
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

fierce battle

Besides Lu Yun, who else could ride the 28th bar so cool?

In fact, he had already seen this group of people from a long distance away, so he slowed down his bicycle and drove at a normal speed.

When he got close, he couldn't help being surprised.

That woman looked so familiar, she really looked like the Seventh Sister Luo Li that I had seen in the photo of Grandpa Wu.

Take a closer look.

Good guy, where is the resemblance, it is basically, unless there are two women who look exactly the same in this world.

Unexpectedly, I could meet Seventh Sister on the banks of the Jianghuai River.

Lu Yun was very excited, and was about to ride his bicycle over there to scare her, but before he could get there, he was stopped by two men with poker faces.

"The members of the Wumeng League in front are working on business. If you don't want to die, you should leave quickly!" The two said very seriously.


Lu Yun was even more surprised. Didn't this mean that his seventh sister was a member of the Wumeng?

Seventh sister, I really deserve to be you.

Lu Yun was very pleased.

Seventh Sister was the most naughty girl when she was a child. Although she was a girl, she had a very strong personality. Almost all the boys in the orphanage were rubbed against the ground by her, and little Lu Yun was no exception.

The difference is that other boys are turned upside down, only little Lu Yun is turned upside down.

So at that time, among the two people who were fined to stand in the welfare home, one was Seventh Sister Luo Li. As for the other person, needless to say, of course it was Wang Gang who had a bad stomach.

And as long as the two of them were punished to stand together, Luo Li would stand longer than Wang Gang, because in the middle of standing, Wang Gang was beaten up and cried by her.


These are things from childhood.

Now what makes Lu Yun feel gratified is that Seventh Sister has actually become a member of the Martial League, and judging by the way she commands, it seems that her status is not low.

She really got her wish and became a heroic Valkyrie!

"Boy, didn't you hear what the two of us said just now, traffic is prohibited ahead, what are you still doing?"

Seeing that Lu Yun was stunned, the two poker-faced men yelled at him to leave quickly.

Lu Yun came back to his senses, smiled and said, "Brothers, I'm leaving now, but can you satisfy my curiosity and tell me who is that beauty who looks like a fairy?"

The two of them were very upset when they saw Lu Yun moaning at first, but when they heard his words, they couldn't help showing a bit of pride, and said, "That's Fairy Luo, from our Central China Martial Arts League. The ally of the base."

Fairy Luo is their goddess, and Lu Yun boasted that their goddess looks like a fairy, of course they are happy.

But soon they became serious again and said: "For a goddess like Luo Xianzi, even the members of our Wumeng do not dare to have the idea of blasphemy. You are an ordinary person, just look up and look up, and leave quickly!"


Lu Yun didn't make things difficult for the two of them. He pushed the bicycle and went in another direction, but he was in a good mood.

Lord Luo.

Fairy Luo.

Hehe, let you always like to rub me on the ground when you were young, this time I must take revenge on you.

Lu Yun didn't leave on his bicycle, but went around to the other side of the mountain, jumped directly from the back of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and then sat down leisurely.

watch a play.


A big battle broke out below, apparently the people from the Wumeng found the hiding place of the snake and scorpion old man.

The battles are intense and exciting.

Lu Yun enjoyed watching it very much.

Of course, it does not refer to the enjoyment of fighting, but refers to the bright and charming figure of Seventh Sister when she fights with the old snake and scorpion. Every punch and kick is full of infinite beauty.

boom! boom! boom!

There was another round of fierce fighting, Luo Li's headband was cut off by the old snake and scorpion, and a waterfall of long hair immediately poured down, adding a touch of charming charm to her sassy look.

"Leader! This old snake and scorpion actually broke through the Transformation Realm. It's really amazing. Why don't we go back and ask for reinforcements?" A member suggested.

They fought against the old snake and scorpion only to find out that they couldn't beat them.

Because according to their previous information, the cultivation base of the snake and scorpion old man should be in the half-step transformation, so they only brought such a few people here.

But looking at it now, it is clear that the other party has reached the realm of transformation.


If they could come one day earlier, they should be able to take down the old snake and scorpion easily, but they never expected that not long ago, the old snake and scorpion made a breakthrough.

All this has to be attributed to Lu Yun's head.

If he hadn't beheaded the three apprentices of the snake and scorpion old man, the potential of the snake and scorpion old man would not have been stimulated so quickly, and naturally he would not have broken through the transformation realm so quickly.

This involves two factions of martial practitioners.

Orthodox martial arts practitioners cultivate not only the external state, but also the state of mind, so when breaking through, they need to be calm, and a little disturbance may lead to an unstable state of mind.

Martial practitioners like the snake and scorpion old man who specialize in crooked ways are quite special. When they are stimulated by the outside world, they are more likely to explode their potential and accelerate their breakthrough.

This is because they don't need to cultivate their state of mind, and they are not afraid of going crazy, they just need to simply and rudely improve their cultivation.

This is true for martial arts practitioners, and it is also true for practitioners.


Facing the elder snake and scorpion who had already broken through the realm of transformation, the Wumeng team obviously felt strenuous.

Among them, only the leader is a master of transformation, and he can barely fight against the old snake and scorpion, but the old snake and scorpion is too insidious, and there is a python's head growing on his shoulder, which is very difficult to deal with.

Hearing that the team members wanted to go back and call for reinforcements, Luo Li shook her head and said, "No, by the time reinforcements are called, the snake and scorpion old man must have fled to other places long ago, and I don't know how many innocent lives will be killed by then."

She clenched her silver teeth, twisted her slender waist, and fought with the snake and scorpion old man again.

this time.

Luo Li broke the boat, only attacking but not defending. Although he stabbed the old snake and scorpion with two swords, he also exposed his weakness to the fangs of the python.

Generally speaking, pythons are not poisonous, but this one is different, very poisonous.