
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald...

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58 Chs

Chapter 57


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"Grandma, I feel like there's something wrong with me. Can you check it out for me?"

Raphael came to Porlyusica when Gray, Natsu and Erza went to Lucy's house to find her. The treehouse here.

Raphael carefully thought back to himself during the ghost incident. He seemed to have a bloodthirsty feeling, as if he wanted to destroy everything, and he even felt like falling into it.

It's strange to say that what he got was Saitama's physique, but his hair didn't all fall out, it just became thicker, and his feelings didn't become indifferent. It seemed that what he got was the ability to make himself invincible without any side effects. Same.

After knocking on the door for a long time, Porlyusica opened the door impatiently. Looking at Raphael in front of her, she put her hands on her hips and said,"You brat, you keep knocking on some door. You don't know I'm here, old lady." Are you busy? You don't come to see me often. You only come here when something happens. What's the problem now?"

Porlyusica pulled Raphael in while nagging him.

In his previous life, Raphael was raised by his grandma. His father died early and his mother couldn't bear the hardship. She ran away after giving birth to him. Therefore, his grandma's wrinkled face has always been there since he can remember. Unfortunately, when he just turned ten His grandma passed away when he was eight years old, and he didn't even get to see her for the last time because he was taking the college entrance examination.

When he saw Porlyusica for the first time in this world, he was shocked. She actually looked exactly like his grandmother. At that time, he immediately fell into her arms and cried. After that, he could be said to be Porlyusica. Raised by Sika, it's a pity that I didn't learn any of her skills

"Hehe, aren't you busy lately? As you know, Fairy Tail is getting bigger and bigger now, and many people are worried about it...."Raphael scratched his head and looked at Porlyusica sheepishly. He had indeed not visited her for a long time.

"Don't tell me those that are available or not, I just ask you when will you take down Miraj? She has been waiting for you for a long time."Polyusica directly gave Raphael a roll of his eyes and said angrily.

"hey-hey..."Raphael kept scratching his head without saying a word

"Forget it, you guys definitely don't dare. If you don't talk about this, what did you just say was wrong with you?"

Polyusica gave Raphael a shudder, then remembered what Raphael said at the beginning, and looked at him nervously.

"Yeah, yes, I feel like there's something wrong with my mentality, it seems a little weird!" Raphael nodded and told Poliusica about his situation. Poliusica asked

Raphael to sit down with a serious face, and with the help of instrument-assisted magic, he checked Raphael's whole body, and looked at Raphael with a puzzled expression:"There is nothing wrong with your body, you can even say that you are healthier and stronger than anyone else in the world."

"So what is going on with my sense of violence and bloodlust?"Raphael looked at Polyusica with the same confusion.

Polyusica held her hands and held her chin, walked back and forth and thought for a while, thought of one aspect, and said solemnly:"In your case, your physical strength should have increased. It's too fast, and it's caused by the inability to keep up with the state of mind. Moreover, my investigation just now found that your power should have some side effects, but you have not shown any tendency to have side effects!"

"But regardless of whether there are side effects or not, your final result is from bloodthirstiness to desire and then to indifference!"

Poliusica's words had a huge impact on Raphael. He didn't expect that it was caused by the state of mind not matching his strength. Why didn't Saitama have this situation?

"Does that mean I have to start practicing my state of mind now? But how do I practice it?"

Raphael was silent for a while, and asked Polyusica in a hoarse voice. After ten years of getting along, he has completely integrated into this world and this guild. He loves all the partners in the guild. He doesn't want to become as indifferent as a god and regard all living beings as ants.

"There are two ways... but there is only one. Polyusica gave Raphael hope.

"two? But why do you say it is one?"Raphael was overjoyed, and then looked at Porlyusica doubtfully and asked.

"One method is to seal up all your strength and magic power, leaving only 10% for use. However, your body and magic power are abnormally active, and it can be said that every day is stronger than the day before. Even God cannot seal it completely!"

"In other words, there is only the second method that can be used?"Raphael understands that the last method cannot be done. No one can seal Saitama. He is conceptually powerful. There may be problems with the physique he has obtained. He is only powerful in body but not in mind. After all, he still vaguely remembered that the intelligence of that system seemed to be far inferior to that of humans.

"Yes, the second method is to cultivate your mind! I once received the consciousness of a dragon. Her memory once recorded a kind of magic that can make people fall into an illusion. It makes you feel that a long time has passed in it, but in fact, only a few days have passed in reality. It's just days"

"Grandma, you mean..."

