
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Little brother is too shy

"The green mountains are faintly covered with water, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River is not withered in autumn."

"Shuixiu Mountain and green eyebrows are long and long. When I come back, I lean against the small pavilion window. The spring breeze can't understand the rain in the south of the Yangtze River. I smile and look at the rain alley to find customers."


Throughout the ages.

There are countless poems describing the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, and it is exactly in response to the sentence that the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque.

Therefore, there are often some film and television shooting teams who come to Jiangnan to shoot scenes, and every shot they shoot can bring a pleasing feeling to the audience.

Xiao Qin's crew is also planning to come to Jiangnan Province to shoot for a while.

This happened to give Xiao Qin a chance.

So on the first day of filming, the beautiful star secretly ran back to Luyin Villa, eager to see Lu Yun.

I haven't seen him for fifteen years. I really don't know what little Lu Yun looks like now.

Speaking of this matter, Xiao Qin was also a little depressed. These sisters of his own did a great job of keeping secrets.

Xiao Qin asked the sisters to make a video call more than once, let her see Xiao Lu Yun, even if there is no video, send her some photos.

But the sisters replied: Xiao Luyun said that he should maintain a sense of mystery first, and if he wanted to see him, he would come back by himself.

Xiao Qin had no choice but to keep scolding them for their lack of loyalty.

And this time I came to Jiangnan Province to shoot the scene, on the one hand, because the scenery here fits the theme, and on the other hand, it was Xiao Qin's request.

to be honest.

The water in the entertainment industry is very deep.

If a girl wants to get ahead, she must sacrifice a lot of things, especially for a girl with outstanding looks like Xiao Qin, entering this circle is tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Producers, directors, sponsors, big bosses of brokerage companies, etc., every link has to be taken care of.

Unless the girl herself has a lot of background.

Xiao Qin is like this.

Standing behind her was a tycoon in the capital. No one in the entertainment industry dared to provoke her, so naturally no one dared to let Xiao Qin go to those drinking parties.

She was one of the few well-protected girls in the entertainment industry.


Xiao Qin wrapped herself up tightly, with a black hat and a black mask, and a lady's windbreaker with an unusually high collar, covering her entire neck. The only thing that could be seen was her tall figure.

After returning home, Xiao Qin didn't even have time to take off the mask, so she held Ye Qingcheng's hand impatiently and said, "Sister, where is little Lu Yun, let me see little Lu Yun quickly."

She usually seldom returns to Lvyin Villa. She has a house in the provincial capital. Every time she met her sisters in the past, she always stayed in the provincial capital.

This is out of a kind of protection for the sisters.

After all, this is their base camp. If they are photographed by paparazzi one day, the sisters will definitely be disturbed.

But this time is different.

Xiao Qin couldn't help but wanted to see Xiao Lu Yun sooner, so he took the risk and went back to Luyin Villa.

Ye Qingcheng and the others already knew that Xiao Qin was coming back, and the sisters were all here today, and they hadn't seen Xiao Qin for a long time, so they naturally wanted to catch up with her.

But when it came to Lu Yun, Ye Qingcheng said regretfully: "Sixth sister, it's really a coincidence that you came back. Little Lu Yun is not at home because of something, and he won't be back for a few days."

"not at home?"

Xiao Qin immediately said anxiously: "Sister, what's the matter with you? Didn't I notify you in advance that I will be back today? Why didn't you tell Xiao Lu Yun?"

Her tone was a little resentful.

After finally coming back, I happened to meet little Lu Yun going out, it was too uncomfortable.

Ye Qingcheng said innocently: "I told him, and he promised well before, but just yesterday, he went out after answering a phone call."

Wang Bingning echoed and said: "Yes, yes, little Lu Yun has something urgent to do, and it will take several days to come back!"

"We haven't seen each other for fifteen years, but little Lu Yun doesn't miss me at all, it really makes me sad."

Xiao Qin was not happy.

Lin Qingtan said consolingly: "You can't say that, the main reason is that this time it was indeed an emergency. It was a patient from another province. He was very seriously ill and was about to die. My little brother had no choice but to travel far away. "

This reason is of course false.

Lu Yun was just hidden by them.

In order to create a surprise for Xiao Qin, these beauties really took great pains.

Xiao Qin believed it was true.

She had heard from Lin Qingtan a long time ago that little Lu Yun's medical skills were very good, and not long after he came back, he was awarded the title of a genius doctor in Jiangcheng.

Others were about to die of illness, Xiao Qin would definitely not be so capricious, and refused to let Lu Yun go for treatment just to see Lu Yun.

Another very important point is.

The second sister basically can't lie. She said that Xiao Lu Yun went to treat people, so she must have gone to treat people.

Xiao Qin easily believed the words of the sisters, and could only sigh and say: "It's such a pity, I finally came back and didn't see Xiao Lu Yun, then you can give Xiao Lu Yun's photo to me. Shall I see it?"

Feeling lost, Xiao Qin could only do the next best thing, asking to see Lu Yun's photo, at least to know what he looks like.

Ye Qingcheng and the others were silent.

It is impossible to give the photo, wouldn't it be revealed if I gave it tomorrow?

Absolutely not!

Seeing that they didn't speak, Xiao Qin clenched his fists angrily and said: "I asked you for a photo before, but you refused to give it, and said you would wait for me to come back. Now that I am back, you still refuse to let me see little Lu Yunchang What does it look like, isn't it too much?"

Liu Yan'er blinked her fox eyes, and said with a sneer: "Sixth sister, it's not that we don't show it to you, but that we haven't photographed it at all. Little Lu Yun is... very shy, a very shy big boy."


Xiao Qin glanced suspiciously at several people, and finally landed on the second sister.

The person she trusted most was Lin Qingtan.

Lin Qingtan's cheeks flushed slightly, because what Liu Yan'er said just now was too outrageous.



These two words can't be used on the little brother.

If he had been shy, he would have hugged himself and said that he wanted to teach himself how to perform acupuncture, and kept emphasizing, "Be low, bend your waist a little bit lower, isn't the subtext just to raise your butt a little bit higher?"

Obviously a hooligan.

Lin Qingtan, who has never been good at lying, couldn't help blushing, but in order to cooperate with the acting, he finally nodded and said: "Yes, my little brother is very shy. I have never seen a boy as shy as him."