
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Has he always been this brave?


Among the many apprentices of the White Dragon King, the one whose personality is most similar to the White Dragon King is conceited, extremely conceited.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to attack Lu Yun so directly.

And it only uses 50% strength.

Because he felt that if he had to use all his strength to kill an unknown ascetic, it would be an insult to his peak. No, it was not an insult, but a shame, the greatest shame in his life.

The first miss had already caused an uncomfortable feeling in Gao Feng's heart.

The majestic Grandmaster of Transformation Realm was unable to deal with an ant with one move, what a failure, what a failure!

Gao Feng was extremely annoyed.


When he looked at Lu Yun again, Gao Feng's attitude was extremely strong, and he said coldly: "Get out of here and lead me to death!"

It's so domineering!

Subconsciously, Xiao Qin took a step forward, using her frail body to block Lu Yun behind her.

She is neither a cultivator, nor a martial artist, nor a cultivator. She is just an ordinary, single and weak girl.

But this is her caring attitude towards her younger brother as an older sister.

In case of any danger, let the younger brother hide behind.

This kind of care has nothing to do with strength.

It's instinct.

is love.

It is a natural expression of inner emotion.

The move is slight.

But Lu Yun saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

This is my sister.

"Gao Feng, if you dare to touch a hair of Mr. Lu, our Long family will definitely investigate to the end!"

Lu Yun is the opportunity for the Long family, and Long Yixue still counts on him to treat her grandfather, so of course it is impossible to stand by and do nothing.


Gao Feng didn't even look at Long Yixue more.

As he said before, the member of the Long family has already stepped half of his foot into the coffin, and the Long family is dying. Long Yixue's words have no deterrent effect on Gao Feng.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Long Yixue.

Instantly kill Lu Yun, and then leave.

Gao Feng's murderous intent was awe-inspiring, his inner strength was released outward, and his whole body was wrapped in a domineering aura. He was about to kill Lu Yun with one blow, when suddenly another crisp voice came from the side: "Jiangnan province Are martial practitioners already this crazy?"

Several people heard the sound and looked, only to see a beautiful woman with a well-proportioned figure and a heroic spirit between her brows, walking towards this side.

Gao Feng was taken aback.

Another woman!

And she is also a stunning beauty whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to Xiao Qin and Long Yixue!

Where did this ant named Lu Yun come from?

Gao Feng's eyeballs popped, and he was mad with jealousy!

When Xiao Qin saw this heroic beauty, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Seventh sister, why are you here?"

The person who came was Lu Yun's seventh sister, Luo Li.

Luo Li said: "Sixth Sister, we haven't seen each other for so long, this time I know you are coming back to Jiangnan Province to film, and I just happen to be not that busy, so I came to see you, I didn't expect to meet such a scene."

As she spoke, she turned her head and gave Lu Yun a hard look.

Lu Yun rubbed his head and said with a sneer: "Seventh sister, it's like three autumns when we see each other."

See you soon?

Luo Li sneered, polished her two shiny little canine teeth and said, "Little Lu Yun, I think you've been living very comfortably recently."

Lu Yun inexplicably felt a cold in his crotch.

Luo Li was too lazy to talk to him, looked at Gao Feng, and asked, "Sixth Sister, what's the situation with this guy?"

"He came from the capital and said he wanted to kill little Lu Yun." Xiao Qin said solemnly.

"So they came from the capital, no wonder they are so arrogant, they dare to do it in public."

Luo Li knew it in her heart, but immediately raised her eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: "Has he always been so brave, and actually said that he wanted to kill Xiao Lu Yun?"

Xiao Qin didn't understand what she meant.

In front of the enemy, why is he still looking calm and breezy?

Long Yixue said solemnly: "His name is Gao Feng, he is a master of transformation, and his master, White Dragon King, is a respected party."

"I see."

After listening to Long Yixue's introduction, Luo Li nodded, and suddenly walked towards Gao Feng, saying: "If you want to kill Xiao Lu Yun, pass me first!"

Who is our little Lu Yun?

Lord Yuntian!

Is that what you say you can kill?

If you can't even break through my level, then you are talking in your sleep when you say you want to kill little Lu Yun.

This is Luo Li's true thought.

But Gao Feng didn't think so.

Seeing Luo Li coming over suddenly, she thought she was going to stand up for Lu Yun, a trace of impatience appeared on her face, and she said, "Girl, who are you? Why bother with that ant's business?"


Luo Li's flawless face could not help showing a bit of weirdness.

How dare you say that Lord Yuntian is an ant, you are really brave.

But Luo Li didn't bother to explain, and said following Gao Feng's words: "It's not that I meddle in other people's business, but because that ant is my younger brother, it's really inappropriate for me not to take action!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Li's slender figure jumped out lightly, and her slender hands slapped towards the peak like a butterfly piercing through a flower.


When Luo Li said that she would stand up for Lu Yun, Gao Feng had guessed that she might be a martial artist.

But feeling Luo Li's aura at this moment, Gao Feng still couldn't hold back his surprise.

He guessed that Luo Li was a martial artist, but he didn't guess that Luo Li would be the master of transformation.

Gao Feng himself is also a Transformation Realm Grandmaster, after all, his age is right, and the beautiful woman in front of him looks about 22 or 30 years old, how could she be a Transformation Realm Grandmaster?


There is indeed such a proud girl in Longguo.

Gao Feng seemed to think of something, but before he could open his mouth, Luo Li had already attacked in front of him, so Gao Feng had no choice but to raise his palms to meet him, but he didn't dare to use too much force, he just managed to defuse Luo Li's offensive.

Gao Feng took a few steps back, and finally had time to speak, he paused with one palm facing forward, and said, "Wait, you are... the leader of the Wumeng League in Central China, Fairy Luo?"