
Battle with Sword Master Rho 2

The Major problem to Dante was that the constant stunning effect of the sound attack was preventing him from getting close and dealing any actual damage to Sword Master Rho

besides, just because Dante could resist the Attacks of Sword master Rho didn't mean that he could just ignore them.

Even drops of water would eventually hollow out a stone.

Anything could be worn down if enough damage was dealt, and Dante was no different.

If things carried on as they are now, it won't take long before Dante would be forced to surrender 

Faced with the thought of his somewhat inevitable defeat, Dante was overwhelmed with a sense of frustration.

but it wasn't just Dante that was feeling frustrated.

Dante's Dragon souls seemed to share in his frustration as Dante began to hear constant roars of irritation start to come from within his mind. But that's when Dante was suddenly hit by a new thought!

'That's it!' Thought Dante