
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

knowing blow

"People from the Dragon Kingdom, you are very courageous. You killed our little Mr. Kimura, but you still dare to ask Mr. Kimura to apologize. I don't know if you are naive or stupid, but I appreciate your courage."

Before Kimura Musashi had an attack, the enchanting female Chunin suddenly walked towards Lu Yun, with a charming smile on her bright and sexy red lips.

"It's impossible for Mr. Kimura to apologize to you, but I can. How about letting me replace Mr. Kimura and apologize to you?"

Chishima Ryoko said.

Twisting his waist, he came to Lu Yun.

next second.

A suffocating scene happened.

Ryoko Qiandao actually took off her clothes in front of Lu Yun, revealing a hot and delicate body, protruding forward and backward, scratching her head and posing.

His arms were like slippery little snakes, embracing Lu Yun's neck, and his white and tender thighs without any cover directly wrapped around Lu Yun's waist.


The apology she said should be used in this way to compensate Lu Yun.

Lu Yun moved his eyes down and landed on the pair of proud things rubbing against his chest, and suddenly chuckled and said, "Okay, since you are willing to apologize on your behalf, I naturally have no objection."

As he spoke, he pinched both sides of the female ninja's willow waist with both hands.

A trace of contempt flashed in Qiandao Ryoko's eyes, and she stretched out her nimble tongue, ready to get close to Lu Yun's ear.

But at this moment.

She suddenly felt a shift in the sky.

It turned out that Lu Yun hugged her waist, turned her upside down, turned her head on the ground, and then slammed her down on the ground.

The moment of falling.

Lu Yun was even more merciless, and with his palm turned into a knife, he slashed down the middle of the two long white and tender legs of this unknown female ninja.


There was a scream.

But it didn't come from Lu Yun's feet, but from five meters ahead.

This is illusion.

The illusion performed by Ryoko Qiandao.

It's just that her illusion is much weaker than that of Kimura Musashi, so she can only use this method to deal with those lustful men.

In the end, Lu Yun saw through it at a glance.

in reality.

The clothes on Ryoko Qiandao were still neatly dressed, and her hands and feet were not wrapped around Lu Yun's body.

But in the illusion just now, the attack on her incorporeal body made her body feel the same.

The pain from hitting the ground with his head was still mild, the key was that Lu Yun's slap just now made Qiandao Ryoko feel like his lower body was torn in two, the pain is self-evident.

After Qiandao Ryoko screamed, she squatted on the ground, grinning in pain.

Although the people around were not in the illusion just now, in their view, Qiandao Ryoko was just standing there, and suddenly squatted down in great pain.

But they can guess what happened.

Ryoko Qiandao is good at that kind of illusion.

Many of them had the honor to experience it when they sparred with Ryoko Qiandao.

So the situation at hand is very clear.

It must be that Ryoko Qiandao used that kind of illusion on this Dragon Countryman just now, but the Dragon Countryman saw through it and gave her a knowing blow.

This incidates that.

This Dragon Country person is not simple, otherwise it would be impossible to be so bold and break into their Ninja League alone.

Lu Yun glanced at Ryoko Qiandao indifferently, and said, "Stop showing off your little tricks in front of me. In terms of appearance, you can't compare with my elder sister, in terms of figure, you can't compare with my second sister, and in terms of charm, you can't compare with my second sister." But my third sister, you really failed."

Lu Yun shook his head in disappointment.

The lethality of this sentence is not insignificant for a woman.

Chishima Ryoko's appearance and figure are actually very good.

In Ninja League, she is recognized as a beauty.

So every time she casts an illusion, many ninjas of the same level as her can break her illusion, but most of them choose not to do anything.

He deliberately didn't break Qiandao Ryoko's illusion, and let her toss on him.

This has become the joy of many male ninjas.

It is rare to see someone as ruthless as Lu Yun.

It's okay to destroy flowers with hot hands.

Lu Yun also compared Qiandao Ryoko with his older sisters from the three aspects of appearance, figure, and degree of charm, and finally came to a conclusion: you are inferior in everything, it is a failure.

What is it called?

It's called total disintegration.

Not only did it deal a painful blow to Qiandao Ryoko physically, but it also shattered her self-confidence psychologically, causing her a deep sense of frustration.

"It seems that you do have some ability, no wonder you dare to come here alone, but if you think that with this strength, you can be unrestrained here, then you underestimate our Ninja League."

Lu Yun's ability to decipher Ryoko Qiandao's illusion was indeed somewhat beyond Musashi Kimura's expectations.

But that's nothing special.

Ryoko Qiandao's level of illusion is not high, as long as she is a man with a little stronger willpower and resists the beauty and temptation, it is easy to break Ryoko Qiandao's illusion.

Lu Yun shook his head and said: "It's not that I underestimate your Ninja League, but because you Ninja League are not qualified for me to take a high look."

"Huh, what a big tone. It seems that the Tianzhu Palace of your Dragon Kingdom has brought you back to the blind self-confidence you had a hundred years ago. If there is no Tianzhu Palace, you Dragon Kingdom people are nothing in my eyes."

Kimura Musashi snorted coldly.

A strange white thick fog began to rise all around.

After the white mist.

The scenery begins to change.

The eerie red crescent moon appeared again in the sky.


This is the illusion world of Kimura Musashi.

"People of the Dragon Kingdom, I will make you pay a terrible price for everything you have done before. I will make your life worse than death, and make you repent to my dead son before begging to die!"

Kimura Musashi's gloomy voice came down from the crimson moon and echoed throughout the illusion world.