
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Nanyu Country, Mercenary Corps

The two of them were on the sofa, and you were fighting with each other, when suddenly a voice sounded in Lu Yun's ear: "Little Lu Yun, bless me..."

This is not Ye Qingcheng's voice.


Fourth Sister Wang Bingning!

Lu Yun's vigilance increased immediately, he frowned and said, "Sister Qingcheng, I'll go out for a while."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that I was going to treat a patient today, and I almost forgot."

In order not to worry Ye Qingcheng, Lu Yun did not explain too much, but pushed his bicycle and left the green villa by himself.

come outside.

Lu Yun closed his eyes.

As he crazily moved the mind circle worn on Wang Bingning's body, the general situation over there immediately came to his mind.

Although the picture is blurry.

But it could be vaguely felt that Wang Bingning was fleeing in a rainforest.

There were also a few figures running wildly around her, they should be her fellow reporters.


From the direction transmitted by the mind circle, it can be known that the fourth sister Wang Bingning is not in Cambodia at all, but in the border area between the Dragon Kingdom and the Nanyu Kingdom.

What she said before investigating the kidnapping of King Jiji is definitely not that simple.


Suddenly, a reporter's head exploded and died right in front of Wang Bingning.

The screen ends here.

Lu Yun's eyes cracked.

"Fourth Sister!!"

The blood in Lu Yun's body boiled instantly, and the flames of anger burned wildly, as if to burn up all the surrounding air.

"Fourth Sister!!"

Lu Yun roared in his heart, he must not look at any of his sisters and get hurt.

The speed soared to the extreme, and it rushed towards the direction of Nanyu Kingdom.

at the same time.

In the southern part of the Dragon Kingdom, there are nine generals in the Tianzhu Palace who sit here, all of whom are above the Venerable Realm. When they received the news, they all paled in shock.

Their king is angry!

They are rushing here frantically!

The nine made a decisive decision and led a group of martial practitioners to approach Nanyu Kingdom in a mighty manner to put pressure on it.

Wang's woman, absolutely nothing will happen!


Bullets flew by.

Watching the companions around him fall down one by one, Wang Bingning's heart was bleeding.

She is indeed not investigating the kidnapping of King Jiji in Cambodia, but in Nanyu Country, investigating a cross-border human trafficking organization whose identities were exposed due to the negligence of her colleagues.

The people who chased them down were mercenaries hired by that organization.

And this mercenary army is all composed of martial arts practitioners.

call out!

A bullet flew past Wang Bingning's temples and hit an ancient tree in front of her.

The whistling wind blade slapped her cheek sorely, and her ears were buzzing non-stop from the sharp piercing sound.

But Wang Bingning couldn't do anything.

He could only stumble and run away, tightly clutching the ugly amulet hanging on his chest, hoping that it would really bring him good luck as Xiao Lu Yun said.


A bullet hit Wang Bingning's left shoulder, and the severe pain made her scream, and her eyes became blurred, thinking that she was going to die in this foreign country today.

"You bastards from the Nanyu Kingdom are doomed!"

At the moment when Wang Bingning was about to fall to the ground, a burly figure suddenly rushed over, picked her up and rushed towards the border between the two countries frantically.

It's Xu Chun.

At the beginning, he was ordered by Yuntian Shenjun to protect Wang Bingning secretly, but the incident happened suddenly. When he rushed over, it was already a bit late, and Wang Bingning had already been shot.


Although Xu Chun is a martial artist, his strength is not strong enough to catch bullets. He can only rely on his body's flexibility and the complex terrain of the rainforest to avoid bullets as much as possible.


Human physical strength is limited after all.

Even a martial artist can only be said to have stronger physical strength than ordinary people, but it is definitely not infinite.

Soon Xu Chun felt a burst of fatigue.

Puff puff puff!

Xu Chun was shot twice, and the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing, but he still used his burly body to protect Wang Bingning.

Hold on a little longer.

Hold on a little longer.

As long as you pass through this rainforest, you will find the border between the two countries in front of you, where several generals from Tianzhu Temple are stationed.

Xu Chun gritted his teeth.

He was shot twice behind him.

Almost couldn't hold it.

Life will die.


When everyone from Tianzhu Palace arrived, Xu Chuncai fell to the ground with a thud, opened his bloody mouth, and said with a wry smile: "Generals... please tell His Highness Shenjun, Xu Chun... did his best!"

"Save people!"

Tiangu, one of the thirty-six gangs of the Tianzhu Palace, gave a loud drink, then looked at the group of mercenaries angrily, and roared: "How dare you hurt the king's woman, kill these mercenaries for me!" Offal from the Fish Country!"


All the people in Tianzhu Hall rushed out angrily.

The nine gods above the Venerable Realm took the lead, unleashing their powerful inner strength and turning them into indestructible shields, which were actually impenetrable to those omnipotent bullets.

In fact, at the moment when I saw the Temple of Heaven.

The mercenary regiment from Nanyu Kingdom was already in a panic.

Obviously they haven't crossed the border yet, but facing the powerful Tianzhu Temple, they can only fear and flee.

At first.

It was the terrifying King Tianzhu who led the thirty-six generals under his command to kill them all the way to the capital of Nanyu Kingdom and forced them to sign the contract. Long Guo has a half-hearted desire to invade.

But this time, in order not to let the secret leak out, they originally wanted to get rid of these reporters as soon as possible before they crossed the border. Who knew that before they crossed the border, they encountered the Temple of Heaven and had to retreat quickly.