
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Mystery of life experience

"Sister Yan'er, do you know this person?" Seeing that Liu Yan'er seemed a little surprised, Lu Yun asked curiously.

Liu Yan'er nodded and said: "Yes, I used to be a business partner with me, and I once drank with him. He is usually a smiling person with a very enthusiastic personality, so I just picked him off. I was surprised when I was wearing a mask, because I really couldn't connect the two people."

Lu Yun said: "Sister Yan'er, aren't you the same? I guess others would never have imagined that the charming and charming Rose Queen is actually the cold-faced killer Ye Qiangwei."

This is the truly terrifying place in the Shadow Pavilion

You never know if the smiling, positive person next to you is a hidden killer, just like everyone has a dark side, sometimes the brighter the person on the outside, the darker side may be. bigger.

The existence of the Shadow Pavilion is to expand the dark side of these people to the maximum, thinking that wearing a mask can be unscrupulous.

This is a terrible thing.

Liu Yan'er pushed back the hair that was hanging down from her temples, and said with a smile: "It won't be anymore, Liu Yan'er will be Liu Yan'er, not just Night Rose."

Lu Yun nodded, and then asked curiously: "Sister Yan'er, can you tell me now, why did you join this killer organization?"

Liu Yan'er thought for a moment, then said, "Actually, does this have something to do with my background?"

"life experience?"

Lu Yun was puzzled.

"I have been checking my own life experience all these years, but I found nothing. The only memory point is the Shadow Pavilion."

"So when Eagle Eye appeared in front of me and said that he wanted to recruit me into the gang, I immediately felt that I had heard the name Shadow Pavilion before. I thought that joining the Shadow Pavilion would give me some clues."

"But when I actually entered the Shadow Pavilion, I realized that it is too difficult to investigate, because everyone in it uses pronouns. If I want to check it, it is as difficult as heaven."

"Since I can't find any clues, then the meaning of my stay in the Shadow Pavilion is not great, but the killer organization is easy to get in and hard to get out. I have told Eagle Eye more than once that I want to quit, but this bastard actually threatened me. , Said that as long as I quit, my identity will be exposed."

"I've wanted to kill this bastard for a long time."

Liu Yan'er kicked hard on the ground, venting her hatred.

After listening, Lu Yun was silent for a moment, then smiled and comforted him: "Anyway, you are finally free now."


Liu Yan'er nodded: "As for the issue of background, fuck it, as long as I have you and a few other sisters, that's enough, we'll always be a family."

"That's right, we were originally a family. After all, we swore to each other when we were young..."

Lu Yun chuckled, but quickly closed his mouth knowingly, but Liu Yan'er looked at him playfully, and said, "Go ahead, do you still want to say that you want to marry your sisters?"

"How can I..."

"There's none?"

Liu Yan'er suddenly approached Lu Yun, stretched out her green fingers to lift his chin, then blinked her long and narrow fox eyes and asked, "If you could only choose one of our seven sisters, who would you choose?" ?"


What a joke, children make choices!

Lu Yun said guiltily, "Of course it's you!"

You asked this question, and of course my answer is you. If I answered her sister, wouldn't she be beaten to death by you?

"Liar, obviously we have so many opportunities..."

"Ahem, Sister Yan'er, let's deal with the corpse first!"


After returning from Night Rose Bar, Lu Yun secretly came to the backyard by himself.

He hesitated for a long time.

In the end, he dialed a special number and ordered, "Help me check a person's life experience."

The old Taoist master once warned Lu Yun that it is fine to let nature take its course, but Lu Yun couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to help Liu Yan'er, so he notified Anbu.

There was a wait.

"Wang, my subordinates are incompetent. We didn't find out about Ms. Liu's life experience. We mobilized all the information networks, and there is only information about Ms. Liu after she entered the Sunshine Orphanage."

"I don't blame you, help me check the background of the other six people..."

So Lu Yun gave the information of the other six sisters to Anbu, but the result was still blank, and the information before the orphanage was all blank.

Even Ye Qingcheng, even if she has met the Ye family, the information about her childhood is also blank.

Lu Yun was silent for a long time, and finally said anxiously: "What about mine?"

"Subordinates are incompetent..."

Hearing these words, Lu Yun's mood became extremely complicated.

His Anbu information network is very powerful, but now, even Anbu can't find out the background of him and his seven sisters, as if they were cut off by someone, which is very strange.

"What a big game of chess!"

Lu Yun can be sure that there must be one, or even a few big hands, manipulating all this, because he asked Anbu to investigate the backgrounds of Wang Gang and Zhao Lei, and it turned out that their backgrounds were very clear.

Only Lu Yun and his seven sisters.

What a creepy answer.

The old Taoist master must know something, so he told himself to let nature take its course. It seems that he must take some time to go back to the Taoist temple and ask the old Taoist master what is going on with all this.

Lu Yun shook his head.

The night was getting dark.

Lu Yun was lying in his room sleeping, but suddenly he heard a creak, the door was opened, and then saw a beautiful figure sneaking in.

"Little Lu Yun..."

With the moonlight coming in from the window, Lu Yun could tell at a glance that it was the fourth sister Wang Bingning.

Wang Bingning did not turn on the light in the room, but stretched out two hands to feel, and then touched the inside of Lu Yun's bed.