
I have seven stunning sisters

I have seven stunning older sisters, all of whom are doting brothers and crazy demons, but they don't know that I have already become the king who makes the world tremble! Eldest sister Ye Qingcheng, aloof CEO! The second sister, Lin Qingtan, is a skilled doctor! Third sister Liu Yan'er, a seductive killer! Fourth sister Wang Bingning, a beautiful reporter! The fifth sister, Chu Yao, is mysterious and unpredictable! Sixth sister Xiao Qin, a peerless actress! The seventh sister, Luo Li, has an extraordinary status... Fifteen years ago, you treated me like a close relative, and fifteen years later, it will be me who will protect you.

urian · Urban
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377 Chs

Apologize one by one

Several beauties were sad, when they heard a frivolous voice behind them, their faces turned cold.

Looking back, he was still a San.

Liu Yan'er's violent temper erupted on the spot, and she was going to beat up Ah San, and then throw him into the sea to feed the sharks, just to vent her boredom.

Ye Qingcheng pulled her back and said, "I'll come!"

As she spoke, she stepped forward with her slender jade legs, walked towards Ah San with a pretty face and a cold face.

Since becoming a practitioner, Ye Qingcheng's temperament has become more and more cold.

I saw her rushing towards Ah San quickly, but she didn't beat Ah San violently like the sisters imagined. Instead, through the strange turban, she grabbed the ear wrapped under the hood with incomparable precision. .

"You bloody little rascal, come with me and apologize!" wa❁p.feng✪✯sh✬u✹ge.info

Ye Qingcheng snorted coldly, grabbed 'Ah San' and came to the sisters, told him to stand at attention, and apologized one by one.

Several people were taken aback.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Qingcheng sneered and said: "Take a good look at who this guy is?"

She tore off the scarf of 'Ah San', revealing a familiar face, it was not Lu Yun.

"Hey, it's still the elder sister who is amazing, she saw through my identity at a glance." Lu Yun said with a smile.

"Shut up! Who's joking with you?"

Ye Qingcheng gave another cold drink, her pretty face was extremely cold.

Seeing that little Lu Yun was still alive, the sisters were very excited, and couldn't help but wanted to give him a hug, but they were also pushed back by Ye Qingcheng.

"Stand up for me!"

Sister Ye Qingcheng's majesty was completely revealed, and then she looked at Lu Yun coldly and said, "It's fun playing with us like this, isn't it? Apologize to me one by one, immediately!!"

Lu Yun actually wanted to say that he really didn't intend to play tricks on you, but seeing that Ye Qingcheng was getting angry, he had no choice but to say honestly: "I'm sorry, elder sister, I'm sorry, second sister..."

When it came to Chu Yao, Lu Yun said very naturally: "My wife is sorry!"


Ye Qingcheng became even angrier immediately: "It's so dishonest to ask you to apologize, do you want to be beaten again?"

Actually, the sisters were not surprised at the fact that Lu Yun called Chu Yao his wife. This guy has such a personality, and he called him that when he teased them before.

Chu Yao should be the most bully among their sisters.

Ye Qingcheng thought that Lu Yun's calling his wife was intentional, because he saw that Chu Yao was easy to bully.

If you dare to tease me while apologizing, isn't that because you are insincere?

Of course Ye Qingcheng was angry.

In the past, Lu Yun might have compromised, but this time, he actually said stubbornly: "I'm determined to call my wife, and Jesus can't stop it!"

"You... looking for a fight!"

Ye Qingcheng wanted to pull his ears again angrily, but Chu Yao blushed and said, "Forget it... Forget it, big sister, little Lu Yun likes to call it that way, so let him do it."

Only she knew that Xiao Lu Yun's words were definitely not a joke.

Lin Qingtan also persuaded: "Eldest sister calm down, it's a good thing that little brother is still alive, he certainly didn't mean to trick us."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Yun almost cried, as expected, the second sister is the most gentle, considerate, and understands my heart best!

Ye Qingcheng snorted coldly and said, "Just protect him!"

After she finished speaking, she folded her hands on her chest, turned her face away and stopped talking, her gaze was looking at the sea in the distance, but there was a slight smile on the corners of her beautiful lips.

The smile is shallow.

But amazing.

At this time, Wang Bingning was not happy again, and pulled Lu Yun back in front of her again, saying: "Your apology just now was not sincere, this girl is not satisfied, so call again."


Lu Yun felt dizzy for a while, and sure enough there was no older sister to be offended, so he apologized again and said, "Fourth sister, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"No, no, no sincerity." Wang Bingning was still dissatisfied.

Lu Yun had a serious expression and a sincere attitude. He thought he had shown all his sincerity, and apologized again: "Fourth sister, I'm sorry!"

"Not satisfied!"

Still not satisfied?

Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, and tentatively said: "Wife?"


Wang Bingning snapped her fingers and said, "Okay, you pass the test, hum!"

Fifth Sister has it, so I must too.

Wang Bingning was joking in her heart, but of course she was mostly joking.

Lu Yun was sweating profusely, and when he came to the sixth sister Xiao Qin, looking at that pure and desirable face, he suddenly didn't know what to call her.

Xiao Qin chuckled and said, "Little Lu Yun, why didn't I realize that you are so cute before... that's all right, all right, go and apologize to your Seventh Sister!"

Lu Yun nodded, came to Luo Li, opened his mouth and said, "Old..."

"Old what?"

Luo Li grinds a pair of small canine teeth, looking at him with a half-smile.

Lu Yun laughed dryly and said, "Ahem, my unparalleled beauty, Fairy Luo, the seventh sister, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Don't be too stinky, this girl is not worried, I wish you could be in the Dead Sea!"


Seventh sister, I really deserve to be you.

Lu Yun finished apologizing one by one, then looked at Ye Qingcheng, and said: "Sister Qingcheng, I have finished apologizing, look, can you forgive me?"

Of course he knew that Ye Qingcheng was not angry, this eldest sister had always been like this, with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

But Lu Yun is also very willing to cooperate with her.

Ye Qingcheng withdrew her gaze from the sea level, her beautiful eyes fell on Lu Yun, the faint smile on her mouth had disappeared, and she pretended to be cold and said: "I will forgive you this time, if there is another time, just like Seventh Sister As you said, you will die as far as you give me!"