
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Mom gave you a cuckold

Lu Yun and Jiang Lan both closed their mouths at the same time and stopped making fun of each other.

But Ye Wudi was depressed.

Something is wrong with these two.

Especially when the two of them looked at each other just now, it was not normal at first glance, and there was a hint of ambiguity, otherwise, why would my mother blush...


Ye Wudi seemed to have discovered some shocking secret, he rushed out to find Ye Xiangrong, and said, "Dad, I have something to report to you..."

He demonstrated the demeanor and dialogue of the two just now.

Ye Xiangrong showed embarrassment, thinking that Ye Wudi had already known about him, but anyway, his unspeakable disease was cured now, even if Ye Wudi knew about it, it didn't matter.

"...So I think, Mom should have cuckolded you."

After Ye Wudi gave a vivid demonstration, he suddenly summed up this sentence.

Ye Xiangrong turned green after hearing this sentence, but it wasn't his head that turned green, but his face turned green, because Ye Wudi made him green.

Of course Ye Wudi couldn't avoid being beaten up in the end.

At this time, Ye Qingcheng in the living room was very calm. Obviously, she was used to this kind of scene, because she had already discovered the strange way of getting along with her parents and little Lu Yun.

Don't be surprised.

At this time, Jiang Lan suddenly said: "Nephew, Qingcheng, I just have something to tell you. At noon tomorrow, Ouyang Su invited our family to his place for dinner."

Ouyang Su, Ouyang Minghao's father, the person in power in the Ouyang family, has a very good relationship with Ye Xiangrong and belongs to family friends.

It is normal for the two families to sit down and have a meal in their free time.

Jiang Lan continued: "And this time they specifically ordered you two to be brought along."


Lu Yun pointed at himself in surprise.

Lu Yun could still understand if he brought Ye Qingcheng with him, but he obviously had a feud with Ouyang Minghao, so would they invite him to dinner so kindly?

I'm afraid I'm thinking of a way to make myself look ugly!

Jiang Lan explained: "Didn't Ouyang Minghao go to Jiangcheng with us last time, but he turned his face and left first, and he felt sorry afterwards, so he planned to apologize to you tomorrow. "

Is this preparing to reconcile with yourself?

Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, but quickly rejected this idea in his heart. He knew countless people. How could a person like Ouyang Minghao, who has an aloof personality, feel sorry for what happened last time?

He should just feel uncomfortable.

He said that he invited himself to a meal and made an apology, but he was afraid that he would hold back some tricks to deal with him at that time.

Lu Yun would not be so naive.

However, the Ye family and the Ouyang family are family friends, even if he doesn't give Ouyang Minghao face, he should give Ye Xiangrong and Jiang Lan some face.

As for what Ouyang Minghao is thinking, he will know when he arrives at the scene tomorrow.

The majestic Yuntian God Lord, is he still afraid that he will fail with a small grasshopper?


The next day, a group of people came to Ouyang Su's mansion.

Ouyang Su is about the same age as Ye Xiangrong, and they are already very familiar with each other, so there is no need to introduce too much.

As for Ye Wudi, he has known Ouyang Su's family for a long time, and his relationship with Ouyang Minghao is pretty good.

Before Ouyang Minghao went abroad to study, the two often got together.

So in this environment, it was Ye Qingcheng and Lu Yun who were slightly unfamiliar.

"Qingcheng, this is your Uncle Ouyang." Jiang Lan introduced with a smile.

Out of politeness, Ye Qingcheng walked up to Ouyang Su and shouted, "Hello, Uncle Ouyang!"

"Haha, okay, my niece Qingcheng is indeed a fairy in appearance, she is beautiful in a country and a city, no wonder my kid is always thinking about you, I don't know how many times I have mentioned you in front of me."

When Ouyang Su saw Ye Qingcheng, he couldn't help admiring in his heart. She really deserves to be Jiang Lan's daughter, and her genes are so well inherited.

It is a pity that this marriage cannot be made.

Regarding the matter between Ouyang Minghao and Ye Qingcheng, Ouyang Su also knew something about it. His son seemed to have encountered some obstacles in the process of pursuing Ye Qingcheng, and that obstacle also came to the scene today.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Su's eyes quickly shifted to Lu Yun.

He has never met Lu Yun, but he knows without thinking that this person is the obstacle between his son and Ye Qingcheng.

And today they invited this obstacle over with the excuse of apologizing.

Ouyang Su wanted to take this opportunity to see if the person who could defeat his son was really that good.

Without waiting for Jiang Lan's introduction, Ouyang Su walked up to Lu Yun and said, "You are Lu Yun?"

"Yes, hello."

Lu Yun looked straight at him, and his voice was flat, vividly expressing the words neither humble nor overbearing.

But from Ouyang Su's point of view, he felt that Lu Yun was too ignorant of etiquette.

I am your elder, why should you add the word 'uncle' before 'hello', right?

What's the matter with this tone of communication between peers?