
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Bigwigs in the medical field gather


As Li Quan finished speaking, everyone's eyes froze.

I just heard Li Quan continue to say: "At Xinglin Hall that day, everyone saw how hot this girl is, and now this woman dares to say that her daughter has a cold syndrome. Do you think everyone is a fool?"

"Also, this woman called me a quack doctor, and said that this boy surnamed Lu saved her daughter's life. Doesn't that mean that my disciple of a dignified master of Chinese medicine is not as good as him, a man in his early twenties? Boy, do you think it's possible?"

"So, they're not actors, who is?"

Li Quan shouted loudly, and then made a heartbroken expression:

"I don't care how others ruin my reputation. After all, I, Li, don't value those false names at all, but what hurts me the most is that this little girl, who is only a little old, is being raped by these evil people. People are taking advantage of you, won't your conscience really hurt?"

Li Quan's words were righteous and his voice was extremely powerful, which instantly ignited the anger of the surrounding people.


All kinds of abuse poured in.

Not only the abuse of Lin Qingtan and Lu Yun, but also the abuse of women.

"What a femme fatale, even using her own daughter, how much did you charge Xinglintang?"

"You are not fit to be a mother."

"Everyone in Xinglintang will die!"


The woman didn't expect that she would be attacked by these people with all kinds of words after she just stood up and said a fair word, and she couldn't help feeling discouraged.

She was also a loyal supporter of Li Quan before, but since Li Quan misdiagnosed her daughter's illness last time, she no longer believes in Li Quan.

But it's just that he can't trust Li Quan's medical skills.

Until today, the woman can really see that Li Quan is not only incapable of medical skills, but also a scum with lack of morality.

How can such a person be qualified to be a doctor?

The woman couldn't explain, so she could only tightly cover her daughter's ears to avoid hearing those obscenities.

But at this moment, the anger in Lu Yun's eyes was surging wildly.

This scene is so similar!

In the Qingcheng Group back then, there was also such a group of mindless onlookers, who were aroused by a few words and all kinds of abuse and slander.

Are the people of Dragon Kingdom so easy to fool?

Lu Yun suddenly felt sad in his heart, and couldn't help but think of those soldiers who guarded the border, who swore to defend against foreign enemies, but they were no match for these ignorant people's swords and swords!

How pathetic!

"Junior Brother Li, isn't your Sihetang opened today? Why do you all look so angry?"

At this time, a middle-aged man's thick voice suddenly sounded outside the crowd.

Only then did everyone stop cursing, turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice, and couldn't help but tremble.

It turned out to be Ding Yongfeng, the director of Jiangcheng People's Hospital.

Is he here to celebrate the opening of Sihetang?

Li Quan hurried up to meet him and said, "Brother Ding, thank you very much for coming to help me. I had a little problem here, but it has been resolved."

"Just solve it."

Ding Yongfeng nodded, glanced casually at Lu Yun and the others, and then entered the Sihetang.

Not long.

A few more people came, and all of them were above the level of department directors in major hospitals.

All of a sudden there was an uproar.

The gathering of these heavyweights in the medical field is definitely a medical feast that shakes Jiangcheng.

And the arrival of the next big shot directly pushed Sihetang's popularity to its peak.

Director of the Jiangcheng Health Bureau, Yan Changsheng!

I saw him walking like a tiger, with a happy face, and he seemed to be telling everyone with his actions, look, this is the Chinese medicine clinic opened by my fellow apprentice, and it is absolutely trustworthy, so you can come here to see a doctor with confidence.

One can imagine how excited everyone was.

This is the energy of the master of traditional Chinese medicine!

This is Li Quan's terrifying connections!

However, in stark contrast, the Xinglin Hall on the opposite side seemed extremely small.

Lin Qingtan's pretty face was pale, and every time a big man came, her heart trembled violently.

She guessed that Li Quan would suppress her today, but she didn't expect that he would suppress her so hard, without giving him any chance of survival.

After today, there will be no more Xinglintang here.

Two years of painstaking efforts will eventually be wasted.

Li Quan saw that people were almost coming, so he said loudly: "Everyone, I invited my brothers and sisters here today to benefit everyone. Everyone present today can come to my Sihetang for a free physical examination."


The crowd boiled again.

These big shots in the medical field usually can't even get their accounts, but they didn't expect to be willing to do a free physical examination today.

It is simply a great gospel!

"Look, Dr. Li is a great doctor, unlike some people who just beat people up if they don't have the skills."

"In the future, we will all come to Sihetang for medical treatment, and don't go to Xinglintang if we are killed. Let Xinglintang go bankrupt!"

While yelling and cursing, these people formed several long queues, waiting for medical experts to come to check their bodies.

Li Quan glanced in the direction of Xinglintang, Gu Zi sneered, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a figure.

Zhao Mo.

What is he here for?

Zhao Mo is also in the same family as Li Quan, but the relationship is not good. It is said that he is now the vice president of a certain hospital in the provincial capital.

What Li Quan was puzzled about was that he obviously hadn't contacted Zhao Mo, so why did he come here?

Could it be that other fellow apprentices notified him, so they also came to help out?

If this is the case, Li Quan is still willing to turn hostility into friendship, but when he went up to meet him, he realized that Zhao Mo didn't come to look for him at all, but stood by Xinglintang.

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Lin Qingtan?"

Zhao Mo looked up at the plaque above the medical hall, and asked Lin Qingtan again.

Lin Qingtan nodded, with a puzzled look on his face, not understanding the reason for this person's visit.

Zhao Mo smiled and said, "That's right."