"Yes, you practice magic in that illusion, you can't use any strength or magic in it, you can only use the power of your mind. When your mind is strong enough, you can come out by yourself!"

But Raphael hesitated, because he knew that his own mind might not be too strong. It can be said that the spiritual power of modern people is not too strong. They are suppressed by the society like a hair. He has been worried for too long, and he might be able to directly sacrifice to the Dragon King when he comes out.

Polyusica saw his doubts and smiled gently:"Don't worry, this magic circle can be awakened at any time. In addition to breaking free from the illusion by yourself, the caster can also awaken the magic circlepeople, so if anyone from Fairy Tail comes looking for your help, I will wake you up!"

Raphael nodded and looked at Porlyusica with a smile:"Thank you, grandma, I will take this opportunity to accompany you."

"You brat, now I just hope you can take down Mirajane quickly and have a baby, so that I can feel at ease!"Polyusica scolded with a smile.

Raphael blushed at what she said, scratched his head and just laughed without speaking.

"Okay, you are speechless when it comes to this. If you have anything to explain, just go and explain it. I will prepare it! Also, whether it's OK or not, you should give Mira a response. Don't let the little girl wait for so long. And as a man, you can't let others confess first. That's all I have to say. Think about it for yourself."Polyusica pushed Raphael out of the door and closed the door directly.

Raphael touched his nose, turned around and walked towards the guild. As soon as he opened the door of the guild, he saw a large group of women chirping towards Mi raj asks questions

"Give way..."Raphael walked through the group of women with difficulty and came to Nazgrey. He was immediately stunned by their attire. They were all wrapped in bandages, like mummies.

"You guys... fell into a trap? I didn't see you guys in such a serious situation when I was fighting Spectre."

"Ah...that was caused by a pillow fight!"

Oh~ this is the plot. When I heard that they were doing this because of the pillow fight, I remembered that this should be the plot of Loki.

The group of women over there finally stopped and left, and Mirajane breathed a big sigh of relief. , Raphael walked to Mirajane's side and handed her a tissue in distress.

"Ah la la, Raphael, you're back~" Mirajane took Raphael's tissue and realized it was him. She was so happy that her eyes were filled with laughter.

"I came back to give instructions, but what happened just now?"

Raphael also smiled back at Mirajane, and then asked about the situation just now. Although he knew that it was Loki's plot, he couldn't remember the specific situation. Let's talk about gossip. It's human nature.

"They are all Loki's girlfriends.

They said they suddenly broke up one by one last night and came to ask about the situation today.

Mirajane sighed helplessly,"But it's true that we haven't seen him for a long time recently.

He came here hurriedly to pick up a mission the day before yesterday and left again.

He looks even weaker than last time.

You can't follow him.

" Same!

Mirajane squinted her eyes and stared at Raphael.

Raphael quickly waved his hands and promised that he would never do this.

"Lucy, where are you going? I'll follow you too!"

Hearing Habi's voice, Raphael and Mirajane turned their heads at the same time, only to see Habi flying away.

"What happened to Lucy? Never mind her. You just said you had something to ask for? What are you going to do?"Miraje tilted his head in confusion and turned to look at Raphael.

"Ah, nothing, just practicing with Grandma Polyusica. As for the instructions, I see that the president is not here, so I will tell you first. Remember to tell the president when the time comes!"

Raphael then remembered that he had something to do, and hurriedly gave instructions to Mirajane.

"It's nothing, just make sure to call me when Natsu and the others go to a resort hotel one day! I want to go too, with you!"

Raphael has changed a lot of the plot, and coupled with the butterfly effect, he is now very worried that something will happen to the Tower of Paradise.

Unfortunately, he only remembers that the key point in the beginning of the incident was when Natsu and the others went to the beach to play, and in the past few years He was also constantly looking for the location of the Tower of Paradise, but he didn't know why.

Maybe he really had world consciousness, but he couldn't find it anyway, so he could only sit and wait.

Now that he finally arrived, he originally wanted to speak directly to the person involved.

It's a spoiler.

Anyway, he can definitely say that he investigated it himself.

'Don't keep girls waiting too long! '

But seeing Mirajane's smile, Grandma Porlyusica's words kept echoing in his mind.

Raphael changed his words unexpectedly and invited Mira instead.

"Really! OK, OK! I will tell you when the time comes!"

Miraj blushed for a moment when she heard Raphael's words, but she was more happy. She felt that this piece of wood had finally come to her senses. Just in case he changed his mind again, she quickly agreed.

She looked so happy. Mirajane was jumping up and down, and Raphael couldn't help but smile.

He decided to confess his love during this beach vacation!


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