
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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Lu Yun was taken away by the old Taoist master when he was five years old. Wherever he had the opportunity to go to school, his knowledge was taught to him by the old Taoist master in the Taoist temple.

So when he said that he had never been to school, he was telling the truth.


After hearing Lu Yun's answer, Ye Xiangrong and his wife, as well as Ouyang Minghao, were stunned for a moment, and then showed contemptuous expressions.

Especially Ouyang Minghao, who has a strong sense of superiority.

Jiang Lan sneered and said, "That is to say, you are illiterate?"

Although her daughter said not to target Lu Yun, Jiang Lan couldn't take it anymore. What age is this, and there are still people who haven't gone to school?

Don't know that the nine-year obligation is free?

Even if you grew up in an orphanage, it is impossible to say that you have no books to read.

In cases like Lu Yun's, there is only one explanation, that is, he doesn't want to read it himself, or he can't read it at all.

I did it myself, and I deserve it!

Facing the mocking gazes of the three people, Lu Yun was not angry at all, but shook his head openly and said, "It's not that illiterate, I can still read a few words."

"Are there fifty?"

Ouyang Minghao blurted out instinctively, but then he pretended to say: "Look at my big mouth, I'm really sorry, Brother Lu, if the words just offended you, please don't take it off."

Although he said that, his expression was the same as that of the Ye family, full of sarcasm, as hypocritical as possible.

How could Ye Qingcheng fail to see their yin and yang aura, and was about to explode, but suddenly felt a hand stretched out from under the table, pinching her sexy thigh.

Ye Qingcheng knew it was Lu Yun's hand, so he didn't make a sound, but felt that the salty pig's hand was getting too much, almost touching her private parts, Ye Qingcheng finally couldn't help turning his head and glaring at Lu Yun.

Little Lu Yun, are you so heartless? Others have ridiculed you like this, but you still have the heart to touch me?

If it wasn't for the fact that there were other people present, Ye Qingcheng really wanted to grab Lu Yun by the ear and teach him a lesson.

Sensing Ye Qingcheng's gaze, Lu Yun smiled and took the salty pig's hand back.

In fact, his purpose of doing this was just not to let sister Qingcheng stand out for him.

But in the eyes of Ye Xiangrong and others, Ye Qingcheng felt that Lu Yun had humiliated her, so he glared at Lu Yun angrily.

Really happy to hear.

Ouyang Minghao was overjoyed, and felt more and more hopeful that he could take Ye Qingcheng down.

It seems that more opportunities like this should be found to embarrass this kid surnamed Lu and deepen Ye Qingcheng's dislike for him.

Ouyang Minghao thought so, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that Lu Yun took the initiative to move his face closer to let him hit him.

I just heard Lu Yun say: "Young Master Ouyang is a talented student who has returned from studying abroad, and I just don't understand a few words. I wonder if Young Master Ouyang can teach me?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone had weird expressions.

Even Ye Qingcheng looked at Lu Yun with a surprised face, and complained in his heart, what's wrong with you little Lu Yun, the topic of illiteracy is obviously over, why did you take the initiative to bring it up?

If you have any words you don't understand, won't you go home and ask me?

Ye Qingcheng was depressed.

Ouyang Minghao was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Haha, Brother Lu, if you have any words you don't understand, just ask, and I will answer you patiently."

He has lived for more than 20 years, but he has never met someone who is as self-indulgent as Lu Yun, and today is the first time.

The Ye family also said: "Yes, yes, this attitude is very good, why are you so rude, let Minghao teach you a few more words, everyone should be more civilized."

The couple's eyes were filled with smiles.

It's not that their impression of Lu Yun has really changed, but because this is obviously an opportunity to step down Lu Yun and raise Ouyang Minghao up, why not do it?

The most important thing is that this opportunity was handed over by Lu Yun himself, Qingcheng can never blame us anymore!

The Ye family was very proud.

Lu Yun got up and left the box, ready to go to the counter to ask for a pen and paper. Ye Qingcheng also wanted to go out and talk to him, but Lu Yun pressed him on the seat.

Jiang Lan helped hold Ye Qingcheng's hands and said: "Qingcheng, Lu Yun is just eager to learn, wouldn't it be better for you to let him know a few more words, just let him!"

Ye Qingcheng couldn't say anything more.

Lu Yun went out for a while, and after two or three minutes, he returned to the private room with a list.

"Young Master Ouyang, I only know how to write these words, but I don't know how to read them, so I wrote them down on this list, just teach me how to pronounce them."

"Haha, small things, all small things!"

Ouyang Minghao smiled with a sense of superiority, but after unfolding the list, his face turned green instantly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Ouyang Minghao got up abruptly, maintained his demeanor for a long time, and disappeared without a trace at this moment, it was really because this boy surnamed Lu was too bullying.

Seeing Ouyang Minghao's sudden anger, the Ye's and his wife were surprised and puzzled, and after looking through the list, their faces changed accordingly.

I saw that it was written on the list:

I am

Is it true?



Ye Qingcheng was originally in a depressed mood, but after seeing the words written on this list, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, and gave Lu Yun a faint look.

Little Lu Yun, you are really bad.

The faces of the other three twitched, especially Ouyang Minghao, whose complexion was even uglier than eating a stool.

However, Lu Yun got ahead and said jokingly: "As for the high-achieving students studying abroad in Japan, I don't think your education level is much higher than mine... By the way, when it comes to foreign students, I know a girl named Liu Xiaoyue. introduce to you?"

International art master...Liu Xiaoyue.

The corners of Ouyang Minghao's mouth twitched even more violently, and his angry eyes seemed to want to swallow Lu Yun.