
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Because he is the king of heaven

Seeing Lu Yun walking outside as if no one was there, even the leader of the alliance was ignored by him, several Jnin from the Ninja League suddenly looked cold, and prepared to stop Lu Yun.

But they just made a move.

Suddenly, I heard a trembling shout: "Stop it all!"

It was the leader of the Ninja League who spoke.

Everyone looked at him in puzzlement, and when they saw the leader's eyes filled with terror, they couldn't stop their bodies from trembling.

Their leader is actually afraid!

Afraid of that Dragon Country man?

Musashi Kimura obviously also noticed this, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Leader, do you know that Dragon Country man?"

"Know, but not know."

The Ninja League leader's throat twitched, still unable to suppress the trembling in his voice, and then said: "It should be said that all of you have heard of his name."

Everyone was even more puzzled.

Even Kimura Musashi didn't know why.

He already knew Lu Yun's name, but it was the first time he knew it. Before today, he had never heard of it, so he couldn't understand the meaning of the leader's words just now.

The leader of the Ninja League looked at Musashi Musashi with complicated eyes, sighed and said, "Kimura, thank you for letting go of your son's hatred in time, otherwise a catastrophe would really be imminent."

He still didn't know about Musashi Musashi's recognition of his master, so he hurriedly tried to comfort him again, as if he was very afraid that Musashi Kimura would seek revenge on Lu Yun again.

This made Kimura Musashi even more puzzled.

"Leader, what is the reason that makes you so afraid of that Dragon Kingdom man?"

"Because he is the King of Heaven."

"The king of heaven!"

As soon as the leader of the Ninja League said this, everyone was terrified, and only felt a chill, rushing from the soles of their feet to the back of their heads.

That young man from the Dragon Kingdom just now is actually the famous Tianzhu King?

They almost made a move against King Tianzhu just now?

That is asking for death!

Musashi Kimura also took a deep breath and said, "Leader, he... is he really the King of Heaven?"

He almost bit his own tongue when he spoke, which shows the shock in his heart.

The leader of Ninja League nodded very positively and said: "That's right, it's him, he is the King of Heaven."

How could he not be shocked.

On a certain night three years ago, King Tianzhu suddenly broke into the room of the leader of the Ninja League. The two had a short fight, and the result is not difficult to guess.

What scares the leader of the Ninja League the most is that.

At that time, the king of Tianzhu also used an extremely terrifying supernatural power. From ten meters away, he pointed at a distance, and a cold light suddenly appeared in the cold night, leaving a deep gash on the face of the leader of the Ninja League.

He tried his best to dodge at that time, and even used the Substitution Technique, but he still couldn't dodge that attack.

This is the horror of Tianzhu King.

The memory of the Ninja League leader is still fresh.

I just saw that young man from the Dragon Kingdom. Although he didn't wear the majestic dragon head mask, his voice had been deeply imprinted in the mind of the leader of the Ninja League, so he was recognized immediately.

"Now do you know why I said you were in danger of a catastrophe?" said the leader of the Ninja League in a complicated tone.

There was a turbulent wave in Musashi Kimura's heart.

No wonder Lu Yun dared to come to the Ninja League alone, and threatened to make himself apologize. It turns out that he is the king of heaven.

The King of Tianzhu did have such arrogance.


Kimura Musashi froze, as if he had thought of something.

If Lu Yun is the king of Tianzhu, doesn't that mean that his master is the king of Tianzhu?

Musashi Kimura felt a little depressed at first, not only his son died, but even he himself somehow recognized the murderer who killed his son as his master, anyone would be depressed.

But now that he knew Lu Yun's identity, he felt much better immediately.


After Lu Yun settled the Ninja League's affairs, he returned to Jiangcheng.

I have been staying in Xinglin Hall for the past few days.

Lin Qingtan was still angry, and she really didn't say a word to Lu Yun, which gave Lu Yun a new understanding of this gentle and considerate second sister. It turned out that no matter how gentle a girl is, there are also petty emotions. when.

Yu Hongwen can be said to be an old man, and he could see something wrong with them at a glance. Seeing that Lu Yun hadn't coaxed Lin Qingtan well for several days, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he came up with an idea and said, "Teacher, why don't I let Lin Qingtan do it tomorrow?" My eldest grandson is here, let's play a play with you!"

"Acting?" Lu Yun was surprised.

Yu Hongwen beamed brightly and said, "Look at it."

So on the second day, a strange patient came to Xinglin Hall. He looked like he was half dead. He complained of pain here and there, but he couldn't diagnose anything after diagnosis.

Lin Qingtan gave him some moxibustion, but it didn't work at all.

Yu Hongwen said helplessly: "In this case, I guess the only way to do it is to ask the teacher."

Lin Qingtan said: "Then you call him."

Yu Hongwen nodded, and dialed Lu Yun's phone number, but before talking for a few words, he sighed and said, "Oh, no, the teacher said he was in a bad mood, and he didn't have the heart to treat patients at all."

"If you are in a bad mood, don't treat the disease?" Lin Qingtan frowned, and said, "The patient's condition is already so serious, and he still cares about his own mood, what a fool!"

As soon as she said this, the patient immediately yelled harder, and almost fell to the ground and rolled.

Yu Hongwen smiled wryly and said: "Anyway, I can't persuade the teacher. I think it's better for Miss Lin to tell him. He has always listened to you."

"That clever man won't listen to me!"

Lin Qingtan said something resentfully, and then fell silent, as if he was torn between whether he should speak in person and ask Lu Yun to come over.

After all, she had sworn that as long as Lu Yun didn't tell the truth, she would ignore Lu Yun for a day.

When Yu Hongwen saw this, while Lin Qingtan was contemplating, he suddenly winked at the patient. The patient understood, rolled off the chair with a bang, and lay on the ground tossing and turning.

"Oh, oh, it hurts me to death, my heart hurts, my liver hurts, and my head hurts even more. Doctor, am I going to die soon..."