept this proposal.

But Long Ji said: "There are only eternal interests, no eternal enemies. In the past, the reason why White Dragon King fought against his father was because he was on the side of the Tan family. Now that he has drawn a clear line with the Tan family, naturally it is no longer The enemy of our Long family."

Everyone was silent again.

The truth is the same, but it is an unchanging fact that the White Dragon King injured the old man.

Thinking that in the future, the person enshrined by the Long family is the indirect murderer who killed the old man, everyone in the Long family will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Long Chuan said: "Put this proposal aside for now, does anyone else have any better suggestions?"


This time, it was Long Ji's wife Fang Min who spoke, and she said, "I think this matter should start with Yi Xue, do you remember Lin Jian?

Lin Jian's father is a deacon of the Wumeng in the capital, and has the Wumeng's background, so the Lin family can stand tall. I think it's better to marry Yixue to Lin Jian, so that we also have a Wumeng backing. "

As soon as she said this, Long Yixue's mother immediately became unhappy, and said, "Why didn't you say you married your daughter?"

Fang Min sneered and said: "I really want to, but it's a pity that people are looking at Yixue, not my daughter, otherwise I would have persuaded my daughter to marry him."

Long Ji's eyes brightened, and he said, "I think Fang Min's proposal is okay. Since he doesn't want to invite the White Dragon King to come over as a backer, then we can only let Yixue make a little sacrifice, which is good for us all."

Except for Long Chuan and his wife, the rest of the Long family all looked at Long Yixue with burning eyes.


They felt the proposal was feasible.

Long Yixue's pretty face turned cold, and said: "I refuse, if grandpa is still alive, he will definitely not agree with your actions."

Now Long Yixue finally understands why her grandfather told her not to talk about it for the time being even though he recovered from his illness. It turns out that when a big tree falls, a group of monsters will surely appear.

Long Ji said: "Yixue, you can't say that, we all know that the old man loves you the most, that's why we didn't agree to sacrifice your happiness in exchange for the stability of the Long family.

But today is different.

The old man has already died of illness. If we don't find a backer in time, it's really hard to say what will happen to us in the future. "

Fang Min added embellishments and said, "Yes, Yixue, when the old man was alive, you were the person he loved the most. You should also know something now, and find a chance to repay the old man well.

Don't you really have the heart to watch the old man's hard-earned foundation gradually being eroded by other families?


Although that Lin Jian is a little ugly, but he has a strong family background and likes you so much, marrying him may not necessarily make you unhappy.

For the future of our Long family, I beg you to be an aunt, okay? "