
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Ninja Ban

Part of the reason why Dongyang Kingdom established the Ninja Alliance was to demonstrate to the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts alliance.

You have martial artists, and we have ninjas, no less than you.

Even Dongyang Kingdom proudly flaunted that our Ninja League has several strongholds in the Dragon Kingdom, but none of the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts alliances have been found, so the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts alliance is too incompetent.

Similar to such provocative words, the Toyo Ninja League said more than once.


Tianzhu Temple.

That terrifying organization appeared.

They finally shut up.

Especially that time three years ago, King Tianzhu singled out the nine Jōnin of the Ninja League, and it took almost less than three minutes to kill the nine Jōnin with ease.

It directly frightened the senior management of Ninja League.

However, the horror of King Tianzhu is far more than that.

On the second night after he beheaded nine Jōnin, when the leader of the Ninja League was sleeping at home, King Tianzhu suddenly broke into his house, and a brief conversation broke the leader of the Ninja League's psychological defense. Totally crushed.


The leader of the Ninja League issued a secret order to withdraw all Ninja League forces hidden in the Dragon Kingdom.

From then on.

The Ninja League of the Eastern Kingdom couldn't help but tremble physically and mentally when they heard the word Tianzhuwang.

In the Dragon Kingdom there is the Temple of Heaven.

But the cold country is not so lucky. There are still many ninja alliance forces hidden in their country.

more than this.

Many big chaebols in the cold country secretly paid for these ninja assassins.


Park Guochang has no choice.

He could only come to Dongyang Kingdom in person and tell Kimura Musashi the news of Kokimura's death.

If he didn't report the information, maybe one day he would be wiped off by those ninja alliance forces hiding in the cold country.

"You said just now that my son was killed by a Dragon Kingdom man?"

After Musashi Musashi heard this, his complexion suddenly sank, and the cold killing intent on his body was also surging.

This frightened Pu Guochang so much that he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, as if he couldn't even speak, he just babbled and didn't know what he was talking about.

However, Musashi Kimura was already furious, and he didn't have the patience to listen to Park Guochang's words. He roared angrily, "Take me to Dragon Country immediately, and I will kill that Dragon Country person myself!"

Ryoko Qiandao who was on the side heard the words, she was shocked and said: "Master Kimura, calm down, have you forgotten the leader's prohibition that no jounin is allowed to step into the territory of Dragon Kingdom again?"

"What ban?" Musashi Kimura obviously lost his mind, and said with murderous intent, "My son, Xiao Mucun, died in the Dragon Kingdom. What is the purpose of you mentioning the ban to me at this time?"

His roar made Qiandao Ryoko turn pale with fright.


Even with fear in my heart.

Ryoko Qiandao insisted on kneeling in front of Musashi Kimura, persuading him, "Master Kimura, don't forget that this ban not only represents the meaning of the leader, but also represents the meaning of the King of Heaven."

The leader of the Ninja League is eager to send more ninjas to the Dragon Kingdom to turn the world upside down.

Why did you have to go against your own wishes and issue a ban?

It is because of fear!

Since that night three years ago, after seeing King Tianzhu, the leader of the Ninja League changed his face when he heard about it, and he didn't dare to offend the Dragon Kingdom any more.

King of Heaven!

The weight of these three words is enough to make the world tremble.

Kimura Musashi also regained some sanity after hearing these three words, but his eyes were still extremely gloomy.

Of course he wanted to rush to Longguo immediately and tear that murderer to pieces.

But it is true that, as Ryoko Qiandao said, the King of Heaven is not to be messed with.

I went to the Dragon Kingdom by myself, so it's fine if I don't reveal my identity, but if I do, it will directly lead to the anger of King Tianzhu to the entire Ninja League. .

The risk was too great for Kimura Musashi to afford.

Ryoko Qiandao said comfortingly: "Master Kimura, why don't you just let me go to the Dragon Kingdom. I'm not a jonin, and I'm not within the scope of the ban. It shouldn't be a problem for me to kill a Dragon Kingdom person."

Kimura Musashi was unwilling.

What he hoped was that he would personally kill the man from the Dragon Kingdom and send Qiandao Ryoko there, which would not be enough to relieve his hatred.

Ryoko Qiandao seemed to know what he was thinking, and said, "My lord, don't worry, before I kill that Dragon Country man, I will definitely torture him and make his life worse than death."

If it weren't for the conditions, she would even have wanted to capture the man from the Dragon Country alive to the East Country, where Kimura Musashi would torture him with his own hands.

Hearing what she said, Kimura Musashi felt a little bit less unwilling, and said in a deep voice: "You must give it to me, and torture him severely. The method is as cruel as possible. It is best to let him die before he dies." Confess to my son."

"The subordinate understands." Ryoko Qiandao replied.

"By the way, take a video of him. I want to see his miserable situation with my own eyes. When I get back from this matter, I will make an exception and promote you to Jonin."

Ryoko Qiandao was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Kimura."

Ryoko Qiandao got up and was about to leave for Longguo, so she glanced at Park Guochang and said, "You, take me to Longguo right away, and point out the murderer."

Pu Guochang was frightened by the murderous intent released by Kimura Musashi just now, and he couldn't understand what he said. After such a long delay, he finally reorganized his words and said, "No...no need..."

"Need not?"

Kimura Musashi's cold eyes full of murderous intent stabbed at Park Guochang again, scaring him half to death again.

But this time, he desperately restrained the fear in his heart and said a word.

"Then... that Dragon Country man said that he would come here in person in the next two days, and also said..."

Park Guochang paused.

But what he said made everyone in the Ninja League stunned.

That murderer actually wanted to come here to die?

What's the meaning?

Musashi Kimura frowned, and said coldly, "What else did he say?"

Pu Guochang trembled all over, gritted his teeth and said: "He said, let Mr. Kimura prepare the gift of apology, and he wants to accept Mr. Kimura's apology..."