
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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Fourth sister's dream

It is afternoon.

After checking Lu Yun's birthmark, Wang Bingning went to sleep contentedly, ready to recharge her energy, and then went to the surrounding shopping malls with Lu Yun at night. After all, the siblings hadn't seen each other for so many years, so of course they had to be well. Cultivate a relationship.

Lu Yun went to Shen's house while she was sleeping.

Since Fourth Sister didn't want to ride his bicycle back to Jiangcheng, what else could he do? It's impossible to leave this big baby here, right?

I had no choice but to temporarily store it in Shen's house.

When Shen Jingyi saw Lu Yun, she was naturally overjoyed, and suddenly remembered the mission her father had set for herself: take down Miracle Doctor Lu within half a year.

If you want to win Miracle Doctor Lu, of course you have to create more opportunities to get along.

So Shen Jingyi said: "Miraculous doctor Lu, our school is planning to open a Chinese medicine interest class recently, can we invite you to be the teacher?"

Shen Jingyi is a teacher at Jiangnan University.

This is her interest.

Shen Jinhua was also very helpless. At first he wanted Shen Jingyi to take care of the family business, but Shen Jingyi said that he had no interest in doing business at all, so he had to let her go.

After all, it is a girl's house.

Shen Jinhua will not be too harsh on Shen Jingyi.

But what depressed Shen Jinhua was that his son, Shen Zixuan, was also an incompetent guy, unable to provoke the mainstay of the family business at all.

So when Shen Jinhua saw Lu Yun, it seemed as if he saw hope.


When Shen Jingyi asked this question, Shen Jinhua also showed an expectant expression.

Of course, he also hoped that his daughter could get closer to Lu Yun.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the father and daughter, Lu Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Since Miss Shen thinks highly of me so much, then I'll give it a try!"

Anyway, there is plenty of time.

Moreover, Lu Yun also hopes to pass on his knowledge of Chinese medicine to more young people, mainly because in this era, Chinese medicine is very unfriendly, and there are too many scammers who use the name of Chinese medicine to cheat and abduct, causing the world Gradually lost trust in Chinese medicine.

This is a situation that Lu Yun is very unwilling to see.

The old Taoist master taught him medical skills, which should also have this meaning. I don't want to see those ancient acupuncture methods lost.

Seeing that Lu Yun agreed, Shen Jingyi immediately said happily: "That's great, I'll apply to the principal tomorrow to open a Chinese medicine interest class..."

Uh... I slipped my tongue.

What Shen Jingyi said before was that the school had decided to set up a Chinese medicine interest class, and then hired Lu Yun to teach, but what she meant by what she said just now was because Lu Yun agreed to teach, so she was going to Principal application.

These are two different concepts.

Will you expose your intentions?

Shen Jingyi was heartbroken, and glanced at Lu Yun with reddish cheeks. Seeing that Lu Yun didn't care, she was relieved, and then happily went back to her room to write the application report.

Shen Jinhua also had a cheerful expression on his face, but soon he asked again: "Miraculous Doctor Lu, Ye Xiangrong and Jiang Lan, haven't they made things difficult for you recently, have they?"

This is equivalent to a tentative question.

The answer I hope to hear is of course: yes.

The more Ye Xiangrong and his wife made things difficult for Lu Yun, the greater the obstacle between their daughter Ye Qingcheng and Lu Yun would be.

Shen Jinhua likes to see such scenes.

Of course, it is impossible for him to express these small thoughts, so as not to cause Lu Yun's dissatisfaction, and blame him for taking pleasure in other's misfortunes.


Lu Yun shook his head and said, "The two of the Ye family have become very attentive to me recently, especially Jiang Lan, who called me 'good son-in-law' one by one, which made me feel a little embarrassed."


Shen Jinhua was startled suddenly, seeing that Lu Yun's expression didn't look like he was joking, he felt even more depressed.

Hello Jiang Lan.

Who said that even if you die, you will never let Lu Yun enter your house?

How can you keep your word?


Shen Jinhua decided to find a time to have a good confrontation with Jiang Lan.

Seeing Shen Jinhua's aggrieved look, Lu Yun smiled meaningfully, but he didn't pierce his thoughts, and left the Shen family after saying goodbye.

Back to the hotel.

The fourth sister just woke up, hugged Lu Yun's arm happily and said: "Little Lu Yun, my sister had a very amazing dream just now, guess who I dreamed of?"

She blinked her beautiful eyes, very agile.

Lu Yun thought for a while and replied, "Could it be that you dreamed of me?"

"You are so beautiful! You are not afraid of hurting your self-confidence when you say it. The person I dreamed of, you can't compare with ten thousand." Wang Bingning said deliberately provoking him.

Hearing this, Lu Yun immediately became unconvinced, and said, "Who, tell me, I don't believe it. Which idiot is stronger than ten thousand of me?"

Wang Bingning mercilessly stretched out her jade finger and flicked his forehead and said, "Don't be rude to Yuntian Shenjun!"

Lord Yuntian?

Lu Yun suddenly looked strange: "Fourth sister, did you just dream about Yuntian Shenjun?"

"Hmph, of course, my biggest dream in this life is to be able to interview Yuntian Shenjun once, but how can such a powerful person be approached by a little girl like me..."

Wang Bingning sighed faintly, but the sense of loss was fleeting, and soon she looked at Lu Yun proudly and said: "Now you know who the person I dreamed of is, you can't compare to ten thousand, hum!"

"Yes yes yes, Yuntian Shenjun is the invincible number one handsome man in the universe, of course I can't compare to him."

"Hey, it's good to know, but don't be discouraged, little Lu Yun. In my sister's heart, you will always be the best little brother." Wang Bingning patted Lu Yun's shoulder on tiptoe, and said comfortingly.

"Fourth sister, just say this to you, I will definitely help you realize your dream, isn't it just to interview Yuntian Shenjun, I will tie him in front of you."

"Little Lu Yun..."

Wang Bingning suddenly looked at Lu Yun affectionately, and just when Lu Yun thought she was moved by his words, she heard Wang Bingning say: "The way you brag, it looks like that kind of love - it's outrageous. "