
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

sister's history

Tianxuanzi downed a few gulps of spirits, he didn't know if he was drunk or not, anyway, the chatterbox opened up in an instant, and breathed out the alcohol, he said, "Good disciple, for the sake of your filial piety, feel free to ask any questions. I will answer you one by one as a teacher."

This change of attitude was simply rapid.

Lu Yun didn't bother to complain, and asked him the most puzzling question, what happened to himself and his seven sisters.

Tianxuanzi said drunkenly: "Your seven older sisters, and you, were indeed sent to the orphanage, and we used a little Taoism to create a strong relationship between the eight of you since childhood."

Sure enough!

Lu Yun's eyes froze.

Just say how it's such a coincidence, there are so many children in the orphanage, but I just recognized the seven most beautiful ones as my sisters, thinking that I have the potential to be an old pervert since I was a child.

It turned out to be the ghost of these guys.

With the ability of a monk, it is indeed very easy to make eight ignorant children feel good about each other.

"What is the purpose of doing this?" Lu Yun asked.

Tianxuanzi took another sip of wine and said, "We have to ask Senior Brother Tianxuzi about this. He ordered us to do this. There are several of your sisters who were brought back from Jiexing Mountain."

"Boundary Mountain?"

"Well, you can think of it as a door. The other side of the door belongs to the world of practitioners. However, that door has been closed for more than 20 years. I don't know when it will be opened next time. ."

"No, what you said is wrong." Lu Yun retorted, "If Jiexing Mountain has been closed for more than 20 years, then how did the Ghost Clan escape?"

Lu Yun had encountered ghosts twice before, one was possessed by Gu Anqi's father, and the other was possessed by the evil spirit leader. If Jiexing Mountain was really closed, such things would not be able to escape.

Tian Xuanzi rolled his eyes and said, "Can't those things come here more than twenty years ago?"


For the time being, Lu Yun is not very interested in the matter of the Ghost Clan. He just wants to know where that Uncle Tianxuzi is now.

He is the core figure of the layout.

Unexpectedly, when Tianxuanzi heard Lu Yun's question, he answered vaguely: "Who knows, the disciples of our Heavenly Thieves Sect have always been the gods and dragons..."


Lu Yun slammed his fist on the table and said angrily, "You old man, are you playing Tai Chi with me here?"

What kind of Tiandaozong (Heavenly Robbers' sect) are they all like gophers who can drill holes, and they finally found one, only to push the problem to the next one.

Did he wait until the next time he finds Tianxuzi, and he repeats the old trick and pushes the problem to the next person?

Pushing back and forth, do you think you are a certain business unit?

Lu Yun was angry.

Tianxuanzi hurriedly said: "Good apprentice, don't be angry, don't be angry, as a teacher, I never fool anyone, let alone you, I really can't find Senior Brother Tianxuzi, and even if I do, you shouldn't ask answer."

"Why?" Lu Yun tried to restrain himself.

"Because..." A trace of sadness appeared in Tian Xuanzi's eyes, "He's crazy."

"Crazy?" Lu Yun was surprised.

Tianxuanzi nodded: "Brother Tianxuzi is good at divine calculations, maybe he figured out something, so he arranged for you to meet your seven sisters, maybe this is the punishment for meddling with heavenly secrets!"

He doesn't look like he's joking.

Lu Yun fell into deep thought.

The thread is broken.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yun asked an equally important question again: "What's the matter with the nameless magic power on my body? Why can it be used to save people, but can devour magic power?"

"This exercise...was also brought out by Senior Brother Tian Xuzi, who said it was tailor-made for you, but you can rest assured that this exercise will not do you any harm."

"You are just a messenger, and you don't even know it yourself, so how can you be sure there will be no harm?"

"Of course it was said by Senior Brother Tian Xuzi... I believe in Senior Brother Tianxuzi, and I can swear to Tian Miaozi's chest that there is no lie!"

Lu Yun suddenly thought of the mediocre Tian Miaozi, and seriously suspected that the reason why she was so mediocre was because Tian Xuanzi, an old and unscrupulous old man, swore too much.

But then again.

So far, Lu Yun really hasn't found any harm to him from this nameless magical skill.

If there is.

That can only be admitted.

Lu Yun asked a few more questions.

Tian Xuanzi answered vaguely, and the jar of wine was almost drained, and finally he tilted his head back, leaned on the chair and passed out from drunk, even snoring.

Seeing his drunken appearance, Lu Yun shook his head, then frowned.

Although there are still many mysteries that have not been solved, some important information has also been obtained from the few words of the old Taoist master.

At least I know how many sisters I have are from Jiexing Mountain, but I don't know which ones.

Anyway, Miss Qingcheng is not.

Ye Qingcheng was born in the Ye family in Jiangnan Province. After she was taken to the orphanage, the connection between her and the Ye family was cut off by these people from the Heavenly Bandit Sect, so Lu Yun couldn't find out anything.

Lu Yun himself should be the same. If he hadn't met Yin Qiushui by chance, he would never have thought that he had such a relationship with the Yin family.

Lu Yun carefully sorted out the clues in his mind, glanced at the wine jar that had bottomed out, then looked at the drunk old Taoist priest, and said speechlessly, "Is this wine so delicious?"

He grabbed the jar and poured the last sip into his mouth.


Stronger than all the wines I have ever drank before!


No matter how strong the wine is, it is impossible for such a small sip to make me feel dizzy!

Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Damn, you damn old bastard, when did you cast the Fascinating Curse..."


Lu Yun fell headlong on the wine table.

On the opposite side, Tian Xuanzi, who was obviously drunk and unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a treacherous smile: "Hmph, little bastard, you're too young to fight with the old man!"

After speaking, he picked up Lu Yun and ran away.