
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Faith needs mystery

Luo Li was about to tell her teacher Yin Qiushui that Lu Yun was the God of Yuntian, when suddenly she felt her feet were empty.

When I come back to my senses.

He found that he had been abducted out of the office by Lu Yun incomparably domineeringly.


Luo Li twisted her soft body and struggled a few times.

It turns out.

Lu Yun's arms were as hard as iron clamps, tightly strangling her waist, making her unable to move.

Luo Li had no choice but to repeat the old trick, using the strength of Yin Fang like last time, and bit the index finger of Lu Yun's hand covering her mouth.

Only then did he break free.

"Little Lu Yun! What are you doing!!"

Luo Li said angrily: "You have a good chat, it's so rude to suddenly pick up someone else and run away, I don't know, I thought you were a human trafficker!"

Lu Yun glanced at the tooth marks on his hand, and said with a dark face: "You bite people at every turn, are you a dog?"

Fortunately, it was the hand that was bitten this time.

"My girl is a tiger, you deserve it, hum!" Luo Li looked at Lu Yun gloatingly, and said, grinding her two shiny little tiger teeth.

Lu Yun was speechless.

Luo Li crossed her sexy waist and asked, "Why didn't you let me reveal your identity just now?"

Lu Yun said: "Did you forget what your teacher told me, to live in a low-key way, isn't it telling me not to be too high-key, because it's easy to be targeted by others."

Luo Li was not convinced and said: "You are the God of Yuntian, why am I making a high-profile statement when I state a fact?"

"You don't understand, Yuntian Shenjun has become a kind of belief, if you reveal my identity, there will be no sense of mystery.

When a belief begins to lose its sense of mystery, it is the time when the belief gradually collapses.


People in the world will concretize an illusory figure in their imagination to me. Once the aura of mythology fades away, it will be difficult for faith to return to its former appearance. "

Lu Yun himself didn't know what he was talking about, but the effect was miraculous, and he actually stunned Luo Li for a moment.

"Is it so...mysterious?"

Luo Li said foolishly: "I just want to tell my teacher your identity, so that my teacher can be surprised too. It shouldn't be as serious as you said, right?"

Isn't it just a matter of identity exposure? Why is it involved in the collapse of belief?

Luo Li used to regard the Lord Yuntian as his belief. Since he knew that Xiao Lu Yun was the Lord Yuntian, not only did his faith not collapse, but his love for the Lord Yuntian grew deeper...

In short, she just felt that Lu Yun was talking nonsense, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Lu Yun said solemnly: "It's just so serious, anyway, you just need to remember one sentence, don't casually reveal my identity, understand?"

When Lu Yun spoke later, his tone became a little harsher unconsciously.

Luo Li flattened her mouth aggrievedly and said: "Okay, okay, don't say anything, why are you so fierce to me... huh? No, Xiao Luyun, you are so courageous, you actually trained this girl gone?"

Just now Luo Li also brought Lu Yun into Yuntian Shenjun's body, so she was naturally a little timid, but now she came to her senses and thought, no, Yuntian Shenjun is still a younger brother in front of this girl.

I dare to bite you, do you dare to fight back?

Luo Li's confidence rose immediately, and while grinding her little tiger's teeth, she glared at Lu Yun provocatively.

The so-called harmony of yin and yang, one is strong and the other is weak, men are convex and women are concave...

After Luo Li's aura came up, Lu Yun's face really collapsed, and he managed to get back the majesty of Yuntian Shenjun, but he was easily suppressed by Seventh Sister.

In fact, Lu Yun had expected this situation a long time ago.

My sisters, when they didn't know that they were Yuntian Shenjun, worshiped Yuntian Shenjun to death in their hearts, thinking that he was a mythical figure.

But ever since he knew that he was Yuntian Shenjun.

They may be shocked at the time, but after a long time, they will feel that it is nothing more than that, and they will even 'suppress' themselves intentionally or unintentionally.

after all.

Who hasn't got a little vanity yet, hasn't he?

Is there anything in this world that is more proud and honorable than riding Yuntian Shenjun under him?

Just in response to that sentence, men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men. This is a full sense of accomplishment.

When Lu Yun faced this situation, what else could he do, he could only raise his hands in surrender, and shouted: "Okay, I admit it, I'm just a younger brother, long live my sister!"


When the two returned to the office.

Both Yin Qiushui and Ding Wenhong looked at the pair of siblings with strange eyes, because their way of getting along was not as simple as that of pure siblings.

After all, she is a god-sister, and a god-sister is a god-sister.

However, regarding the previous topic, both Yin Qiushui and Lu Yun tacitly did not mention it again, as if that scene had never happened.

The two sides chatted normally.

Until the end of leaving, taking advantage of Luo Li's inattention, Yin Qiushui walked up to Lu Yun, and said in a slightly cold voice: "Whether it's for yourself or for Luo Li, you'd better leave as soon as possible." Beijing."

Lu Yun smiled and said: "President Yin's reminder, I will definitely keep it in mind, I will keep a low profile and leave."

Lu Yun deliberately emphasized the word 'low-key'.

Yin Qiushui frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort, "I don't know how to live or die!"