
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

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put up a life and death certificate

Wang Xu.

A genius of the Wang family.

He was less than twenty-three years old when he broke through to the realm of transformation. He was once hailed as the number one genius in the world of martial arts. Of course, it refers to those who are recorded on the list, and low-key people are not included.

After Wang Xu graduated from the Beijing Martial Arts Academy, the legend has always been around, until the appearance of Fairy Luo, he was taken off the title of the first genius.

A long time ago, there was a wonderful rumor in the world of martial arts, saying that two geniuses were born one after another, it must be the arrangement of God's will, they should be a pair made in heaven.

It refers to Wang Xu and Luo Xianzi.

Wang Xu had indeed met Fairy Luo, and he was astonished as a heavenly man when he first saw him. He deserved the name of Fairy, so naturally he was also moved by it.

But Fairy Luo had no intention, and he couldn't force it.

Just now he received a call from his younger brother Wang Tao, saying that someone had beaten him. Wang Tao did not say that the person who beat him was Ye Wudi, but deliberately emphasized that it was Fairy Luo's man.

Fairy Luo's man.

Hatred is bound to escalate.

So after Wang Xu rushed over, he asked Wang Tao a question, and then stabbed his eyes at Lu Yun, like two sharp swords, releasing an incomparably bright edge.

"You are Fairy Luo's - the man?"

The word 'man', Wang Xu took it very seriously.

Lu Yun laughed and said, "Since you already know, why ask again, do you want me to tell you the details of my love affair with Fairy Luo?"

Wang Xu narrowed his eyes, and the killing intent gushed out like a flood.

The lethality of these words was even more powerful than knowing that his brother had been beaten.

In the corner, Duan Peng, who had two broken front teeth, was also gnashing his teeth. When he bit down, the hole in the broken tooth instantly bled out, showing how deep his hatred for Lu Yun was.

He can be said to understand Wang Xu's mood best.

Because not long ago, Lu Yun repeatedly stimulated him like this, which almost broke his mentality.

Killing intent flickered in Wang Xu's eyes, he approached Lu Yun, and said, "Before you told my brother that you wanted to ask me for advice, but now that I'm here, how do you want to ask for advice?"

His desire to kill Lu Yun is getting stronger and stronger, but it is best to extinguish his arrogance before killing Lu Yun.

Because of this guy's eyes, Wang Xu felt very, very upset.

Lu Yun's eyes were not very aggressive, on the contrary, his eyes were full of calm, and it was this calm that made Wang Xu feel uncomfortable.

What he wanted to see was that Lu Yun showed a frightened look.

This kind of calm will only give people a feeling that Lu Yun has the winning ticket, as if he is looking at a clown, looking at Wang Xu.

Of course Wang Xu was upset.

Therefore, when he was approaching Lu Yun, the sense of oppression released from his body was getting bigger and bigger, and his internal energy was rolling rumblingly, as if he couldn't wait to explode.

His current cultivation base is in the late stage of Transformation Realm.

At the age of 27 or 18, reaching the late stage of transformation, the talent should not be underestimated.

Facing the aggressive Wang Xu, Lu Yun remained relaxed as usual, and said with a smile: "We must ask for advice, but not now."

Wang Xu frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Let's set up a life-and-death certificate. Three days later, the martial arts competition will be based on life and death. As for the location of the martial arts competition... I will choose your alma mater, the Beijing Martial Arts Academy."

"It's not necessary."

Wang Xu shook his head: "I can kill you right now."

"You don't want to prove yourself?"

Wang Xu was taken aback: "Prove what?"

Lu Yun smiled and said: "Prove that you are better than me, and prove that Fairy Luo chose me, which is a very stupid decision."


There was a moment of silence.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Xu's mouth, but the murderous intent on his body did not subside, and he said, "You are very interesting, but I don't understand why you took the initiative to propose such a solution that would easily ruin your reputation?"

If Wang Xu killed Lu Yun now, it is estimated that the news would not spread too much, but if the two of them had a life-and-death situation in three days, then these three days would be enough for the matter to ferment.

At that time, it is estimated that the entire capital will know that there is such a gambling fight.

After all, one is a genius in the world of martial arts, and the other is the man of Fairy Luo. These two titles are extremely eye-catching.

Their gambling fight is destined to cause a storm in the capital.

If Lu Yun died at the hands of Wang Xu at that time, it would be ruined in front of countless people.

Lu Yun replied: "What you said is indeed reasonable, but why do you think that the loser must be me?"

Wang Xu's pupils shrank.

It wasn't Lu Yun who lost. Doesn't that mean that he, Wang Xu, lost?

"You're confident."

Wang Xu chuckled, and the killing intent on his body finally gradually subsided, indicating that he had agreed with Lu Yun's solution.


Wang Tao yelled very unwillingly: "Brother, you can't listen to him. This kid must be trying to delay the time. After three days, who knows where he will escape to!"

"Makes sense."

Wang Xu pondered for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look at Long Quan, and asked, "You seem to be very concerned about this kid, what is his relationship with your Long family?"


Long Ji almost blurted out that their Long family had nothing to do with Lu Yun, it was Long Quan's stern gaze that interrupted him.

"You tell me."

Wang Xu pointed to Long Yixue.

The reason why he believed that the Long family had something to do with Lu Yun was because he had seen a worried expression on Long Yixue's face before. This kind of worry appeared at the moment when Wang Xu released his killing intent towards Lu Yun.

It shows that Long Yixue is worried about Lu Yun.

Seeing Wang Xu pointing at her, Long Yixue's face froze immediately, she felt her arm being pulled by someone, turned her head and found that it was her father Long Chuan.

Long Chuan shook his head slightly, as if sending some kind of message to Long Yixue.

Long Yixue understood what he meant, but her heart felt cold.