
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Fourth sister is coming back

The night is like ink.

Outside the luxurious private villa, a ghostly figure climbed up the wall, and finally jumped in from the balcony on the second floor.

Lu Yun sighed: "Thinking that I am a majestic Yuntian God, I would actually do such a stealthy thing one day. If this gets out, I'm afraid I will be laughed at to death."

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the villa, Lu Yun went to the bedroom and managed to find a safe.

pry open.

Remove the contents.

the next day.

Xiong Rihui was suddenly taken away by relevant departments for investigation, saying that someone found his black account records, which recorded in detail all his money transactions in recent years, and some high-level personnel in the organization were also involved.

Xiong Rihui was startled, and roughly guessed what happened.

I really shouldn't have spent the night at the secretary's house last night. I didn't even know the safe was broken into.


Ye family.

Ye Xiangrong and his wife were having lunch when they heard the doorbell ringing suddenly. When they opened the door, it was Ouyang Minghao.

Jiang Lan greeted warmly and said: "It turns out that Ming Hao is here, come in quickly, we happen to be having dinner, shall we go together?"

"Thank you auntie, I've already eaten."

Ouyang Minghao entered the room, put the brought fruit wine on the coffee table, but looked around, and asked doubtfully, "Auntie, isn't Sister Qingcheng here?"

He came here this time to contact Ye Qingcheng.

Chasing girls means stalking and persevering, maybe when Ye Qingcheng will be moved by his sincerity?

Of course Jiang Lan understood what he meant, and her expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

Ye Xiangrong explained with an embarrassed smile: "Hehe, that... Qingcheng went back to live in Jiangcheng, but he will still come here to visit us often."

He didn't say that, in fact, the couple went to Jiangcheng more frequently than Ye Qingcheng came here.

Ouyang Minghao frowned and said, "Still with that kid surnamed Lu?"

His tone was obviously upset.

Ye Xiangrong hesitated to speak, the couple looked at each other, and finally decided to let Jiang Lan explain the situation.

"Minghao, in fact, you should also understand Qingcheng's thoughts. She only cares about Lu Yun, and we can't persuade her, so we will not interfere with their young people's affairs."

This is Jiang Lan's euphemism.

But Ouyang Minghao is also a smart person, and instantly understood the meaning of Jiang Lan's words. This is a tacit consent to the relationship between Lu Yun and Ye Qingcheng!

Damn, are you playing with me?

Ouyang Minghao cursed in his heart.

It was you who said to introduce Ye Qingcheng to me at the beginning, and now you are the one who said not to intervene. Isn't this kidding me?

Ouyang Minghao's face became extremely ugly.

He has already fallen in love with Ye Qingcheng. To be precise, as long as he is a normal man, it is difficult to control himself when he sees a stunning beauty like Ye Qingcheng. After all, most of them are creatures with lower body thinking.

To put it bluntly, it is love at first sight, but to put it bluntly, it is love at first sight.

So if Ouyang Minghao had to give up at this time, how could he be willing?

Ouyang Minghao restrained the anger in his body, got up and said: "Uncle and auntie, eat slowly, I will go first."

After speaking, he left the Ye family.

Ye Xiangrong sighed and said, "Look, it's all your good deeds. If you hadn't said you introduced Qingcheng to Ouyang Minghao, why would the trouble be so unpleasant?"

"Oh, now you know it's my fault?"

Jiang Lan stared and said, "Didn't you also acquiesce in my approach back then?"

"Hey, we can only blame the two of us for looking away. Who would have thought that Lu Yun is so good!"


Lu Yun got the news that the fourth sister would be back in a few days.

Lu Yun has admired the Fourth Sister of the Demon King for a long time, who is only known by name but not in person, and when the time comes, he must discuss a few tricks with her.

Ye Qingcheng suggested: "Wang Bingning came back this time just to see you, and she probably won't stay for a few days, so you can pick her up at the airport then!"

"No problem." Lu Yun nodded in agreement.

"I'll take you to the mall later to buy some decent clothes."

"It's unnecessary, I think my current clothes are enough..."


Ye Qingcheng raised her brows, and suddenly showed her elder sister's majesty, but then shook Lu Yun's arm and said, "You just treat it as shopping with others. You have been back for so long, and you have never gone shopping with others. ."


I'm not afraid that my eldest sister will act majestic, but I'm afraid that my eldest sister will act like a baby. This kind of crisp and soft voice almost melted Lu Yun's heart.

The two finally came to Tianda Plaza.

Fashion city.

When Lu Yun tried on a suit, his temperament was instantly highlighted.

In fact, Lu Yun doesn't like wearing suits very much, but Ye Qingcheng said she wanted to see him wear them, and she acted coquettishly again. What else can Lu Yun do? Sister Qingcheng, who was so cold before, is starting to look like a little girl Acting like a baby, how could he not spoil her.

So I put on a white suit.

He has a straight posture.


Duo Duo is the temperament of a noble son.

Especially when Lu Yun looked this way, the naughty smile on the corner of his mouth made people feel full of charm instead of the slightest disgust.

Ye Qingcheng couldn't help her heart beat faster.

If at the wedding ceremony in the future, little Lu Yun would wear this suit, then put on a white wedding dress, and walk through the lobby arm in arm... Oh, Ye Qingcheng, where did you think, he is your brother!

Ye Qingcheng patted his head hastily, interrupting his wild thoughts.

It's all because my mother always called Xiao Lu Yun "a good son-in-law, a good son-in-law" recently, which made me seem to have assumed that role, almost thinking that I was really Xiao Lu Yun's girlfriend.

Ye Qingcheng was silently annoyed.

"Beauty, your boyfriend is so handsome and has such a good temperament, you two are really the best-looking couple I have ever seen." The female salesperson praised.

Ye Qingcheng had just recovered from her wild thoughts, when she heard the saleswoman's words, as if her mind had been exposed, she hurriedly explained: "He's just...my brother."

"Your brother?"

The saleswoman was stunned for a moment, and said, "I thought you were a couple when I saw you look so sweet, I'm so sorry... Hee hee, that, beauty, since he is your younger brother, can you make him give me your contact information?"

The female salesperson suddenly blinked ambiguously, obviously she had a crush on Lu Yun.

Ye Qingcheng's pretty face turned cold, and immediately, like a tigress protecting a calf, she said decisively: "No!"